Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1663: underestimate

Eunuch Goe knew that he couldn't hide the big Wei Tianzi so directly, he nodded lightly and said frankly, "Yes."

Dawei Tianzi's face was a little complicated, "Actually, I understand that it's not just you, but the academy master, Chen Zheng, Dongmen flute and others are also worried."

"I am afraid that I will suffer this betrayal, and my temperament will change greatly. I am not like the previous me."

Once the temperament becomes weird, and the Great Wei Emperor has such a powerful force, then the Great Wei's situation will probably be worse than before.

"In the whole Great Wei, only the sage knows my origin. I was born in a small mountain in Great Wei. Later, I changed shape, traveled in Great Wei, and finally became successful in my cultivation. I was discovered by your grandfather. I've been out." Goose Gong said: "I'm not interested in things like power and wealth. Whether it's your grandfather, father, or saint, they have not imprisoned me free, let me come and go."

"I have always had a lazy temperament. When I entered the palace, I never planned to leave. I just like to live in the palace and live a peaceful life. Occasionally, when I am interested, I will watch the lively battles in the palace."

"If I'm lucky, maybe Da Wei has survived this catastrophe, and I can still see the son of the Sage ascend to the throne. That's probably how my life has been."

"Actually, I have no relatives and no reason. No matter who Da Wei dies, it has little to do with me, and it doesn't affect me." Eunuch Goe said this, with a faint smile on his face, "But I don't know why, Every time something happens to Dawei, I can't help but take care of it."

"Sir, why do you say this is?"

Emperor Wei shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I know that the old man is not loyal to our Li family, and the old man is more like a friend of our Li family. If I really lose control of the Tongtian Mirror, I will replace any prince to sit on it. When he is on the throne, the old man will faithfully assist him, right?"

The Great Wei Tianzi saw it very clearly.

"It depends on the character of the prince. If he does anything wrong, I can't help him, but I won't help him. At that time, maybe I will leave the mirror palace." Gong Gong said: "Actually, the answer to this question was when I was young. I can't figure it out, but now that so many years have passed, how can I not understand it?"

"Because my old bones were born and bred in this country, I hope that when I die, this country will still be peaceful." Father Goose gave the answer.

Dawei Tianzi was stunned for a moment and said: "I really admire the old man. I can tell the old man that I have no intention of angering anyone. I am still the same me before."

"But isn't the sage angry?" Eunuch Goe asked, "It's hard to feel betrayed and imprisoned. If it were me or someone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to accept it."

What's more, this is the Son of Heaven, the most powerful person in the Great Wei, and the most difficult thing for a king to endure is often betrayal.

Eunuch Goose has been in the palace for so long, how could he not be clear?

Dawei Tianzi was silent for a while and said: "Of course I feel angry. The people who lead the palace change this time will not end well. Why should I be angry with other people? I'm still the same me."

Eunuch Goe could hear that Emperor Wei didn't lie, so he bowed and walked away.

Dawei Tianzi looked at the table full of banquets, he sighed softly, he did not change, but he said that there was a slight change, "Everything will eventually become meaningless, why should I care?"



In Jingdu, there are still a lot of destroyed square markets, and wisps of black smoke rises. The war has caused Jingdu to suffer a lot of losses, but fortunately, this is all least temporarily.

The talisman masters are repairing the core of the defensive array that was destroyed before. When the jade dragon with 100,000 talisman pillars comes alive and spews colorful colors, the mirror array will recover.

Many institutions in Jingdu were busy, but Zhou Fan did not intervene in these matters. He took the token from the piped flute at the east gate, entered the general office of Yiluan Division, and interrogated Xiao Hui by himself.

The Dongmen Flute Club agreed, because Xiao Hui was originally captured by Zhou Fan, and the General Office of Yiluan was able to relieve the difficulty. It was also because Zhou Fan helped him at the beginning, and he owed Zhou Fan a great deal of favor.

Besides, Zhou Fan has the strength to kill the Primordial Spirit Realm. Dongmen can see clearly by playing the flute. In Dawei, unless the sage is dissatisfied with Zhou Fan, no one can stop Zhou Fan's rise. Zhou Fan's future achievements will be better than that of Zhou Fan. He is taller, he doesn't need to offend Zhou Fan.

As long as Zhou Fan didn't kill Xiao Hui, Zhou Fan could do whatever he wanted to do.

In the interrogation room sealed by the Fu array, Zhou Fan met Xiao Hui. Now Xiao Hui is not only restricted by Zhou Fan himself, but the monks in the Yiluan Division are afraid that important prisoners such as Xiao Hui will escape, and they think about Xiao Hui. There will be several powerful bans on the body.

So Xiao would want to break the restraint in his body by himself, which is completely impossible.

It has been a while since Xiao Huiyu was captured, and his mood has calmed down. He mocked and said, "Are you here to humiliate me?"

Zhou Fan said lightly: "I'm not bored yet to laugh at a loser. I came to you to ask something."

"But why should I tell you?" Xiao Hui sneered, "Or do you want those stupid people to torture me?"

"You are the head of the Xiao and the right minister. You are pampered. If you are really punished, you may not be able to bear it." Zhou Fan said slowly.

Xiao Hui laughed and said: "You have some truth in what you said, but why do I have to endure such a punishment? I think that you have already let the Holy Master regain control of the Tongtian Mirror, then the Holy Master will never forgive me, a traitor, they are all dead. , as long as you dare to have me punished, and I want my soul to explode, who of you can stop me?"

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "You are a life-hungry person who fears death. If you really have the courage, why do you still live?"

The smile on Xiao Hui's face faded, and his face trembled, because Zhou Fan was right, he was really afraid of death, otherwise he would have died long ago. Rich and glorious, how can you be willing to die like this?

He looked at Zhou Fan with resentment in his eyes: "The worst thing we did is that we didn't kill the remnants of your Zhou family earlier, otherwise why would we do this?"

Zhou Fan sneered: "Don't say it so nicely, haven't you taken any shots? It's just that all your plans have failed."

Xiao Hui's face became a little grim. Yes, they shot again and again, but they all failed. Every time they tried to estimate Zhou Fan's strength as high as possible, but they still underestimated it, until they never had a chance.

This week, when Zhou Fan first came into the sight of the three of them, if he had taken the shot himself, it would not have led to today's defeat, but he was the right minister of the Great Wei, so he couldn't get out of the mirror to do such a thing...

There was a look of dejection on his face, what's the use of thinking about it now, the three families of King Xiao Ye are all over.

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