Chen Zheng opened his mouth and said, "Sir, there are San San, Chief Secretary... and I, Chen Zheng. Besides, there are civil servants, family leaders, and battalion leaders of patrol battalions waiting outside the house. "

"Then everyone who should come has come." The voice of Emperor Wei came from the sound transmission jade talisman, "What are you gathering for?"

"Sacred Lord, Sanxian hopes to negotiate with us and reach a consensus." Duanmu Xiaohong said.

"Mr. Da, who are we you are talking about?" Dawei Tianzi asked. In fact, Duanmu Xiaohong is his senior brother, but he is the emperor, so Duanmu Xiaohong is generally called Mr. Da.

"I said that we have the Academy, the General Office of Yiluan, the Little Buddha Temple, and some patrol camps." Chen Zheng said: "On the other side are the three-headed family, the Wild Fox Sect, the Great Buddha Temple and other forces."

"Then how did you guys talk?" The Emperor Wei asked calmly.

Duanmu Xiaohong glanced at Sansan, who had not said a word: "Returning to the sage, we have a big disagreement. The premise of insisting on peace talks on the sanctuary is that the sage abdicates and establishes a new monarch..."

"Then what about you? Do you agree?" Dawei Tianzi interrupted.

"We didn't agree." Duanmu Xiaohong said solemnly.

"Then what are you looking for me for?" Emperor Wei asked.

"We can't talk anymore, so I want to hear the sage's opinion." Wang Daozi said respectfully: "Mr. Da said that if the sage does not agree to abdicate, then no one can force the sage to abdicate, and we agree with this statement."

"You are all my subjects. I want to hear your analysis first. If I don't abdicate, what will happen to things?" Emperor Wei said slowly.

"If the sage does not abdicate, it will be useless even if the parties reach a consensus, then the mirror will be in chaos, the Great Wei will fall apart, and wars will spread everywhere." Ye Gaoshan said: "I hope that the sage will take the initiative for the sake of the world. If you abdicate, all the people in the world will recite the goodness of the Holy One."

In fact, in the face of the Sage's willingness to abdicate in his heart, he still has a certain degree of certainty, because this is the world of the Li royal family. Is the Sage willing to watch the ancestral legacy be destroyed like this?

"Mr. Da and Chen Qing's family, will this situation become like this?" Da Wei Tianzi asked.

Chen Zheng looked at his senior brother, Duanmu Xiaohong was silent for a while and said, "It may evolve into this."

"Then do you want me to abdicate?" Emperor Wei asked again.

"I don't want the saint to abdicate." Duanmu Xiaohong sighed: "But in the face of such a situation, we have no way to solve it, but the only one who can make a decision is the saint."

"If I don't abdicate, the world will be in chaos, and the Great Wei will not know how many people will die." The Emperor of Great Wei said: "It sounds like I will become a sinner in the world."

"And so many people want me to retire, the Great Buddha Temple wants me to retire, the family wants me to retire, and even Lin Sheng wants me to retire... It seems that I almost lost all my supporters."

"Being the emperor has failed like me, and it is the first in Dawei."

Everyone was silent.

"But you all forgot one thing!" Da Wei Tianzi's voice became louder: "I am the emperor, I can retire if I want to, and no one can let me retire if I don't want to retire!"

"Is it my fault for today's situation? It's caused by you people with bad intentions. It's not my fault. Even if the world is in chaos, no matter how many people die, it has nothing to do with me!"

"If I retire, the people of the world will of course think of me, but I don't want to retire, so I won't retire!"

The room suddenly fell silent. If the emperor insisted on not retreating, the situation would get worse.

"Wang Daozi, Xiao Hui, Ye Gaoshan, and all the rebels in the Great Buddha Temple, you must bear the inescapable responsibility for this matter." The emperor of Wei said coldly: "With the chaos, more ordinary people will die. But when the catastrophe comes..."

"The Tongtian Mirror can't be used. Even if you people hide in the Mirror Palace, it's useless. Then wait to die together!"

Ye Gaoshan coughed violently, "You really are crazy, don't you even care about the Li royal family?"

"I can't even help myself, and no one can take care of me." Dawei Tianzi said, "Besides, who else thinks about me?"

"From the moment the palace changed last night, when you didn't kill me, you lost, and you were so stupid that you wanted to force me to abdicate?" The Great Wei Tianzi said coldly, "It's okay if you think I'm crazy or not. The only solution now is to lift the ban on the Babel Mirror for me."

"It's impossible." Xiao Hui said with a cold face: "As long as you don't abdicate and pass it on to the new emperor, Tongtian Mirror will not lift the ban for a day."

The abdication was passed on to the new king, and another meaning was that the new king must also take over the sky mirror.

If the ban on the Tongtian Mirror is really lifted and the Great Wei Emperor recovers, the consequences will be terrifying.

"If you don't lift the ban, then everyone will die together." Dawei Tianzi said: "I see how long you can hold on?"

No one could hear the decisiveness in the words of Emperor Wei, but everyone was frightened. They saw more of Emperor Wei's lenient side. Even if they occasionally acted so that they couldn't understand, the Emperor Wei would still be terrified. He has always been generous, but this palace change has greatly changed the temperament of Emperor Wei.

"It's better to take a step back alone." Chen Zheng said hurriedly.

The Academy does not want the world to be in chaos.

"How to retreat?" asked the head of the Great Buddha Temple.

The first Dafo Temple asked this question, which was equivalent to letting go and made the three three feel heavy, but they also understood that the first Dafo Temple was afraid of chaos in the world. At that time, the Dafo Temple not only suffered a lot of murders, but also ruined its reputation.

Just because Sansan has cooperated with the Great Buddha Temple does not mean that they can stop the first of the Great Buddha Temple from speaking.

"Sir, why don't you promise that you will only punish the rebels, and then let the past pass by after the punishment." Chen Zheng suggested.

The three faces are uncertain They insist on the abdication of the sage, but the sage is firm, I am afraid they will lose the support of the Great Buddha Temple and some forces.

"Yes." Dawei Tianzi said: "Wang Daozi, Xiao Hui, Ye Gaoshan, and the first four people of the Great Buddha Temple must die, and all the three family members of Xiao Yewang are demoted to pariahs and cannot be reused for life, and the Great Buddha Temple is no longer the state religion... …”

Emperor Wei didn't mention the academy sage, because the academy sage didn't do anything, he was too arrogant, so he didn't notice the rebellion of these people, and he couldn't blame the academy sage on his head.

Everyone was stunned by the conditions put forward by the Great Wei Emperor. How could the three families of Xiao Yewang and the Great Buddha Temple agree to such conditions?

"Your Highness..." Chen Zheng sweated on his forehead.

"This is my last bottom line." Emperor Wei said decisively: "It's their business to answer or not!"

"Sir, you know that we won't agree to such a condition, so why bother to mention it?" Xiao Hui said coldly.

The three families of King Xiao Ye would rather die than agree. If they agree, what is the difference between asking for their own demise?

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