Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1654: sound freeze


Every once in a while, the elders of the three clans in the ancestral house would get together to negotiate and resolve important matters in the clan. Such gatherings are called clan elders' meeting.

The clan elders meet on a regular basis, as well as irregularly.

Today's clan elders' meeting is held irregularly, and the clan elders' meeting held irregularly is often to solve emergency affairs.

The heads of the three clans have been in Jingdu all the year round, and many things are solved by the clan elders.

There are only fifty-three people who are qualified to attend the clan elders meeting, and these fifty-three clan elders are in charge of the large and small affairs of the three families.

It's just that today's clan elders seem a little dull in the past.

They are discussing major events that can affect the future of the clan.

Jingdu was at a stalemate, the emperor of Wei refused to give in, and insisted on killing all three of their clans.

Zhou Fan, the remnant of the Zhou family, chased away the Xiliang Army, and had no prestige in Hanbei Dao.

Both of these things made the three families feel enormous pressure.

Even an idiot could see that if Zhou Fan, who was loyal to the academy and had a deep hatred with the three families of Xiao Yewang, used the army to fight against both the academy and the Hanbei Army, the balance of the situation was very difficult. may be completely broken.

In particular, the Hanbei Army, which was able to defeat the Xiliang Army, was the strongest of the Seven Paths of the Great Wei Dynasty.

"I heard that Xiliang has made an oath with Hanbei Dao and will never invade Hanbei Dao again, so Hanbei Dao can rest assured to send a large army to Jingdu."

"How can it be so simple? Now all kinds of strange phenomena occur frequently, and Hanbei Road is no exception. They simply cannot send a large army in a short period of time."

"Hanbei Road is different from other roads. They have military strength that can rival Xiliang. They only need to leave half of their troops to deal with the strange, and then divide half of their troops to go south. Even if half of their troops come, the mirror will be in danger."

"In such a critical situation, we must come up with a safe solution."

"What are the three patriarchs doing? Why haven't they thought of taking down the Mirror of the Sky for so long? Why don't you send someone to the mirror capital..."

"No, you don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious. At this time, we have to trust them even more."

"Hmph, they took away several things treasured in the clan, and said they would invite experts to sit in Jingdu. This is the most expensive thing in the clan..."

Even the elders of the clan have different opinions and debates, so the private discussions in the ancestral house have not been stopped recently.

"It can't be like this anymore."

"We need to be patient."

"Wait, wait for the Hanbei Army to invade Jingdu, we'll just wait to die."

"That's why we can't be fooled."


While the clan elders were arguing about this, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open.

The discussion in the hall stopped abruptly, and a group of people poured in. The clan elders quickly recognized that these people were from the three clans of King Xiao Ye.

"What are you doing?" a clan elder shouted with a sullen face.

The faces of the clan elders changed slightly, because every time the clan elders were guarded by guards outside, so many people broke in this time, something was really wrong, even if they were from their own clan.

Wang Zhe in the crowd said with a smile, "We know that the elders of the clan can't negotiate over important matters, so we came here to make a decision for the elders."


"Get us out!"

"What is it!"

"You can't make a rebellion!"

Among the clan elders, several people immediately shouted sharply, and there were also many clan elders who felt bad. I am afraid that these people have come prepared for this behavior.

Wang Zhe's face was calm, he just picked up a red copper bell and shook it gently.

A red halo spread out from the bell.

The clan elders were running their True Essence to resist the red aperture, but they were shocked to discover that the red aperture merged with their True Essence, causing the True Essence in their bodies to become stagnant and sluggish.

"No, my true essence is imprisoned."

"mine too!"

"What kind of equipment is this?"

The clan elders exclaimed in surprise. They had never seen such a tool before, which could actually ban their true essence.

There shouldn't be such a miraculous tool in the world that can ban a cultivator's true essence so easily.

The smile on Wang Zhe's face became even brighter, "You are all our elders, we will not harm you, but you are so disappointed in us, so we will temporarily deprive you of your power, and please come with our people. , we'll give everything back to you when the matter is settled."

That said, but Wang Zhe knew that these powerful clan elders would no longer have the opportunity to take power, otherwise the fate of those who committed troubles could be imagined.

But now they can't be easily moved. These are all precious battle powers in the clan. Of course, it's not without solutions.

They have already negotiated that after they have imprisoned these clan elders for a period of time, they will sharpen their temper, and then let the willingness to make an oath with the heart of the Tao, saying that they will not interfere in the affairs of the clan in the future, and no one will be held accountable. will let them out.

After all, they are all their own.

"Wang Zhe, what did you do to our body?" a clan elder who knew Wang Zhe shouted coldly.

The elders of the clan are the most respected among the three clans of King Xiao Ye, how have they ever encountered such a thing?

The scene that is happening now is a shame for them, which makes them all furious. If they were not imprisoned because of their strength, they would definitely kill these rebels.

"Don't We just added a strange medicine called sound jelly to our daily diet. The special feature of this medicine is that it is colorless and tasteless, it is difficult to be found, and it is taken for enough time. After a long time, it will penetrate deep into the marrow of our meridians.”

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Wang Zhe explained patiently: "Then I will shake this special bell again, and when the sound rings, our true essence will be imprisoned, but that's all, it will not harm our body. too much harm."

This kind of miracle medicine is provided by the father-in-law, but it is only effective for monks below the undead realm. It is enough. The monks who can enter the undead realm are very rare. Three-phase, among the clan elders, there is no undead cultivator.

And if it wasn't for people of the same clan, it would be difficult for them to add this kind of strange medicine to the diet of the clan elders. This kind of strange medicine needs to be taken for a certain period of time to work. Poison.

"It's poison!"

"How dare you poison us!"

"It's outrageous."

The clan elders were all drinking and cursing while trying to take out antidote and other drugs from their storage bags to detoxify.

"I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!" Wang Zhe's face turned cold.

The people he brought walked over and ripped off the detoxification pills and storage bags in the hands of the clan elders. The clan elders did not dare to resist and lost their true essence. They were just ordinary old people. It's just humiliation.

The clan elders looked gloomy and panicked in their hearts, knowing that there was a big problem now.

At this moment, there was a sound of fighting outside.

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