Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1595: Air Vein Chakra

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The wooden boats on the Grey River are as immutable as ever.

The three little white brothers on the boat are practicing seriously.

Zhou Fan looked at the little boy on the throne, he thought for a moment and said: "The great heaven and earth of all nations, the Tongtian Mirror I mentioned to you last time, its controller is only a warrior who can't step into the realm of Tao, Is this possible?"

The little boy looked surprised, "Are you serious? That Tongtian mirror is the top treasure, how could its controller be a warrior..."

"Is it really impossible?" Zhou Fan's eyes flickered, if so, is there someone else who controls the Tongtian Mirror? But how is this possible? How could such a treasure be handed over to an outsider with confidence?

Unless the outsider makes an oath, he will never betray the Great Wei Royal Family or the Great Wei Emperor, but even so, the oath must be well designed.

The point is that if there is such a person, the family, the academy, and the Great Buddha Temple know nothing about it?

The little boy snorted lightly, and he changed his tune again: "It's not impossible..."

"How can it be done?" Zhou Fan asked.

"For a martial artist to control such a top treasure and use most of its power, the conditions are very harsh and it is almost impossible to achieve." The little boy raised three fingers and said, "This must meet three conditions."

"The first condition is that this Heavenly Mirror is originally the magic weapon of this martial artist's relatives or ancestors."

"Once it is a natal magic weapon, it is originally linked to the life of its ancestors. This bloodline is passed on to the descendants, so that the descendants have a certain connection with this natal magic weapon."

"The second condition is that the owner of the natal magic treasure gives up his own life. If the natal magic treasure breeds spirits, he must also kill it. In order to avoid future troubles, giving up his life is to make the natal magic weapon an ownerless thing."

"The third condition is to use one's own soul to infuse the natal magic weapon, so that the natal magic weapon belongs to one's descendants, so that even if the descendants are only mortals, they can use the ancestor's natal magic weapon. This kind of perfusion can only last one generation."

"If you want to continue it, the previous master also needs to infuse the magic weapon with his own soul, so that it can be passed on from generation to generation. If it is broken for one generation, it seems that this magic weapon family can no longer be motivated."

Zhou Fan asked curiously, "It doesn't seem to be difficult?"

The little boy chuckled and said, "It's far more difficult than you think. A cultivator who can possess a magical treasure like the Tongtian Mirror, what do you think of his cultivation realm?"

"Very high." Zhou Fan said.

"It will only be taller than me." The little boy said with a serious face: "My life and magic weapon is not as good as his, and his strength is probably equivalent to that of my father. Such a realm is definitely legendary among monks. exist."

"If he wants to protect his clan, why use such a method?"

"Is that why he has fallen?" Zhou Fan asked with a slightly changed expression.

"Yeah, no matter how you think about it, the only possibility is to fall." The little boy felt a little regretful, "I have never heard of such a character in my memory, but such a character does not fall so easily, not to say that he will not fall. , if it falls, how can its descendants have such a top treasure?"

"Even if the opponent who kills him doesn't kill all his descendants, he will take away such a top treasure."

Zhou Fan understood that if such a person really existed and he died, if he wanted to use this method to leave his natal magic weapon to his descendants, the descendants would definitely not be able to keep it.

"Even if his opponent doesn't take away such a top treasure, what about other powerful monks?" The little boy frowned slightly, "It would be unbelievable for such a country to have such a treasure openly, if the master is just a warrior. …”

"It seems that you live in a very strange country, and you'd better stay away from the strange clan who have mastered the Sunglasses."

"I still have a lot of information about that clan here." Zhou Fan said: "That clan is very long-lived. The short-lived people are 152 years old, and the long-lived people are 300 years old, but the strange thing is their longevity. The upper limit of 300 years old cannot be exceeded, and no one in this family can enter the Dao Realm."

"Also, this is a deceitful family, and they have the deceitful talent called 'Big Sun Burning Flame Body'..."

"Big Sun Burning Flame Body?" The little boy raised his eyebrows slightly, "I have never heard of this kind of deceitful talent, tell me its characteristics."

Zhou Fan described it in detail.

"Hundreds of poisons do not invade, all diseases do not arise, and there is no fear of any curse..." The little boy was silent, showing a thoughtful look, "It sounds like the Holy Spirit Fire derived from the air ray flame wheel."

"What is the empty flame chakra?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Empty vein flame chakra is a strange thing that lives in the void. Its level has always been controversial. It looks like the center of the scorching sun has been hollowed out. It is composed of countless flame chakras. If you encounter it in the void, one will deal with it. If it is not good, it will be burned to death.”

"Only the mind can survive the flames, otherwise you may see it the first time, and the body will burn." The little boy said: "Its strength is terrifying, but when it leaves, it will occasionally leave behind blobs of Holy Spirit fire. , those Holy Spirit fires can dispel the virus curse and other things."

"But I've never heard of anyone who acquired the talent of deceitful people from the air vein flame wheel..." The little boy frowned: "But it's not surprising that I haven't heard of it, because the world is too vast."

"Could it be that this deceitful talent caused their family to live a long life and not be able to enter the Dao Realm?" Zhou Fan asked the little boy the question he had asked Mr.

"Longevity may be affected by the talent of the deceitful After all, the longevity of the deceitful person has happened." The little boy said: "It's just that I'm not sure that his lifespan cannot increase. Is it the influence of deceitful talent?"

"As for not being able to enter the Dao Realm..." The little boy looked puzzled, "This is even more strange, the deceitful talent should not affect whether or not to enter the Dao Realm, this has never happened before, this should be related to the fact that the deceitful talent has no relation."

"What's the reason for that?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I don't know." The little boy said with a serious face: "The information you gave is too little for me to make an accurate judgment."

"They have top-level treasures, but it is the martial artist who masters this treasure. They have long lifespans but cannot enter the Taoist realm. I have never seen such a special family."

Zhou Fan's expression became a little subtle. As the emperor of all countries, the little boy was the emperor of all countries, and he ruled countless families of all countries. His knowledge was far beyond ordinary people. Weird.

"There is another possibility..." The little boy suddenly said again: "If the Tongtian Mirror is a very powerful slander, all this may make sense."

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