Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1624: door, 1 and a half, rain girl, nursery rhyme

The White Bone Hill on Tianmu Road is a rare and dangerous place on Tianmu Road.

For thousands of years, countless warrior monks have been buried here, and the ground is full of white bones, so it is called the White Bone Hill.

The more dangerous places in the wilderness tend to be more profitable, and the practitioners go one after another for the rare spiritual materials in the White Bone Hills.

"You covet the spiritual materials in the White Bone Hill, but the White Bone Hill is staring at your life."

This is what cultivators who have been wandering on the White Bone Hill used to say all the year round.

No matter how powerful practitioners are, in places like the White Bone Hill, they need to be careful to survive.

It rained heavily on the White Bone Hills in early summer.

The rain was heavy, blurring vision.

The warrior monks who met the opportunity on the White Bone Hill hid in the cave and waited patiently for the rain to end.

Don’t go out in heavy rain. This is a basic rule that practitioners in the White Bone Hill abide by.

In heavy rain, if you go out, it is easy to encounter danger.

Whenever it rains, it is the time when the Bone Hills go wild.

In the rain line, a strange roar can be heard.

"These beasts can't be quiet for a while." A warrior spit and cursed.

The weird roar really stopped.

The warrior was stunned, and his face became solemn.

The freaks stopped roaring, and that was the most unusual thing.

In the depths of the rain line that the warriors in the cave could not see, four colors of white, bright red, jet black, and dark gray lighted up.

The bones buried under the hill climbed up from the ground.

The rain washed the mud on their bodies, and these intertwined bones guarded four groups of rays of light, and different colors of light appeared in the empty bones.

The strange horror of the White Bone Hill looked at the bones that climbed up, but they were unwilling to give up their territory and went to war with the bones.

In the tragic war, the bones were broken and climbed up again, and they continued to fight with the monsters.

The human cultivators all heard the sound of fighting, and they rushed out of the cave, looking up and watching while staying away from the battlefield.

They saw four groups of light of different colors in the depths of the rain and fog.

The rain is getting smaller and smaller, and they can see clearly that the four groups of light with different colors are four eyeballs.

Forest white, bright red, jet black, and dark gray eyeballs are inlaid on the bronze giant gate.

A gate across half a hill of bones.

The white, bright red, and jet-black eyeballs dimmed, the dark gray eyeballs became brighter and brighter, and the giant bronze door slowly opened.

A torrent of dark gray poured out from the other side of the door, washing half of the bone hill.

Weird, white bones, fleeing practitioners, and many living beings were involved in the gray flood, which was a flood.

The dark gray torrent soon poured back into the giant gate.

After the torrent passed, only the bones were left, the bones of the people, the bones of the strange.

The bronze giant door was closed, and the three white, bright red, and jet black eyeballs regained their proper brightness, and the dark gray eyeballs were no longer as bright as before.

One after another, white bones climbed up from the ground, clearing all the weirdness and creatures around.

Under the drizzle, four eyeballs emitting different rays of light stared at this piece of land. When its door was opened again, no one knew what the scene would be like?



He knelt on the ground and cried, no matter how desolate the world's cry was.

He was in the deserted green pasture.

Here, no one can ask him what is he crying?

Perhaps more accurately, no one dared to ask.

Since he only has the left half of his body, his left eye, left arm, left hand, and left foot, where did his right half of his body go?

Nobody knows, not even him.

If Zhou Fan, Xingxing, and Zhang Benben were here, they would definitely recognize him as the mysterious cultivator Liao Banban in the Land of Hundred Curses.

He didn't die in that quasi-agnostic versus quasi-agnostic war.

Even Black and White Chi would be amazed, it missed.

Liao half is crying because he's going crazy, he'd rather be dead, he's splitting.

The second half of Liao appeared, still a left halfling, still wearing a khaki bust.

He was also crying.

The third Liao half appeared, to the right of the first Liao half.

More and more Liao half appeared.

Half of the ten thousand liao knelt on the ground and cried, and ten thousand people cried bitterly, and the cries drifted on the desolate green grass.

He stopped crying and stood up, half of Liao was looking at half of Liao.

He sighed, equivalent to ten thousand sighs.

He is no longer human, he or they have become geeks or geeks.

Soon they were hungry, and they wanted to eat people, so they ran wild in the wilderness, smelling the smell of people.



It was raining a hundred miles outside Langwei Village on Cangdong Road, but there were no clouds around it.

Someone found a woman in white in the rain.

The rain line blocked, no one could see the face of the woman in white.

Rain has been falling.

The woman wandered back and forth in the rain.

The patrol team in the village is mainly observing, not daring to enter the rainwater to contact the women wandering back and forth, and report to the top.

It's just that the above can't send people to support, because Cangdong Road is preparing to fight, and the entire Cangdong Road has to face the invasion of Dongyue.

If the rain girl came to the village, Langwei Village could only find a way to deal with it. They didn't know what kind of terrible fate would meet them.

All kinds of strange phenomena broke out in the vast land.



This is a big tree emitting a white light, with colorful fruits and colorful leaves on the tree.

The little girl sat on the tree trunk, she dangled her short legs and looked at a dark yellow fruit at will.

She quickly looked away and started singing.

"Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast."

"One has no eyes and one has no tail. Strange! Strange!"

"Two tigers, two tigers, running fast, running fast, one without ears and one without a tail, how strange! How strange!"


The little girl sang milkily and carefully.

The singing echoed in the big tree, and after she sang the two tigers, she changed another one.

"One, two, three, four, Go up the mountain to fight tigers,"

"Tigers can't hit,"

"Hit the little squirrel,"

"How many squirrels are there,"

"One, two, three, four, five,"

"Five little squirrels."

"One, two, three, four, five,"

The nursery rhymes kept changing, and finally the little girl got tired of singing. She stopped and said with a look of intoxication: "I sang it so well, I'll sing it to him next time."

Her gray eyes were so deep that they seemed to contain thousands of worlds. After she was intoxicated, she looked up at the fruit of the tree, and the smile on her face narrowed and became a little serious.

"It's about to start."

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