Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1608: out of town

As soon as Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts came into contact with Mu Qiujian's spiritual thoughts, it was as if he was bitten by a snake, and he quickly retracted it.

His face changed slightly, and without hesitation, he teleported backwards and flew back, but with such a contact, he knew that the other party was coming at him.

He also saw that Mu Qiujian was very strong, and he had never seen such a strong monk in Dawei.

"Spiritual Mind Realm?" Mu Qiujian sneered: "You are that Zhou Fan, where do you go?"

He pointed at the same time, and the six flying swords flew out, and they joined together at the same time.


A huge silver sword traversed countless houses and arrived in front of Zhou Fan in an instant.

Sword intent is raging!

Zhou Fan's whole body was splattered with blood, and blood flowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

This sword alone seriously injured him!

A huge sword mark was left in Fang City.

While Zhou Fan's injury is healing rapidly, his speed is even faster.

He hurriedly tried to call the Emperor of All Nations in his heart, but the Emperor of All Nations did not respond...

"..." Zhou Fan cursed in foul language, and hurriedly teleported back and fled.

But the Emperor of All Nations once said that he would not help him unless it was very dangerous. He didn't expect the Emperor of All Nations to really ignore him. Isn't that dangerous?

But it was useless to say anything now, he could only run away.

Mu Qiujian let out a sigh, he didn't expect that Zhou Fan would still be able to continue to escape if he didn't die this time.

"I want to see how many swords you can take from me?" Mu Qiujian's face turned cold.

He disappeared on the spot, chasing in the direction of Zhou Fan.

"What a terrifying sword!" Zou showed deep fear, if the sword was aimed at him just now, he would definitely be dead.

"Zhou Fan will be fine, right?" He was a little worried, but he couldn't help in the past, so he could only rely on Zhou Fan himself.

"Little wrinkle, the opportunity has come." Ao Gonggong showed a happy expression.

As the cultivator left, there really was a change in front of the palace gate. After the princes reacted, they were unwilling to leave, and instead launched a full blow.

The palace gate was blasted, and the princes rushed into the mirror palace with their men.

The happy look on Eunuch Ao's face quickly subsided, and his face was solemn and wrinkled deep, "Xiao Wou, it is very dangerous in the palace now, you stay here and wait for me."

"Sir, don't want to say this." Zou said deeply: "From the moment you took me out of the village, my life is yours."

"Little wrinkle." Ao Gongyi quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeves, "Then let's go."

Grandpa Ao and Wrinkle ran towards the palace gate, and a group of people rushed out of the mirror palace.

Wrinkle Shenshen quickly drew his sword and took Eunuch Ao back to the side.

The group of people was surrounded by Li Xuanyue, and they only found the opportunity to escape now.

Li Xuanyue glanced at Wrinkle Shenshen and said to Ao Gong: "It's very dangerous inside, don't go in."

"Little wrinkle, ignore him, let's go." Eunuch Ao still managed so much at this time, even if it was a Longtan Tiger Den, he would have to go inside.

Certainly not listening to a stranger.

Wrinkle Shenshen followed Eunuch Ao and ran into the mirror palace. He vaguely felt that Li Xuanyue was a little familiar, but he soon stopped thinking about it. Now he wants to protect the adults.

Li Xuanyue saw that Eunuch Ao and Wu Shenshen didn't listen to him, he just frowned and rushed out with his own people. After he saw that he could contact the outside world, he picked up the sound transmission jade, but the sound transmission jade was over there. No news.

"Where is he?" Li Xuanyue sighed, now that the mirrors are all messed up, he can't care so much, so he can only put away the sound transmission jade.

Fortunately, he has confidence in his strength.

"Your Highness, where are we going?" someone asked aloud.

"Let's leave Jingdu first." Li Xuanyue thought for a while and said.



Zhou Fan's speed was extreme, but the speed of Mu Qiujian behind him was also not slow, especially his six flying swords, which could shuttle out of space and directly in front of him.

There were countless sword marks on his body.

This flying sword not only contains powerful true essence, but also carries sword intent, which makes the healing of the wounds of his underworld anti-wheel body a little slow.

Of course, if he was given a chance to rest, these injuries would be nothing.

But those six flying swords were haunted, trying to kill Zhou Fan again and again.

Nothing can stop these six flying swords, and it has the aura of God blocking and killing God, and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha.

This is a complete sword repair.

Wherever Feijian passed, people and houses collapsed one after another, and the sword intent filled the air.

Zhou Fan has already arrived at the nearest city gate.

The gates of the city were already wide open, and some people fled the city to seek refuge.

Zhou Fan just shook his body and rushed out of Jingdu.

Mu Qiujian followed behind Zhou Fan in a hurry. As soon as he took a step, he took a few dozen feet and also left Jingdu, using a speed-type technique.

"What a strong self-healing ability." Mu Qiujian thought calmly, this person is extraordinary, and if an ordinary cultivator of spirituality, he would definitely not be able to catch his sword.

But that's all, he didn't believe how far Zhou Fan could escape.

It was pitch black outside Jingdu. Mu Qiujian had been chasing in one direction, but his flying sword would not be lost.

It just didn't take long for him to frown slightly and stop, the six silver flying swords flew back, and the flying swords radiated bright light, illuminating the area.

His spiritual thoughts unfolded, but still nothing was found.

He snorted coldly and formed a mysterious mark on his hands.

Each of the six flying swords emitted a ray of light, forming a silver rune.

The silver rune landed in his palm, he looked towards the southwest, and became silent. After a little delay, the other party had already fled, unless he was ruthless, but it would take too much time. .

He glanced at the glasses, but still walked to the mirror, letting that Zhou Fan escape, he had more important things to do.

In the southwest of Jingdu, Zhou Fan ran wild for a while before he stopped. The sword marks all over his body had disappeared, but he was exhausted. The strength of the sword cultivator was too strong. He estimated that the academy saint was about the same s level.

Such a strength gap is too great. Even if he calls out the emperor of all kingdoms, he probably won't be able to win, so he just turned into a chaotic old demon body, hid in the old days, and avoided the opponent's tracking. Just dumped him.

"Where exactly did this person come from?" Zhou Fan was slightly He suspected that he was from the three families of Xiao Yewang, otherwise he would not be chasing him.

But the three families of Xiao Yewang hide such powerful masters?

While Zhou Fan's mind was spinning quickly, he took out the sound transmission jade, first contacted his three sons, and asked them to leave Jingdu with their little sister quickly, and tell him if something happened.

At this time, Xiao Yewang's three families should not have the intention to notice the three brothers and sisters of Xiaobai, and they should leave while the chaos. If the chaos is calmed down, it will be difficult to leave.

Then he sent another message to Mr. Da and to the academy, telling them that there was something about Jian Xiu.

After doing this, one of Zhou Fan's sound transmission jade talismans flew up, and he was stunned. It was the sound transmission jade talisman used by Li Jiuyue to contact him.

He quickly activated the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Brother Zhou, where are you in Jingdu now?" Li Jiuyue asked anxiously.

"I'm not in Jingdu anymore, did you know there's turmoil in Jingdu?" Zhou Fan asked.

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