Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1575: too talented

"Of course, if the physical body and soul sea is not good, it also limits the number of spiritual thoughts that can be accommodated, but your foundation will not have this problem." The little boy said: "The spiritual training method of ordinary monks is only three hundred thoughts, which is amazing. Some spiritual thoughts exercises are a thousand thoughts."

"The top spiritual mind exercises can reach 10,000 thoughts, and after 10,000 thoughts..."

The little boy paused for a moment and said proudly: "Thousands of thoughts are already the limit, and there is no way out, but I created a spiritual training method that can reach 15,000 thoughts."

"Just 5,000 more recitations than the top exercises are enough to make this exercise stand out from the crowd."

"You created your own exercises?" Zhou Fan's face showed surprise.

A trace of nostalgia appeared on the little boy's face, "This was a long time ago. I was only a prince at that time. After cultivating to the realm of spiritual thoughts, I wanted to try to challenge it to see if I could create a door that surpasses all thoughts. Spiritual Mind Realm Cultivation Technique."

"With my money, it took ten years to complete this exercise."

It takes ten years to complete the Myriad Senses and Spiritual Minds cultivation technique that has been considered to be the limit... Zhou Fan twitched, the talent of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms seems to be really high.

"Unfortunately, 15,000 thoughts are probably already the limit, and it will be difficult to make progress any longer." The little boy said with some regret: "There is not much room for further thoughts. I thought I could reach 100,000 thoughts."

One hundred thousand thoughts... Zhou Fan said: "Isn't that ten times more than before? It's too exaggerated."

"Yes, it is also the experience of creating the exercises that tells me a truth." The little boy said: "Even if my talent and aptitude are unparalleled in the world, don't underestimate those seniors, if the king can create "Chaos Old Magic Art", I may not be able to do it."

Are you saying this with humility or pride... Zhou Fan said with a dry smile, "How many grey worms are willing to sell this practice?"

It is impossible for the little boy to give it for free, so Zhou Fan simply asked the price directly.

"It's like this kind of exercise. I've never been willing to pass it on easily, but you are someone who is valued by ships. At present, the foundation is not bad. I'll sell you two million gray worms." The little boy said lightly.

Why do I think you are a third-rate salesman selling your products to me... Zhou Fan thought about it seriously, the second order of the previous "Chaos Old Magic Art" was two million big gray worms, this spiritual realm The practice method was created by the Emperor of All Nations, but this is the top spiritual mind practice method, and the price is the same as the "Old Chaos Magic Art". This price cannot be said to be expensive in any case.

"Has anyone practiced this practice before?" Zhou Fan asked worriedly. The Emperor of All Nations spent ten years creating such a practice, but the Emperor of All Nations might not be willing to wait ten years before entering the Spiritual Mind Realm.

"No one has practiced before, but you can rest assured that with my current state, how can I make it defective?" The little boy said lightly.

"Then I want it." Zhou Fan said without hesitation.

"The right choice." The little boy praised and summoned Zhou Fan's glass ball, deducting 2 million big gray worms.

Zhou Fan felt a little distressed. At this point, only a few hundred thousand of the 10,000,000 giant gray worms he got from killing the Lord of Cloud Yan were left, and the bottom was almost reached.

After the little boy took away the big gray worm, a wisp of gray mist floated in front of him, transforming into a sapphire slip.

The green jade slip floated along with Zhou Fan. He reached out and grabbed the green jade slip. Of course, he was no stranger to the jade slip. He just put the jade slip on his eyebrows and began to read its contents.

"The No. 1 Spiritual Mind Exercise in the World?" Zhou Fan was just about to check it out, and when he saw the name of the exercise, he almost laughed out loud.

This naming style is very similar to rouge.

"It was originally the No. 1 Spiritual Mind Realm cultivation technique, so it should be called such a name." The little boy said of course.

Zhou Fan sometimes had to admire the emperor of all kingdoms, and it seemed natural to say anything.

"You are a small step away from becoming my qualified subordinate, keep working hard, maybe one day you will succeed." The little boy thought about it, and it was rare to use words to reward Zhou Fan.

"You have to remember that once you become my subordinate, you must have the courage to fight against the enemies of the world and protect the glory of the emperor."

"..." Zhou Fan couldn't help but said, "Actually, I want to be your companion even more."

The little boy was not angry, and said lightly: "Although you and I are on the same road, the ones who are on the same road are not necessarily companions, they may be travelers. The lonely emperor does not need companions, only loyal subordinates."

"I will not force you. When you are qualified to be my subordinate one day, you will be willing to crawl at my feet and shout long live my emperor."

Zhou Fan felt a bit sour and said, "Why are you so sure?"

"Because the world revolves around me, you will naturally be willing to be my subordinate." The little boy said, "No doubt, my past experience has proved that what I said is right."

"What kind of experience?" Zhou Fan restrained his teeth and asked curiously.

"There are countless such experiences." The little boy said calmly: "When I was born, because of my high talent, my father was designated as the sole heir of the emperor of all nations."

"When I was three years old, at the realm of strength and cultivation, I defeated my brothers under the age of 100. At the age of thirteen, apart from my father, I have no rivals in the royal family."

"At the age of fourteen, my father left, and I took the throne and became the emperor of all nations. At that time, because of the sudden departure of my father, many forces in the nations who had long been opposed to them tried to break up the nations, and the flames spread everywhere."

"I used a year to pacify the No one in the world dares to disobey."

"In my world, there are no three words impossible!"

Zhou Fan was silent, if this is the case, then the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms is really terrifyingly powerful.

"I believe you understand." The little boy said, "The only thing I can consider as a companion is the ship at present. Even if you are in line with the development of me and the ship in the future, you are my subordinate at best."

"The great heaven and earth of all nations, in fact, I have always had a puzzle in my heart." Zhou Fan and the little boy were on the same boat for a long time, and he knew that as long as he didn't say anything to offend the little boy, the little boy would not care about him.

"But I'm afraid that this will offend you a bit, so before I say it, please forgive me." Zhou Fan added another sentence.

"Let's hear it?" The little boy looked at Zhou Fan and said.

"Why do you look like a child?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

The height of the little boy is definitely the shortest among so many guides he has ever seen. Even if Zhou Xiaomao is taller than him, Zhou Xiaomao wants to maintain that appearance, but logically speaking, as the majestic emperor of all nations, The appearance of this child may not be conducive to his rule, so why not just change his appearance?

The little boy was silent for a while and said, "I look like I am. I don't want to use illusions to cover up. As for the appearance of a child, that's because my talent is too high."

The talent is too high, so it is short?

Zhou Fan: "???"

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