Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1658: break the equilibrium

Mu Qiujian stood quietly in front of the academy, and his huge spiritual thoughts spread out, covering the entire academy, so that anyone who walked out of the academy would not be able to escape his spiritual sense investigation.

In the attic of the academy not far away, Zhou Fan and Duanmu Xiaohong were standing by the window, and they could see Mu Qiujian standing in the open space outside the door.

"This is a little wrong. We have the academy's defense formation to protect us, and he can't attack here. What is it for?" Chen Zheng asked inexplicably.

It's really not right, but they quickly figure out why.

They received a request for help from the General Office of Yiluan. The General Office of Yiluan was attacked, not only the General Office of Yiluan, but also those patrol battalions loyal to the emperor of Wei were also violently attacked. .

"Oops, the three-phase family must start with the strongest." Chen Zheng said in a hurry.

He did not expect that after losing the support of Shenjiangzhou, Sanxian would be so bold and decisive to launch an attack on the Academy and the General Office of Yiluan, but he had to say that this was their last chance.

As long as they can eliminate the opposing forces of the mirrors in the academy, then the entire mirror will fall under their control, and then they can concentrate on setting up defenses without worrying about the fire in the backyard.

The purpose of Mu Qiujian in front of the academy is obvious. It is to block the academy and prevent the academy from having the opportunity to support the allies of the Yiluan Division Chief Mansion. At that time, we will concentrate our troops to solve the academy!

Zhou Fan, Duanmu Xiaohong, and Chen Zheng wanted to understand these things in a second. Eunuch Ao didn't expect to be so thorough, but when the opponent launched an attack, he also knew that something was wrong.

"I'll hold him back, you bring people to support them, and then execute according to the original plan." Duanmu Xiaohong said in a deep voice, and the whole person immediately disappeared into the attic.

Now that the opponent is going first, they can only choose to fight.

"Mr. Wu, I'll go to the General Office of Yiluan Division first." Zhou Fan also disappeared into the attic.

Chen Zheng and Eunuch Ao both ran downstairs and took out the message sign to notify the people below, so that they could prepare for battle.

Outside the academy's defense formation, a golden streamer rushed out and shot towards Mu Qiujian.

"Dare to provoke me in the Primordial Spirit Realm?" Mu Qiujian's face was indifferent. Two silver sword qi stabbed forward on his body, collided with the golden streamer, and made a loud noise. The aftermath of the true essence was shattered, and only the academy in the defense formation was intact.

Two silver sword lights flew back and turned into two silver swords, suspended in front of Mu Qiu sword.

Mu Qiujian's eyes were sharp, and he didn't kill the Primordial Spirit Realm cultivator with the blow just now.

He soon discovered that Duanmu's little red golden primordial spirit was surrounded by pitch-black ink, making the primordial spirit more and more powerful.

Mu Qiujian's eyes showed a strange look, "This is a Lingbao. You, a little Yuanshen cultivator, actually have a Lingbao. No wonder you dare to provoke me!"

Duanmu Xiaohong said coldly, "Senior is not from the Great Wei, so why bother to interfere in the affairs of my Great Wei?"

"To collect money from people, to eliminate disasters for others." Mu Qiujian smiled and said, "Besides, you are a junior, do you think you can give me pointers by relying on Lingbao?"

There were four silver swords on Mu Qiujian's body that flew out, and one of the silver swords shot away, turning into a streamer and blasting into the air in the west corner of the academy.

There was a figure looming in the sky in the west corner, and it was Zhou Fan who flew out quietly.

Zhou Fan drew his sword out of its sheath and slashed it out.

The flying sword and the sword collided, making a loud noise, setting off a storm of true essence and spreading everywhere, Zhou Fan flew out, and he flew away without stopping.

"It's that kid from before!" Mu Qiujian's face was slightly cold, and he wanted to chase after him, but Duanmu Xiaohong had turned into a golden and ink two-color streamer and rushed towards him. He could only stop and think about getting rid of Duanmu Xiaohong as soon as possible. Go to the trouble of that kid again.

Zhou Fan quickly discovered that not only Mu Qiujian was there, but the three-phase family also sent a lot of people to surround the academy. He didn't pay much attention to these people. go out.

He needs to hurry up and help Dongmen play the flute and the others. Na Mu Qiujian is a distracted monk with three points of Yuanshen. Even if it is only one of the Yuanshen, how long Mr. Da can support is unknown.

If Mr. Da can't stop Mu Qiujian before the battle is over, then they may lose.

After Zhou Fan left, the warrior monks of the academy also rushed out of the formation and fought with the warrior monks who surrounded the academy.

The equilibrium that Jingdu had maintained for a period of time was broken. There was fighting everywhere in the city, and the common people hid in their houses at the moment when the war happened again, fearing that it would be affected by the war.

Zhou Fan was flying in the air, watching the wisps of black smoke rising from the city, and his speed increased by a few points. After all, there were only a few monks who could fly. After he cast an illusion and entered a state of invisibility, almost no one could find him.

It didn't take him long to see the General Office of Yiluan Division, but the four directions of the General Office of Yiluan Division were surrounded by warriors and cultivators, and they were constantly attacking the protective formation of Division Yiluan.

The cyan mask that spreads out in the Yiluan Division Chief's Mansion is already crumbling. The Yiluan Division Chief Mansion is just on the defensive and waiting for support, and has not come out to fight the attackers.

"Someone is approaching in the sky!" The aristocratic cultivator with a monitoring device in his hand shouted loudly.

In an instant, countless talisman arrows and talisman **** shot towards the invisible Zhou Zhou Fan just sneered. Flames and smoke exploded in the sky.

He released his stealth state and quickly landed on the street, and also pulled out the German sword.

The warrior monks of the noble family were not afraid at all, and rushed towards him.

Zhou Fan waved his two swords, and with his current cultivation realm, even the most common quick swordsmanship cannot be resisted by ordinary warriors and cultivators.

Every swift knife gang hit a warrior, causing the warrior's powerful body to shatter and blood to splash.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of warrior monks died under his sword.

"It's you, how could you be in Jingdu?" Xiao Hui, who was supervising the battle, sounded an extremely angry voice, his golden primordial spirit had already shot towards Zhou Fan.

"It's time to settle the feud between me and the three of you." Zhou Fan laughed, his body was also out of his body.

When Xiao Hui's primordial spirit saw Zhou Fan's primordial spirit coming out of his body, his primordial spirit suddenly retreated and sneered, "Do you think I don't know that you are an illusion?"

He had already known that Zhou Fan did not enter the Primordial Spirit Realm at all, but only used a unique illusion to kill the Primordial Spirit Realm.

The battle between Zhou Fan and Li Cuiwei has long been known all over the world!

"Whether it's an illusion, it doesn't matter if you say it!" Zhou Fan's primordial spirit had already shot out, killing Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui's Primordial Spirit was still fighting with Zhou Fan, the Primordial Spirit who was hard to tell. The powerful energy spread out, and the nearby warriors and cultivators flew back frantically, away from the area.

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