Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1563: eccentricity of saints


Duanmu Xiaohong is in charge of the major affairs of the academy, but he may not know everything. If the academy really contributed to Zhou Fan's debriefing in the mirror, it should have been done by the civil servant in charge of Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng could not have known it. .

Duanmu Xiaohong quickly called Chen Zheng back. In order to show the academy's attitude, he told Chen Zheng about it in front of Zhou Fan.

After Chen Zheng heard it, he was silent!

"Junior brother, is there anything I can't say?" Duanmu Xiaohong frowned, "I hope you can tell me the truth."

Zhou Fan also looked at Chen Zheng, his heart sank slightly, Chen Zheng's attitude explained a lot of things, if he didn't do it, why was he so hesitant?

Of course, Chen Zheng understood what kind of speculation his silence would lead to. He said, "Senior brother, I didn't mean to hide it from you, it was indeed the people on my side who did it."

"Why?" Duanmu Xiaohong was stunned for a moment. He couldn't believe it. Fifth Junior Brother actually did such a thing without telling him.

Zhou Fan was also looking at Chen Zheng, and he also wanted to know why, if it wasn't for the academy's help, and just relying on the aristocratic family, he might not have come to Jingdu to report his duties so quickly.

It is still too early for him to come to the camera this time, which is not a good thing.

"The teacher asked me to do it." Chen Zheng glanced at Zhou Fan, but he still said frankly, anyway, the teacher just told him not to tell the senior brother beforehand, and he didn't say that he couldn't say it now.

It's the saint of the academy... Zhou Fan is even more puzzled.

"It's the teacher!" Duanmu Xiaohong was also stunned, "Why did the teacher ask you to do this?"

Duanmu Xiaohong knew that Chen Zheng dared to hide it from him, but he never dared to lie to him about this kind of thing, which meant that the teacher really did it.

"I asked, but the teacher didn't say anything." Chen Zheng said helplessly.

"That's a little wrong, the teacher doesn't even know Zhou Fan's name." Duanmu Xiaohong suddenly said.

"Why doesn't the sage know my name?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise, didn't he say that he was chosen by the sage of the academy? How is it possible that you don't even know the name?

"Brother why did you say that? Of course the teacher knows Zhou Fan's name." Chen Zheng thought for a moment and replied: "The teacher said it very clearly at that time. He said that there were people in the family who wanted Daoist Hanbei to enter the mirror and report to the Holy Spirit."

"I said at the time, I wanted to stop them from doing this, but the teacher said not to, and asked me to help in the dark to facilitate this."

Duanmu Xiaohong had a blank look on her face. He quickly realized that he had been deceived by the teacher. The teacher said that he was in conflict with the chance of life and was doubtful, but how could he not even know his name?

So, the teacher has been paying attention to Zhou Fan's affairs all the time, as long as the teacher can't hold back and deduce it... Is it possible that the first chance that the teacher said are all lies?

No, the teacher will deceive him about other things. The chance of life cannot be fake. After all, it takes too much thought.

Then why did the teacher leave Jingdu?

Did he make Zhou Fan come to Jingdu just to deceive me and find an excuse to leave Jingdu?

Duanmu Xiaohong's head hurt. He couldn't understand what the teacher wanted to do.

Zhou Fan was even more confused about the situation. This was obviously done by the sage. He looked at Chen Zheng and asked, "Did the sage say, or do you know, who in the family wanted me to enter the mirror?"

"The teacher didn't say it. I checked it and couldn't find it out. I only know that someone handed a secret copy to the sage to let you enter the mirror." Chen Zheng said: "I also asked the officials of the academy to hand over almost the same amount. ensemble."

"The ensemble does not need to be discussed at court. As long as the chief administrator of the Mirror Palace sees it and agrees, it can be presented to the sage. So only the sage and the chief administrator know who sent the ensemble."

"Do you know who the chief executive is?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's useless to know." Chen Zheng shook his head and said: "There are many greedy people among the eighteen chief executives of Jinggong. As long as they are willing to pay and the secret notes are reasonable, they are still willing to help, but I want them to Saying who handed the ensemble is a violation of the rules of the palace, and they can't say it."

"Then how did you know the content of the ensemble?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"When the secret performance is presented to the sage, if the sage doesn't want to read it, he will let the little **** in the palace read it, and then the news will leak out." Chen Zheng smiled: "There is no airtight wall in the world, even the mirror palace is the same. Of course, the premise is that the sage does not care, otherwise it will not be so easy to know."

"Junior brother, please go out first." Duanmu Xiaohong stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows.

"Yes." Chen Zheng replied, he didn't have any dissatisfaction in his heart. There were some things he couldn't know. It wasn't that the senior brother had the intention to hide it from him, but the teacher specially explained it, just like what the teacher told him to do before.

There won't be any gaps between their brothers and sisters because of these things.

After Chen Zheng left for the second time, Duanmu Xiaohong bowed to Zhou Fan and apologized, "I'm sorry."

"Mr. Da, you didn't do this." Zhou Fan couldn't get angry when faced with people like Mr. Da.

"I didn't do it, but the teacher did it. I'm apologizing for the teacher." Duanmu Xiaohong said, "Zhou Fan, do you still believe me?"

"I believe." Zhou Fan nodded. In fact, he also understood that if Mr. Da knew that the sage of the academy would do he would definitely not agree. Even if he agreed, he would tell him that the academy wanted him to come. Instead of using this method behind the scenes.

"I don't understand why the teacher did this, but I believe that, as a teacher, he usually makes a fool of himself, but it won't hurt you." Duanmu Xiaohong said with a serious face: "If you think the mirror is not safe , I will enter the palace now, trying to find a reason to let the sage agree with you to return to Hanbei Road."

"Mr. Da, don't do this, I just came out of the palace." Zhou Fan hurriedly shook his head and said, the risk is too great, he would rather stay in Jingdu temporarily than take such a risk.

"That's right, this is indeed a bit reckless." Duanmu Xiaohong sighed: "I must find an explanation for you from the teacher, but the teacher has traveled all over the world, and I can't contact him now."

"Mr. Da, why did you just say that the sage doesn't know my name?" Zhou Fan said again that Duanmu Xiaohong didn't answer his question.

"That's just what I thought." Duanmu Xiaohong said helplessly: "I was lied to by the teacher. There are some things I didn't want to tell you, so as not to put pressure on you, but in order to avoid misunderstanding again, I still tell you."

"The questions in the big exam were created by the teacher through deduction, which is why it is so weird. The purpose I said before is to choose you."

"Teacher is good at divination and studies the destiny, he calculated the time of the catastrophe..."

In Duanmu Xiaohong's narration, Zhou Fan's face became strange. Is he the chance of life when the catastrophe comes?

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