Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1629: I am back

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Zhou Fan looked at the pointer and pointed the direction, he was relieved, the law of the heart really worked.

Of course, if this doesn't work, he will relax the conditions set by the law of the heart, and just relaxing will inevitably lead to risks.

The law of the heart is a double-edged sword, which is very useful but also full of danger due to the uncertainty of boundaries.

He restrained his mind and began to move in the direction pointed by the pointer.

The realm is full of danger, but it is not a place to stay for a long time.

When he was moving, his thoughts had already dispersed, so that he would not step into the eddy current and tearing force of the interdomain.

He found that he had seen Zhou Xiaomao and the boat walking easily before, but in fact, this kind of thing was not easy at all, he was sweating profusely.

The direction of the pointer is also constantly changing, sometimes it changes only after taking a step, and sometimes it does not change after half an hour.

If it wasn't for confirming that the law of the heart was still in effect, he would have some doubts that there was something wrong with the direction the pointer was pointing.

Part of his mind is on the Void Spirit Orb, and the white light of the Void Spirit Orb has not changed.

This is not a strange thing. After all, the place he wants to go is only Hanbei Daocheng. For the Shuttle Realm, such a distance is not too far.

And the realm is also wide enough, and it is not easy to encounter strange or imaginary creatures in the realm.

The three brothers Zhou Xiaobai and the younger sister just followed Zhou Fan. They had Zhou Fan to lead the way, but they didn't have to worry.

The time flow of Jianyu is also different from the outside world. According to Zhou Fan's estimation, he has been walking in Jianyu for at least three hours, which is beyond the two times Zhou Xiaoxiao and the boat took him.

Am I going wrong?

When he was thinking this way in his mind, he walked past a blue halo, and then found that the pointer was pointing in his original direction, and he walked back again, so back and forth a few times, he realized that the pointer pointed to the blue color halo.

With a happy expression on his face, he quickly made a seal, and a silver rune fell on the head of the little sister dog.

The little girl once again had a broken skeleton on her body, she stretched out her claws again, and with a screeching sound, the blue halo as big as a door was cut in half.

Zhou Fan and Xiaomei both began to have a bizarre sense of falling, and they were indeed falling.

Zhou Fan hurriedly used the wind control technique, and by the way, he caught Xiaomei and Xiaohei in his hands, and Xiaobai controlled the law of the wind to catch Xiaolan.

Four people and one dog landed on the ground smoothly.

The world was dark, and shadows were rushing towards them.

Zhou Fan just snorted coldly, and his true essence rushed out, crushing those shadow monsters, but more shadow monsters rushed towards him.

He took out a talisman that could dispel the shadows, and these shadows did not dare to approach.

There are shadows, dark nights, and icy winds blowing.

He looked at the snow under his feet and confirmed that they should have returned to the real world and were still in a world of ice and snow.

This made him smile. In the late spring and early summer, there were not many places where it snowed in Dawei, and Hanbei Road was the biggest one.

This should be Hanbei Dao, there is no mistake, but he still can't confirm how far he is from Hanbei Dao city?

There will be deviations in the places where they appear.

He restrained his thoughts, and with his little sister, they began to rest temporarily on the snow, waiting patiently for dawn before exploring.

If they all arrived at Hanbei Dao, it would not be too short of time. The city gate of Hanbei Dao was closed at night. Even if he found Hanbei Daocheng now, he might not be able to enter.

Moreover, maintaining the law of the heart for a long time and letting the thoughts drift away are not small for him.

When it was dawn, looking at the snow-capped world, Zhou Fan and Xiaomei ate something and started to explore.

Soon he confirmed where he had appeared, which was not far from Hanbei Daocheng.

Zhou Fan burst out laughing, he took his little sister and they ran all the way, and soon saw the outer city of Hanbei Daocheng.

He breathed a sigh of relief, he is now in front of Luo Zhengtian and them.

No matter how fast Luo Zhengtian and the others are, it is estimated that they have only just entered Hanbei Dao for a few days at this time.

What's more important is that he can now travel between realms, so that he can reach many places in the future without spending much time.

If he wanted to, he could even leave and go back to Tianliang to visit the little girl, Xiaoliu, and his parents, and if necessary, he could take them out of Tianliang.

The ability to travel between domains is really useful.

He restrained his thoughts, began to disguise himself, and took out a fake identity certificate. This identity certificate could prove that he was a warrior of the Hanbei Daoist Palace, but no one knew that he was the Hanbei Daoist.

Now is the time of war, and there must be spies from Xiliang in the main residence of Hanbei Road.

He has returned to Hanbei Daocheng, and he doesn't want anyone to know.

He glanced at his three sons and younger sister again, even if he could hide, he couldn't hide the monitoring formation of the city gate.

He let his three sons and younger sister stay outside the city, and after he entered the city, he would try to bring them in.

After the explanation, he successfully passed the inspection of the outer city gate, and it took some time for him to enter the Hanbei Dao City until he returned to the main residence of Hanbei Dao smoothly.

Only then did he use the message sign to call Du Ni and these credible people into the meeting room.

Du Ni and the others all widened their eyes, looking at Zhou Fan in disbelief.

"How did you do it?" Xiong Feixiu had a ghostly expression.

This is really beyond their expectations.

"I got back so quickly with the help of my teacher's arrangement." Zhou Fan said with a smile, "You all have to keep me a secret when I return."

"Of course." Du Ni hurriedly nodded, he was relieved.

During the time when Zhou Fan was away from the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, they were under too much pressure. Now that Zhou Fan is back, he is relieved.

"How is the situation now?" Zhou Fan asked.

"The Heishui Duhufu is already preparing." Yelaitianxiang said, "The Sanzhou Yiluan government has promised to support the Heishui Duhufu, but we don't know if they will support in time. The Black Water Protectorate."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, he understood that this was because of the will to remove his post as Dao Master Hanbei. If it weren't for that will, the Sanzhou Yiluan government would definitely support the Heishui Duhufu in time.

Of course, there are also many strange outbreaks in Hanbei Road now, and the three states must also be under pressure in this regard.

"Once the Blackwater Protectorate falls, they will not be able to blame them. They shouldn't dare to violate the law." Du Ni said, "But we must be prepared for them not to support the Blackwater Protectorate."

"If you don't support it, how long can the Blackwater Protectorate support you?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It depends on how many troops Xiliang can put in. The staff in the mansion estimate that if half of the troops come from Xiliang, the Black Water Protectorate will be able to defend the mansion for up to six days." Du Ni said with a worried expression.

"What do the Buddhist temples and noble families in Hanbei Road say?" Zhou Fan asked again.

The Hanbei Dao family and Buddhist temples are the most important force. The academies in the prefectures and counties will definitely support Zhou Fan, but the key is the attitude of the Hanbei Dao family and the Buddhist temple.

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