Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1670: despair

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The huge talisman cart made of pure gold was dragged by thirty-six snow horses and slowly stopped in front of the three ancestral houses of King Xiao Ye.

The official's special envoy, Eunuch Ao, got out of the car with the help of his servants.

"See Eunuch Ao." Everyone in the three families of King Xiao Ye bowed down to Eunuch Ao.

"Big Brother Ao." The father-in-law came up with a smile on his face.

Eunuch Ao laughed loudly and said, "Oh, righteous brother, our family misses you to death."

Eunuch Ao and Eunuch Pan were chatting and laughing, but ignored the three families of Xiao Yewang who were kneeling.

"Big Brother Ao, this is all the adults from the three families." Eunuch Ban introduced.

"Oh." Eunuch Ao said yin and yang strangely: "It's an adult now, but it won't be sure later, let's all get up."

Everyone stood up uneasy, all looked at the father-in-law, and the father-in-law gave them a relieved look, he smiled and asked, "Brother Ao, what did the sage say?"

"The sage said that the full authority is left to our family to handle. Our family said that if they are adults, they are adults, and if they are not adults, they are not adults." Eunuch Ao snorted out of his nostrils.

When everyone heard this, it was as if a heavy stone had been removed from their hearts. Eunuch Ao said this, and they all understood that the Holy Master intended to deal with them leniently. As for handing over the three of them to a single eunuch, this was just Eunuch Ao’s intimidation. In other words, want to extort benefits from them.

They already knew that Eunuch Ao was extremely greedy for money, leaving scars in the wind and plucking wild geese, and he was ready to feed this official envoy.

The father-in-law smiled and said, "Brother Ao, we have set up the banquet. Let's clean up the dust for you first."

The three families also responded and flattered.

Eunuch Ao gave a light hum, and agreed, but he took a few steps under the guard of everyone, and suddenly said sharply: "Wait."

Everyone looked at each other.

The father-in-law was also taken aback and said, "Big Brother Ao, what's the matter?"

"This is their territory. If our family went in, they would have objections. What should we do if we murdered our family?" Ao Gonggong said coldly, and took a few steps back cautiously.

Everyone in the three families is full of contempt for him. There are so many people in the three families.

The public servant soothed: "Big Brother Ao, no, our family guarantees this for them."

The three families were grateful to Eunuch Pan again, and felt that Eunuch Pan was really too good for them to say anything.

"Brother, it's not that our family doesn't believe you, it's that our family doesn't believe them. The three of them have done atrocious things." Eunuch Ao shook his head and refused to enter.

The father-in-law said urgently: "Big Brother Ao, then it's not a solution for you to stand at the door."

Everyone in the three families was really annoyed and amused. This Eunuch Ao was as strange as the rumors said, but it was not the solution after all.

Ao Gong said: "I can't confirm the safety, our family will not go in anyway, unless they hand over the control jade talisman to our family, our family will believe them."

The faces of the three leaders of Xiao Yewang's three families were all gloomy, which was equivalent to releasing their defense power.

"Brother Ao, what's the use of you taking that thing?" The father-in-law said helplessly.

"Why is it useless?" Ao Gonggong said coldly: "The defensive formation is not only for protection. With it, I can mobilize the power of the guardian formation to kill those who want to kill me and protect myself."

"I'm here on behalf of the sage. If they refuse to hand it over, it means that they did not surrender sincerely." Ao Gong said: "Our family will report back to the sage. Feibai wiped out all three families."

The faces of the three families showed fear, this was going to be a bad thing.

"Brother Ao, you, you." Eunuch Pan was furious, "You wait, our family will discuss with the adults."

The father-in-law and Wang Zhe walked aside and discussed in a low voice.

"My lords, there's nothing I can do, my big brother Ao is such a ridiculous and suspicious character, you give him the jade talisman." The father-in-law patted his forehead with one hand, showing helplessness, "Anyway, you must have more than one control. The jade talisman guarding the great formation, just give him a piece to make him feel at ease."

The three powers were silent for a while. There are indeed more than one jade talisman guarding the great formation. Give one copy of this Eunuch Ao as a trustworthy thing. Even if Eunuch Ao really uses the guarding array indiscriminately, they can also use it in their hands. the jade talisman to stop him.

It's just that you need to take some risks, it's not unbearable.

They agreed quickly.

"Brother Ao, in order to show sincerity, the three families have promised to give you the Jade Talisman of the Guardian Array, so don't go overboard." Eunuch Ban and the three families in power walked back, he said with a straight face.

"Then see if they are sincere." Eunuch Ao smiled and spread out his hands.

The three families quickly handed over a golden jade talisman to Eunuch Ao.

Grandpa Ao held the golden jade talisman, "I have to see if this jade talisman is real or fake?"

As he spoke, he poured infuriating energy into the golden jade talisman, and the golden jade talisman radiated golden light.

With a buzzing sound, the defensive formation in the ancestral house loomed.

"It's really true." Eunuch Ao handed the golden jade talisman to Eunuch Pan.

The general father-in-law smiled, he held the golden jade talisman with a thought, and a light beam of natural yellow fell from the defensive formation, hitting the center of the formation.

The natural yellow beam hit the center of the formation, with a rumbling sound, the formation center was destroyed, and the defensive formation completely dissipated.

Everyone was dumbfounded, all this happened so fast that they couldn't react at all.

The father-in-law has a bright smile. He has lived in the ancestral house for so long, how can he not know where the formation center of the ancestral house is?

As long as you know where the formation center is, and you have control over the defensive formation, it would be easier to destroy the formation center.

"What are you doing?" Wang Zhe couldn't believe his father-in-law The smoke billowed in the distance, and countless figures of warriors emerged, and they surrounded the ancestral house. Completely surround the ancestral home.

The faces of Xiao Yewang's three families showed fear. They were fooled. This was a scam at all.

Grandpa Ao's body and face were changing, and he soon turned into a handsome young man with a bald head.

Looking at this bald young man, the faces of the new leaders of the three families were ashen, they recognized it, this was Zhou Fan, that one they had seen countless times, and now countless people in Xiao Yewang's three families would dream of a demon like that man.

Now he is standing in front of everyone, standing in front of the three ancestral houses.

he came.

He was the official special envoy, and it was obvious that the Emperor Wei sent him here.

The three families are over, and there is no hope of survival. Some people have weak knees, slumped on the ground, and can no longer stand up.

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