Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1644: God said

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The Xiliang Army was evacuating, the Hanbei Army was catching up, and people were running on the snow.

When Zhou Fan fell on the snow, there were human warriors or wild monsters coming towards him and standing behind him.

These people or barbarian monsters all have the strength above the martial level, and there are even monks or barbarian monsters that are comparable to monks.

This powerful team is not formed until it reaches a thousand people.

Zhou Fan took off the German sword, he held the sword in both hands, and rushed towards the Xiliang army with the thousand men.

A thousand people rushed towards the army of more than one million, and it looked like a stone thrown into the sea, and it might not even be able to splash a larger wave.

Seeing that someone dared to charge at them, Xi Liang's army did not panic, but only summoned 3,000 people and rushed towards them.

Zhou Fan slashed with two swords, and countless swords flew out.

Chi Chi!

The 3,000 people of Xiliang's army collapsed at a touch, and the people of Xiliang who survived Zhou Fan's quick knife gang were neatly harvested by the 1,000 people behind Zhou Fan.

The generals of Xi Liang who were in charge of the rear of the palace were all stunned. They underestimated the elite level of this thousand-person team who dared to charge them.

It's just too late when they want to give another order.

Zhou Fan's team of thousands had stabbed into the Xiliang army like a sharp knife, separating its tens of thousands of soldiers from the Xiliang army.

The Hanbei Army team that was swimming outside rushed up like sharks smelling blood and fought with these tens of thousands of Xiliang soldiers.

When the huge Xi Liang army wanted to turn around and save it, less than half of the tens of thousands of Xi Liang soldiers were left.

The elites of the Thousand People Team that Zhou Fan brought were still carrying out the sharp knife tactics. The Thousand People Team pierced the other side of the Xiliang Army again, separating the outermost tens of thousands of soldiers from the Xiliang Army.

Just like every time a sharp blade is slashed, it can cut off a piece of fat, and once this piece of fat is cut, it will be surrounded by the outer Hanbei army team and eaten up like a mad dog.

It seems easy to say, but if these thousand people were all powerful warrior cultivators, if not for Zhou Fan, a cultivator in the primordial spirit realm, who opened the way as a sharp knife among sharp knives, it would be impossible to do such a cut at all.

Rao is so, when Xi Liang's army reacted, they immediately surrounded the thousand-man team to fight.

Under the front of the soldiers, the infuriating rune was waving.

Zhou Fan brandished his two knives and led a team of thousands to tear open a **** opening from the Xiliang army, and rushed out from it.

Xi Liang's army did not pursue, and many people watched in horror as the elite of the thousand-man team left.

In these cuts, the Xiliang Army paid 70,000 soldiers' lives for this.

Blood flowed like a stream on the snow.

The disciples of Daxian Xiaoxian were ordered by the godhead and scattered again, not giving the Xiliang army a chance to retaliate, and the official army of Wushen Shen also dispersed in cooperation.

If the Xiliang Army dared to separate the army to pursue it, it would be exactly what the Hanbei Army intended.

The Xiliang Army did not expect that the Hanbei Army would use such tactics.

With 70,000 dead and 50,000 people lost in the previous scattered battles, the Xiliang Army lost a battalion of troops.

This is definitely an indescribable loss for the Xiliang Army.

Luo Zhengtian's face didn't change, he just ordered "form an elite team and snipe the opponent's thousand-person elite team."

"General, they rushed to kill twice. I am afraid they have reached their limit. If they dare to come, we will definitely keep him." A staff officer couldn't help but said that he felt that there was no need to form an elite team.

There is no problem with the judgment of this staff officer. It takes a lot of energy to rush towards the Xiliang Army camp. Even a cultivator cannot last for a long time unless he uses a medicinal pill that replenishes his true energy. It can be fully recovered, and there are many sequelae.

"What if they have a second team? They can't come again today, and they will come tomorrow." Luo Zhengtian said lightly, "Since they used such a tactic, and Zhou Fan led the team, then maybe they didn't just want to stay with us. Seventy thousand people."

Be prepared for everything.

"There is still an order to let people find terrain suitable for defense." Luo Zhengtian gave a second order.

The generals and staff were all stunned. Is the situation serious enough to stop and fight defensive battles?

You must know that they haven't gotten rid of the Hanbei Army, and if they stop now, the situation will only get worse.

No one questioned Luo Zhengtian's order and executed it immediately.

Luo Zhengtian's eyes are deep, and the people below do not understand his worries, because he has never fought such a battle. After they started to attack Muhuacheng, everything went in a direction that he could not predict.

The people who suddenly appeared and the savage demon allied forces were simply inexplicable, and they were caught off guard.

The cutting tactics of the elite work led by Daoist Hanbei himself made him understand that the Hanbei Army was prepared for these things, while the Xiliang Army responded in a hurry.

The most fearful thing about fighting is that the rhythm is always in the opponent's hands.

You must try to get the rhythm back, or you'll be in trouble!

The elite of the thousand-person team led by Zhou Fan has stopped to rest cross-legged in place.

These thousand people are all exhausted. With such a high frequency of rushing and fighting, they will inevitably be exhausted. They are not Zhou Fan, and they can quickly recover their strength.

The sharp knife tactic was not something that Zhou Fan came up with, but a plan he asked the Taoist Mansion's staff to formulate. Of course, the idea of ​​this plan came from him, because only he knew himself best.

When the staff of the Taoist Mansion formulated this plan according to what the Taoist wanted, they all felt that the Taoist was crazy. This plan had no durability at all and could only be used as a surprise attack tactic.

But Lord Daoist said that he could clean up the army of Xiliang with the sharp knife tactics.

Zhou Fan insisted on using this tactic, because this tactic is simple enough, as long as it can withstand countless cuts, there is no need to compete with Luo Zhengtian for military If it is about military strategy, Zhou Fan also knows, I am afraid one Hundreds of him are not as good as Luo Zhengtian.

So in this war, he never thought about giving Luo Zhengtian too many opportunities to display his military talents, he wanted to press people with force!

Thinking like this, the sad knife in his body flew out and landed in his hands.

Among the thousands of people, whether they are savage monsters or people, they are all followers of the Xiaoshuang Daxian. They look at the dark knife with fanaticism. According to the oracle, this is the duck-leg knife of the Xiaoshuang Daxian. This knife cuts pieces of meat from the duck legs.

Zhou Fan tensed his face, and he said softly, "God said, if you want light, there will be light."

The sad knife in his hand swiped lightly.

The golden light fell from the heads of the thousands of people, and the thousands of people felt that their power had become full again, and it was no different from before the first sharp knife tactic. The wounds left on the body were quickly healing.

The expressions on the faces of these thousand people became even more frenzied, this is a miracle!

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