Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1636: Ambitious

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Concubine Yang didn't tell him why she wanted to be the imperial concubine?

Zhou Fan was silent, and he had some guesses in his heart.

"Brother Zhou." Li Jiuyue's eyes became clear, "Do you remember the deserted village called Yegu Village near Sanqiu Village?"

"Concubine Yang came from that village."

Zhou Fan was surprised. Because of Caiyi's body, Sanqiu Village was moved to a new place, and that place originally belonged to a barren village called Yegu Village.

Yegu Village was slaughtered by the officials because of rebellion. He had always thought that Li Jiuyue was a descendant of Yegu Village and was hostile to the officials, but now...

"You mean that Yegu Village was ordered to be slaughtered because of Concubine Yang?" Zhou Fan said.

"Yes, 13,000 people all died because of this." Li Jiuyue said, "This was not ordered by the Emperor Wei, and he didn't have such power. It was the plot of the relatives of those enemies who died because of Concubine Yang. Pushed, killing them is to vent their hatred."

"Later the Great Wei Tianzi found out about this and killed a group of those in charge, but because the incident has already happened, it can only be counted on the head of the official family."

"Concubine Yang may not have expected those people to do this, but this is indeed her fault." Li Jiuyue said with a guilty face.

"Why did Concubine Yang rebel?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Because she was born with a powerful talent for deceiving people." Li Jiuyue sighed, "Brother Zhou is not unfamiliar with this kind of deceiving talent. This kind of deceiving talent is the dream of Qianchunqiu."

"Big Dream Qianchunqiu?" Zhou Fan said in amazement. Of course he was familiar with this kind of delusional talent from Meng Chunqiu's unknowable level, which was called one of the top ten deceitful talents of her time by Kitty Zhou.

This kind of deceitful talent is related to dreams. Not only can it sneak into other people's dreams, but even what happens in dreams can affect reality.

Back then, it was because he was slapped by Insect Niang who sneaked into the dream and had Mengmeng's daughter. Insect Niang and Mengmeng both had this devious talent called 'Dameng Qianchunqiu'.

"That Insect Girl and Concubine Yang..." Zhou Fan felt a little confused. He thought that Jiuyue was related to Concubine Yang. Why is Insect Girl now related to Concubine Yang?

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, I'll tell you this later." Li Jiuyue drank a glass of wine and said, "Let's talk about Concubine Yang's story first."

Zhou Fan reluctantly stabilized his mind. He did not ask, but listened patiently. He also wanted to know how Concubine Yang's treason had anything to do with the deceitful talent?

"Concubine Yang is because of this kind of deceitful talent, and she was able to go from a village woman to a master of spirituality." Li Jiuyue said, "This kind of deceitful talent is very special, and few people know that she is a deceitful person, even the emperor of Wei. Do not know at all."

"I've heard her say before that she used this talent for deceit to sneak into the dreams of many people, read many secrets of those people, used these secrets to do a lot of things, and occasionally imposed reality on those people in her dreams. influences."

"This deceitful talent is her biggest secret, and Emperor Wei doesn't know anything about it."

"One day, I don't know what happened, she made a bold decision and sneaked into the dream of the emperor Wei..."

Sneak into the dream of Emperor Wei Tianzi?

Zhou Fan took a breath. The Emperor of Wei can be said to be the most mysterious person in the Wei Dynasty. If Concubine Yang could spy on the secrets of the Emperor of Wei and the Royal Family of Wei from her dreams...

He suddenly had a bold idea, Concubine Yang would enter the palace to become the imperial concubine, originally for the Emperor Wei and Tongtianjing.

This woman rose from the countryside and became her own faction in Dawei. She was not a kind and weak woman, but more likely to be an ambitious person.

"She saw part of Emperor Wei's secrets." Li Jiuyue stared at the wine glass, "But Emperor Wei owns the Heavenly Mirror, and the power of the Mirror helps him wake up and find out that she spied on his secrets."

"She knew that the Great Wei Emperor would definitely not be able to spare her, and she also knew in her heart that she would not be the opponent of the Great Wei Emperor, she was in a desperate situation, the Great Wei Emperor stared at her, and it was even more impossible for her to escape from the mirror palace formed by the Tongtian Mirror. ."

"She knew that she had no way to survive. For the sake of her child, she launched a palace change before she died, killing all her opponents in the palace. The palace change was so sudden that even the Emperor Wei couldn't stop her from completing it. My own opinion."

"Later, you also know what happened to her. This is the story of Concubine Yang." Li Jiuyue showed sadness. No matter whether the woman was good or evil during her lifetime, her death still affected his life.

Zhou Fan felt Li Jiuyue's sadness, he didn't say anything, just waited for Li Jiuyue's emotions to calm down.

"Concubine Yang died because she assured the Emperor Wei that she did not tell anyone his secret, especially her child, or maybe because this was the blood of the royal family after all, Emperor Wei spared the child's life." Li Jiuyue After a moment of silence, he said, "That child is Li Xuanyue, the one hundred and twenty-sixth prince."

"Prince?" Zhou Fan was stunned. What he thought was that Concubine Yang gave birth to a worm girl, because both of them have the same talent for deceiving people. Now Li Jiuyue says that she is the prince?

What's the matter with the insect girl and Concubine Yang?

"You are Li Xuanyue, right?" Zhou Fan asked, Xuan is Jiuye, and September is Xuanyue.

"You can say that." Li Jiuyue said silently.

"What do you mean by saying that? Yes, no, no." Zhou Fan said, "Why does Insect Niang share the same talent as Concubine Yang?"

Li Jiuyue took another sip of wine, "Brother Zhou, don't worry, I'll explain everything to you, only the cronies around Concubine Yang know that she is pregnant with twins."

"She didn't plan to let others know about this, even the emperor Wei didn't know, until the day when she gave birth to a child, a tragedy happened, and she gave birth to a twin."

"The elder brother was born first, and the younger sister It's just that the elder brother who was born died soon after..."

died? Zhou Fan was startled again.

"It's because of the talent of double deceitful people." Li Jiuyue sighed.

"My brother's talent for double deceit exploded so fast that Concubine Yang didn't react. She is a cultivator, and having children did not make her weak. She quickly checked her sister. I don't know if it was because of the twins. My brother is also a talent for double deceit."

"They bear the Royal Family's Great Sun Burning Flame Body and Concubine Yang's Great Dream Qianchunqiu. How rare is this situation, few of the ordinary royal family's children have awakened the Great Sun Burning Flame Body, let alone the two powerful ones. Deceptive talent."

"It's just that Brother Zhou, you also know that the talent of the double deceitful person is a life reminder. It took away the elder brother and the younger sister will die soon."

Zhou Fan couldn't help feeling sad for those two children. Of course, he knew that Duoren's talent was terrifying. If it wasn't for Yingjiu's help, Mengmeng, the three delusional people with talent, would hardly have survived.

"However, Concubine Yang created a secret technique that allowed her daughter to survive." Li Jiuyue said slowly.

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