Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1648: 2 difficult to advance and retreat

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Xiliang was willing to pay for the huge amount of supplies to retreat. At the moment when Xiliang pulled out the camp and set up the village, there were cheers from all over the mountains and fields.

Even though most of them were followers of the Great Immortal Xiaoshuang, they always belonged to Hanbei Dao. Hanbei Dao forced Xiliang back, which was something worth cheering and celebrating.

The barbarians are no exception, and are happy to win the war.

The news of the victory spread like the wind throughout the entire Heishui Duhufu, and then spread from the Heishui Duhufu to the three states of Hanbei Road.

Most people were cheering, but some people's faces were ugly, and even showed fear on their faces. For them, winning Xi Liang was the thing that really made them feel hopeless.



Because of the invasion of Dongyue, the Cangdong Road was full of wars.

Cangdong Road, like Hanbei Road, did not receive much support. Tiannan Road, which was adjacent to Cangdong Road, was in serious trouble and could not help. With the war, the Dongyue Army defeated the Cangdong Army steadily.

Cangdong Taoist Song Xingchen personally went to the battlefield to command, but the situation could not be restored. Several county towns were lost in a row, and the Dongyue Army was still marching towards the core city of a state.

Once the state city falls, it will announce the complete fall of the state, which is a huge loss for Cangdong Road.

Early this morning, the East Vietnamese Army, which was advancing to the state city, received a piece of news that was bad news for them.

The Xiliang army was actually defeated by the Hanbei army, and the 300,000 army disappeared, and the remaining one million army retreated to Xiliang.

When they first received this news, the generals of Dongyue were all in disbelief. The army of Xiliang was much stronger than that of Dongyue.

Moreover, the cold and bitter environment of Hanbei Road, the population is not as good as Cangdong Road, and its strength is far worse than that of Cangdong Road. When preparing to start the war, the King of Xiliang sent a euphemistic letter to their Dongyue monarch, but the letter was not very meaningful. You're polite, let them be more aggressive and don't hold back.

Dongyue was not dissatisfied with this, and even thought in his heart that if the war was unfavorable and they fell into a stagnant state, when the Xiliang army swept the Hanbei Road, they would be able to send troops to the Cangdong Road to help them.


The dozen or so generals all looked up at the student Song Xiuxue in the main seat and Yin Que Si in the first battle of Wuji.

The Dongyue royal family has always been on guard against military generals and attaches great importance to civil officials, so whenever a war starts, there will be civil officials to supervise. This battle is so important, this time the supervisor is Song Xiuxue, a scholar.

As for Zhan Wuji, he was here to deal with Cangdong Daoist monk masters.

These two people usually only attend war discussions, but they don't speak out and command. They are not good at marching and fighting, and rashly intervening is a big taboo.

But now it is different, the generals have no idea in their hearts.

"Scholar, Master Chief, could this news be fake?" A general still couldn't help but ask, he still couldn't believe it.

"The news has already spread throughout Great Wei." Zhan Wuji said coldly: "And we also contacted Xiliang, this news will not be wrong, if it is not confirmed, it will not let you stop the march, let alone I'll let you all come together to discuss the matter."

"So don't hold on to the fluke idea that the news is wrong. What you should consider now is the impact of this incident on our Dongyue's capture of Cangdong Dao."

The generals in the camp looked at each other in dismay, and someone asked anxiously, "If the news is correct, how did Hanbei Dao defeat Xiliang?"

"It was important to our decision!"

In their opinion, no matter how powerful the Great Wei is, it is impossible to resist a country with one force.

Could it be that Tiangong Dao or Jingdu, which is adjacent to Hanbei Dao, sent reinforcements?

In the current situation of Great Wei, how many troops can Tiangong Dao and Jingdu send to support Hanbei Dao?

"Without reinforcements, Hanbei Dao defeated Xiliang by himself." Zhan Wuji said in a deep voice, "For some reason, all the warriors in Hanbei Dao and even the barbarian monsters in the Barbarian Demon Ice Region of Hanbei Dao participated in this battle. An elite army of 300,000 warriors, almost all of them, defeated the Xiliang Army..."

Xiliang and Dongyue exchanged news, and Xiliang didn't want anything to happen to Dongyue's ally, so Xiliang told Dongyue the reason for the defeat.

After listening to it, there was a silence in the tent. They almost lost their voices. Hanbei Dao was able to unify so many unofficial warriors and even savage monsters, and commanded them freely. To be defeated.

If it wasn't for Xi Liang's general Luo Zhengtian's threat of losing both sides, he was able to reach a peace negotiation and retreat. I am afraid that if Xi Liang dragged on, the situation would be even more serious.

"Don't be silent, tell me quickly, how to deal with this!" University scholar Song Xiuxue urged impatiently.

The generals in the battalion whispered, and it soon became clear that they had only one choice now.

It's just that none of them dare to say such a proposal, you see me, I see you, and slowly there is no sound.

"What time is it now?" Song Xiuxue reprimanded: "Are you still worried about the accountability afterwards? Any decision is made by us together, I need to know what needs to be done!"

"Scholar, Master Chief, we have to withdraw now." A general said bravely.

Song Xiuxue froze for a moment and said, "Why do you want to withdraw troops?"

"Because Hanbei Dao has won victory, if we send troops to support Cangdong Dao, with our strength, we can't resist the combined forces of the two roads." Another general said.

In fact, what he wanted to say in his heart was that the Xiliang Army couldn't defeat the Hanbei Army. How could they cope with such a strong army?

However, if you want to increase others' ambition and destroy your own prestige, it's better not to say Hanbei Dao will definitely send troops to Cangdong Dao? Even if we send troops to Cangdong Road, we can wait and talk, why rush to retreat? "Zhan Wuji said with some dissatisfaction.

"Master Sishou, let's not say that Hanbei Dao and Cangdong Dao both belong to the academy, even if they don't belong, Hanbei Dao probably doesn't want Cangdong Dao to be occupied by our Dongyue, so Hanbei Dao sent troops to help Cang. The host, it is very possible."

"As for withdrawing troops after waiting..." The general paused for a moment and said: "We stay, and when the information is unclear, we will not dare to continue to attack town after town like before, if we go too deep into Cangdong Road. , it will be difficult for us to quit.”

"Even if you stay in place to observe the dynamics, every day will be a big consumption."

"Yeah, we don't know when Hanbei Road will send troops. If they don't send troops, we won't dare to move, and if they send troops, we won't dare to move." Another general smiled bitterly: "The effect of staying on the spot and observing is not great. ."

"Even if we spend most of the cost to capture Cangdong Road, but we can't capture Cangdong Road City, it's meaningless. In case when we attack Cangdong Road City, Hanbei Road will send troops around and attack from behind us..."

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