Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1631: Block the door and kill

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More and more unknown monsters appear or become violent and attack villages and towns in various parts of Hanbei Road. The fire that will be ignited by the Black Water Protectorate makes the atmosphere of Hanbei Road become dignified and tense. People living in Hanbei Road can Easily smell the smell of beacon smoke everywhere.

The number of people facing each other on the border is increasing. The number of Xiliang military camps has increased to eight. The Xiliang Army will send dozens of warrior teams to challenge every day. In order to maintain morale, the Hanbei Army will also send warrior teams to fight.

There is a winner and loser between the two teams.

When Zhou Fan was silently paying attention to these things, he finally stepped into the middle stage of Spiritual Mind Realm.

But for this, he spent all his big gray worms, and even the little girl had spent 90% of what he had saved to buy enough Bai Nian Pills.

Especially since he still owes the Emperor of All Nations the one million gray worms, so he has become a negative asset.

If the Emperor of All Nations was not willing to borrow the Great Grey Worm, his Grey Worms would definitely not be enough.

He felt helpless for a while, and he didn't have time to raise the big gray worm, so he could only wait until the war was over.

The only consolation is that he has entered the middle stage of Spiritual Mind Realm, and his strength has once again improved a lot.

When he stabilized his realm, Du Ni sent him a message.

Zhou Fan picked up the message sign and looked at it, and his face immediately became solemn.

Zhou Fan soon left the place where he lived and met with Du Ni.

Now in the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, the only people Zhou Fan really trusted were Du Ni and Yelaitianxiang, Hou Shisanjian and Xiong Feixiu, all of whom rushed to the front line of the Heishui Duhufu to prepare for the battle.

Du Ni and Yelai Tianxiang stayed in Hanbei Daocheng to work. Because there were many fewer people, they were very busy, and Yelaitianxiang didn't have time to come this time.

The people he brought from Tiannan Road grew up very fast, even the thin monkeys. At first, they thought they were trading at a loss, but now it seems that they are making a lot of money.

"Is he just outside the city?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Yes." Du Ni said, "When I found him, I asked the people in the house to block all the city gates."

"Let's go and have a look." Zhou Fan said.

He performed illusions, made a disguise, and then came to the wall of the outer city with Du Ni.

There was a man standing a hundred feet away under the city wall.

This person is the third in the world, the mad blood sect master of Xiliang.

Not long ago, he slaughtered a caravan from the outer city of Hanbei Road.

No one in that caravan survived, and there were still corpses lying on the ground, and the blood had not yet solidified.

After killing the caravan, he called out his name aloud.

This name made a team of warriors from the Outer City Patrol Battalion quickly retreat back.

He could have killed more people without reporting his name, but he still reported his name.

He is not pity for human life, but because he is the third in the world, he disdains to do such trivial things.

If he wants to kill, he will kill in an open and honest way, and let people know that he is the third murderer in the world.

The warriors who observed on the city wall were all heavy-faced. Although there was a large guardian formation, even the third in the world would not dare to enter the city.

But such a Xiliang master guarding outside the city is definitely a pressure for Hanbei Daocheng.

"Would you like to send someone to test him?" Du Ni asked softly, looking outside the city.

Now the warriors on the city wall do not know that Du Ni is beside them is their Hanbei Daoist.

"No need to try, who else will be the third in the world?" Zhou Fan also stared at the man under the city wall.

"I mean to test his strength." Du Ni explained, "Are you really sure you can win?"

Zhou Fan had told Du Ni and the others that the reason for hiding his identity was that his strength could kill No. 3 in the world.

But now everyone knows that the third person in the world is the Primordial Spirit Realm cultivator, and the Primordial Spirit Realm, in Dawei, is such a big man as the great master of the academy and the head of the Great Buddha Temple.

Zhou Fan is known as a peerless genius, but the time for cultivation is still too short, Du Ni is a little worried that Zhou Fan may not be the third opponent in the world.

"Even if I can't win, I'll be fine." Zhou Fan said with some regret, "Unfortunately, unfortunately, Luo Zhengtian did not appear."

He knew that Luo Zhengtian must continue to go to the border.

And No. 3 in the world knew that the military camp on the Hanbei Road must have already been arranged to prevent the top monks from Xiliang from attacking the camp.

So he went to the frontier before the war really started.

If Hanbei Daocheng was killed by him and could only close the city, then his effect on Xiliang would be revealed, which is also one of Luo Zhengtian's arrangements.

When Du Ni saw Zhou Fan say this, he nodded and said, "I will let the warriors in the city prepare and support you at any time."

"No support is needed." Zhou Fan used the Wind Control Technique and flew down from the city wall.

The city wall warriors were in an uproar. They didn't expect anyone to dare to go down from the city wall. In their opinion, no one in Hanbei Daocheng would be the third opponent in the world, even if the Hanbei Daoist was there, it was impossible.

When Zhou Fan went down from the city wall, he just took off the illusion disguise with a thought.

The warriors and cultivators who used telephoto equipment or eye-sense were all stunned, they all recognized Zhou Fan!

When will the lord come back?

Dao mainly challenges the third in the world?

Their scalps went numb for a while, and I don't know when the Taoist master will come back, but if you go down now, isn't this a death sentence?

Zhou Fan fell to the ground, and No. 3 in the world looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly, "I recognize you, Hanbei Daoist Zhou Fan, the youngest Daoist in Dawei."

Even if he is the third craziest person in the world, it is impossible for him to have not seen the portraits of some well-known big figures in Dawei.

So he recognized at a glance that this bald boy was Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "It's right here, I don't know where is General Luo?"

"He's very cunning, how could he tell me where he is?" Number Three Under Heaven shook his head and said, "You can become the Daoist of Hanbei at this age, we Xiliang call you the most outstanding genius of the Great Wei, but unfortunately you will have to do it today. Died here."

"If you are thirty years later or wait until you enter the Primordial Spirit Realm to challenge that would be the most appropriate, and now you are early."

Zhou Fan laughed out loud, his laughter wafting in the wind, "There are talents in the country, you are old, and the times are changing. You claim to be the third in the world, and it has long been a joke."

Number Three in the World was also laughing wildly, "It's interesting, I've never seen anyone who dares to be arrogant than me, I'll see what ability you have to escape from my hands?"

"You said just now that I didn't enter the Primordial Spirit Realm?" Zhou Fan's smile subsided, "Now I want to tell you, have I entered the Primordial Spirit Realm?"

Zhou Fan's eyes dimmed, and golden rays of light kept flying out of his body, turning into a golden light man.

The face of No. 3 in the world showed a look of astonishment. How could this person enter the Primordial Spirit Realm at such a young age?

The warriors on the city wall were also shocked. Their Taoist master became a cultivator in the Primordial Spirit Realm?

The golden light person transformed by Zhou Fan turned into a golden streamer and shot towards the third in the world, as fast as time almost stopped.

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