Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1592: The realm of the emperor

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The Emperor Wei on the throne, no one could see his expression, he spoke quickly.

"Most of the family members here don't know, why do I agree to the envoys sent by Liang and Yue to discuss cooperation?"

Zhou Fan listened carefully, he really didn't know this.

"That's because Liang and Yue said that if the Great Wei does not agree to cooperate, they will join forces to fight with the Great Wei before the catastrophe comes." The Emperor of Great Wei said the reason.

"Sir, our Great Wei doesn't want to fight, but we're never afraid of it." Chen Zheng said with a sullen face, "We don't need to consider this issue at all. If we really want to fight, we will send troops to destroy them before the catastrophe. "

No one objected to what Chen Zheng said. With the national strength of Great Wei, it was indeed possible to do such a thing.

"Of course we Great Wei will not be afraid of such a threat." The Great Wei Tianzi said lightly, "But if Chen Qing's family really goes to war, we want to win the war against Liang Yue and destroy Liang Yue, and we Great Wei cannot do it either. avoid loss.”

"At the juncture of the catastrophe, it is not a good thing for us, Wei, to fight a war with the two countries."

Zhou Fan and the others were silent for a while, Da Wei is indeed stronger than Liang Yue combined, and he will definitely win the fight, but after winning, even if he wants to draw blood from Liang Yue to make up for Da Wei's loss, it is not a short time. arrived.

And if the catastrophe comes too soon, such a war is of course not worthwhile. If it is not necessary, it really shouldn't be fought.

"In the last catastrophe, the former dynasties of Liang and Yue also asked Dawei for a place to enter the palace. At that time, Dawei did not give it. Later, before the catastrophe, the three kingdoms fought in a melee. Dawei won, but he paid for it. The price is not small, and when the catastrophe comes, more people who should not die have died.”

The Great Wei Tianzi talked about the history that some people don't know, "So I mean that if you don't fight, you can't fight, and their requirements are not too much. If you exchange 200,000 yuan for 2,000 guiying, you won't lose anything."

There was silence in the hall for a while, and they realized that it turned out that the emperor of Wei had already had the intention of cooperating.

Maybe the Emperor Wei didn't want them to participate in this negotiation at first, he just didn't want to disturb this peace negotiation.

"The Holy One is benevolent." Duanmu Xiaohong said, which is exactly in line with the idea of ​​the academy.

"What the sage said really broke the fog in the heart of the minister, and the minister also agrees to cooperate..." Dongmen flute quickly followed.

Sansan's face was ashen, but they didn't speak out any more objections.

The Three Phases did not object, and Huixu, the national teacher of the Great Buddha Temple, did not object either.

So things are settled.

Song Xiuxue, a scholar of Dongyue, and Luo Zhengtian, a general of Xiliang, soon returned to the Ziyuan Hall.

The middle minister, Wang Daozi, said, "Scholar Song and General Luo, we have negotiated that it is not impossible to exchange the quota, but we need 2,500 guiying."

This Guiying exchange quota, of course, can't let them say as much as they want, but to squeeze more resources out. Wang Daozi's words were allowed by the emperor of Wei before the envoys of the two countries came in.

"It's impossible." Song Xiuxue immediately said loudly, "Two thousand guiying is already the limit we can come up with..."

The two sides bargained, and the Emperor Wei just sat on the throne and watched.

After intense bargaining, in the end Song Xiuxue and Luo Zhengtian took a step back and were willing to give 2,250 guiying, no more.

This result is already very good. There are not many aristocratic families in a county that can own Guiying. It seems that among the aristocratic families in Gaoxiang County, only Zhang Li's family owns Guiying.

Everyone also vaguely understood that this is probably the limit that Liang and Yue can give.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?" Right Prime Minister Xiao asked the Emperor Wei when he met Liang and Yue and refused to give in any more.

The Great Wei Emperor said high-sounding words and agreed.

Song Xiuxue and Luo Zhengtian quickly saluted and thanked them.

In this way, the general intention is settled, and then the details are finalized, which takes time to ponder slowly, and cannot be determined in an hour and a half.

"When the details of the cooperation are confirmed, I have to trouble the sage to make an oath. As long as the sage makes an oath, Liang and Yue will immediately send 2,250 Guiying to the Great Wei." Luo Zhengtian smiled.

Zhou Fan was not surprised by this. Of course, with such a big cooperation, Liang and Yue would not believe in Da Wei, and would require the emperor of Wei to make an oath, otherwise if he gave 2,250 Guiying to Da Wei, Da Wei would What should Wei do again?

The Emperor Wei's willingness to make an oath is the basis for the cooperation between the two parties.

"There is no problem with this." The voice of the Great Wei Emperor came down from the throne. "We will show enough sincerity, but there is something I still want to tell you. I have not entered the Taoist realm, so I can only make a ghost oath."

Ghost oath?

Zhou Fan's face was stunned. Isn't the emperor of Wei a monk? how can that be? Then who is in control of such a treasure as the Babel? A warrior can mobilize such a treasure?

"The saint is joking, how could you not have entered the Taoist realm?" Luo Zhengtian was stunned for a moment.

Song Xiuxue, a scholar of Dongyue University, also had doubts on his face. To say who was the strongest, Xiliang and Dongyue always believed that it was the Great Wei Emperor who mastered the Tongtian Mirror. No one in Liang and Yue could figure out the realm of the Great Wei Emperor. , but they think that even if it is not as good as the sage of the academy and the old head of the Great Buddha Temple, it is not much worse.

As a result, Emperor Wei said that he did not enter the Dao realm?

"Two, this is the truth." Duanmu Xiaohong said, "The Sage will not lie to deceive you, and the Sage will have no hope in his life. If you don't believe it, I can make an oath to prove that the Sage did not lie, so as to win the trust of both of you."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, he felt that Mr. Da's move was too If Da Wei Tianzi was pretending to be in the realm, then Mr. Da would be attacked by Taoism in the future.

"Okay, if Mr. Da can swear, then Da Shi and I will naturally believe it." Luo Zhengtian said without hesitation.

A great scholar of the academy is more valuable than the two thousand two hundred and fifty Guiying of Liang and Yue, because this is the future saint of the academy.

Emperor Wei, who was sitting on the dark throne, didn't say a word, and acquiesced to this guarantee.

In front of everyone, Duanmu Xiaohong made a Dao oath to ensure that the Great Wei Emperor could not enter the Dao realm.

Zhou Fan was terrified when he saw it. If he were replaced, he would not dare to make such a guarantee for the Emperor Wei, because the Emperor Wei was too mysterious. Who knows if he has been pretending?

"With Mr. Da as a guarantee, we have no problem." Song Xiuxue said with a smile.

In this way, the matter was almost discussed, and the emperor of Wei let the envoys of Liang and Yue stay in the palace. When a specific cooperation agreement was negotiated, the three parties confirmed that there was no problem. After the emperor of Wei made a ghost oath, the cooperation Even if it's really done.

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