Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1620: No head in the world

Not long after Eunuch Ao sat quietly, Wrinkle Shenshen appeared beside him.

Outside the eaves, the sky is clear.

"At that time, I was just a little **** in the palace. I was often bullied because I was stupid and stupid. Later, I met a godfather who had just fallen down."

"Godfather wasn't so miserable back then. It was just because he offended those people that he often couldn't eat. I saw that he was a pitiful old man, so I gave him my meal."

"Just like that, the desolate godfather said that he wanted to accept me as his adopted son. As for me, I didn't think too much about it, so I recognized the godfather."

"Later, my godfather was hired, and I didn't dislike my martial arts. He was stupid, and he took me with him..."

"Little wrinkle." Ao Gonggong smiled and said: "If I had such a stupid adopted son, I would have kicked it away long ago, and my godfather would have lost his mind, thinking that I was kind to him, and regarded me as his own. ."

He always knew what kind of person he was in his heart, but he didn't say it.

"Sir." Zou said deeply: "Eunuch Long is not a dead brain, but a kindness and righteousness. In the eyes of outsiders, it may just be a bowl of rice."

"Some people were dying of starvation back then. A steamed bun saved his life. He thinks that I will pay you 100 steamed buns."

"But some people don't think that way. It's not just about a bowl of rice. In Eunuch Long's view, it's a life-saving grace."

Just like when you stretched out your hand to take me out of the village...Wow Shen Shen silently added a sentence in his heart.

"What I gave my godfather was just a meal." Eunuch Ao lowered his head, "but I owe my godfather so much, how should I pay it back?"

"Sir." Zou said solemnly, "I am willing to do my best to pay it back. From today onwards, I will be the sword of revenge in the hands of your lord, and I will only be able to scabbard if I kill all my enemies."

He made a second ambition.



A group of people came out of the teleportation formation.

The four of them turned their heads to look back in the direction of the mirror capital, with complicated expressions on their faces.

These four are the general Luo Zhengtian of Xiliang and the third in the world, the mad blood sect master, Song Xiuxue, a scholar of Dongyue, and Yinquesi, the first battle of Wuji.

They didn't expect the situation to turn out like this.

Emperor Wei's tough attitude made their quota of 200,000 to enter the palace into vain.

The benefits they can get are too few, and the agreement with the three-way family has become a waste of paper.

The most important thing is the 200,000 places to enter the palace, there is no such 200,000 places to enter the palace...

"It's troublesome now..." Song Xiuxue, a scholar of Dongyue University, sighed, "If I had known earlier, the amount of 200,000 would be fine."

"Why do you have to say this." Luo Zhengtian said lightly: "Even if we don't get involved in this matter, there will still be a palace change in the Great Wei Jing, and the result may still be like this."

"Are you really going to do what the big Wei Sansheng said?" Song Xiuxue asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Why don't I do things that are good for Xi Liang?" Luo Zhengtian laughed and said, "Without the Tongtian Mirror, Da Wei is just a toothless tiger. Of course, we must try our best to eat as much as we can. How many."

"But the question is, when the catastrophe comes, what's the use of swallowing so many things? Maybe it's not worth the loss." Song Xiu said.

"Do you think the problem of the Tongtian Mirror will continue to stalemate?" Luo Zhengtian said: "Actually, I don't know what the result will be, but maybe one day, the Tongtian Mirror can recover? Then no matter who has mastered the Tongtian Mirror , the more chips we have in our hands, the better.”

Song Xiuxue suddenly realized.

Luo Zhengtian didn't talk to Song Xiuxue any more, he and the third person in the world left with the people of Xiliang.

Song Xiuxue and Zhan Wuji also took the Dongyue people to the direction of Dongyue.

"Master Song, that Luo Zhengtian is inciting you." Zhan Wuji reminded.

"Of course I know that." Song Xiuxue nodded and said, "Actually, he didn't mean to hide his intentions either. ."

Song Xiuxue didn't say anything about this matter, he sighed in his heart, if this trip goes well, why should it be like this?



There are only three phases in the room.

"They really left." Ye Gaoshan coughed.

He said they were those from Xiliang and Dongyue.

"Of course they will leave. For them, it doesn't make sense to stay, and of course they won't stay." Xiao Hui said, "In this way, we will lose two more masters."

Xiao Hui had a worried look on his face. The hateful Zhou Fan killed three of Xiao Yewang's three spiritual realms, and now there are not many masters left.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Gaoshan said calmly: "Everything is arranged, as long as we can't defend within the talisman formation, they can't help us. Now we have the advantage in military strength."

Ye Gaoshan's words are not unreasonable. As long as the defensive talisman array they arranged guards the core of the sky mirror and the guardian array, then there is no need to worry about being counterattacked by the academy.

But without top cultivators, they could only defend, and couldn't take the initiative to attack like that night.

However, San San has already ordered the family resident to send people to come to reinforce and invite powerful monks and masters.

It's just that the entire Great Wei, not to mention the cultivators in the Spiritual Mind Realm, even the number of undead cultivators is pitifully small. It takes a huge price and time to find such masters.

"Some people at the ancestral house are beginning to be dissatisfied with us." Wang Daozi asked another question.

The rebellion has fallen into such a bad situation. Of course, some of the Xiao Yewangs and the three families will start to panic. In the three thousand years, the Xiaoyewangs and the three families have never faced the test of this kind of annihilation if they are not careful.

"Don't pay attention to them." Ye Gaoshan said with a sullen face: "Those stupid people can never see the changes in the situation, and they will only blame others if they fail. If we don't initiate this rebellion and let that person continue to mess around, the three of us will be able to win. what's good?"

"No one wants this kind of situation, but since this is the case now, we should unite even more. If they dare to make trouble..." Xiao Hui's face showed a ruthless look, then the **** suppression will be done, and their rear must not be chaotic .

"Do a good job of enthronement as soon as possible, let the 71st prince become the new monarch, and then announce to the world and define the big definition." Ye Gaoshan said again.

"But the academy hasn't given a clear answer I guess it's still hesitant." Xiao Hui said, if it wasn't for the fact that the opposition forces in the academy agreed to the 71st prince to become the new monarch, the matter of ascending the throne would have been early. It's finished.

"Don't wait, we have given them enough time." Ye Gaoshan said with a stern face: "Whether they agree or not, we must quickly make the seventy-first prince the new emperor of Wei, and it will change later. !"

Things are often unexpected.

The academy, the general office of Yiluan, and the Xiaofo Temple have not yet figured out how to deal with the establishment of a new king by the three-phase family, but there are shocking news one after another.

The princes who escaped from Jingdu issued declarations through their own forces one by one, using various arguments to prove that they were the only heirs to the throne of Great Wei, and declared that the emperor of Great Wei had died, and they were the new King of Great Wei.

There are twelve princes who have claimed in this way. These twelve princes, relying on their already developed forces, began to try to occupy the county or prefecture of Great Wei as their base.

The world has no head, and the beacon is everywhere.

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