Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1674: 2 letters

This word is not an ancient script, nor is it a word that Zhou Fan does not recognize.

On the paper, it was written: You are here, I am not here, I will not see you when I come, I can't help it, I am not able to see you, it is a regret of my life.

After Zhou Fan read this sentence, he found that there was another sentence at the bottom of the paper: Hundred flowers regret not seeing Senior Long stay.

Zhou Fan's face trembled, he resisted the urge to cover his face, what is this, is it a brain-dead female fan of Senior Long?

"What's written on it?" The little boy couldn't help asking when he saw Zhou Fan's strange expression.

Zhou Fan read the content on the paper to the little boy.

"Hundred Flowers?" The little boy sighed, "It's actually her."

"Do you recognize her?" Zhou Fan asked.

"She is a hundred flowers fairy from three thousand countries." The little boy said, "How could I not recognize her? It's just that she fell in love with Senior Long."

"Senior Long, such a beautiful man of peerless elegance, has too many fairies who like him. This is doomed to a tragedy that she can't get her life."

"There is no more beautiful man in the world than Senior Long."

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, then he couldn't be wrong, this Senior Long can only be that Senior Long, but what does this have to do with him?

"It wouldn't be surprising if the box contained a letter written by Fairy Hundred Flowers," said the little boy.

"Why do you say that?" Zhou Fan asked, startled.

"Fairy Hundred Flowers is not only known for her beauty, but her calligraphy is very popular among monks and can be called a must. Some monks are willing to go bankrupt and give everything in order to get her calligraphy." The little boy explained.

Zhou Fan glanced at the words on the letter paper again, and he had to admit that the words on the paper had their own special Taoism, and they were really beautiful, but with his level of appreciation, he could only see this. kind of.

"Is it just because she looks good? Can her words be used for cultivation or something?" Zhou Fan couldn't believe it. He was willing to pay such a price just because the words looked good.

"Ridiculous." The little boy said, "Calligraphy is calligraphy. If you don't know calligraphy, don't say such sarcastic words. If you dare to say this in front of Baihua Fairy's calligraphy lovers, those people will fight you hard. of."

Zhou Fan's eyebrows jumped, well, money can't buy a good heart, he didn't argue with the little boy, he turned the other side, he thought there would be no words on this side, but he found another line: Bah, bitch, don't think that good-looking writing can make you blind and ugly, Senior Long is mine - Zhou Xiaoliu.

He almost jumped up. This was written by Zhou Xiaoxiao, or before Zhou Xiaoquan changed his surname.

However, he quickly realized that this box belonged to the Zhou family, and it was not surprising that he would come across something Zhou Xiaomao had used before.

He looked at the ugly characters Zhou Xiaoxiao wrote that looked like chicken chops, and couldn't help laughing. If it was about writing, it would be difficult for Zhou Xiaomao to win Baihua Fairy. It is even more difficult for a kitten's ordinary appearance to win.

Zhou Fan read the words on the back to the little boy again.

"It's a waste of time." The little boy sighed: "It was originally a masterpiece of calligraphy, but now it's all ruined by the words behind her."

Zhou Fan didn't care. This calligraphy was worthless to him, and there was nothing behind it except the lines written by Zhou Xiaoxiao.

He put the letter aside and opened the second letter.

The envelope contained a folded piece of paper and an unfolded piece of paper.

Zhou Fan glanced at it, and what he saw was an unfolded piece of paper. On the paper was written: Is it a kitten? If this letter is written to you, if not, I do not know which fellow Taoist can avoid the trap of the box and still read the letter I wrote.

I'm really sorry, I made you happy for nothing. The contents in the box are not valuable, they are just some souvenirs I left to my sister.

If you want to watch it, you can just watch it, I just hope you can put it back in the box after reading it and give it to someone named Zhou... Oh, it should be Zhou Xiaomao now, she is ashamed of having the same surname as me, she is very strong, she should be Some benefits will be given to fellow Daoists as a reward.

But the premise is that she can come out from that place, and if fellow Daoist is still alive by then.

Fate is impermanent, I wrote this letter, looking for a cultivator who is proficient in the law of cause and effect, and blessed the cause and effect in the letter, but whether this letter can fall into her hands is still full of uncertainty, if not, it can only be like this.

Zhou Fan was silent. He guessed the identity of the person who wrote the letter. It should be Zhou Xiaoquan, the ancestor of the Zhou family who originally possessed the Pluto scorpion.

He glanced at the folded letter paper in his hand. He hesitated before opening it. After all, Zhou Xiaoquan said he could read it, and he also wanted to know what Zhou Xiaoquan wrote.

On the paper were written dense words:

Kitten, kitten, you ruined the Baihua Fairy calligraphy that I painstakingly found. I'm very angry, so we don't owe each other.

Haha, just kidding, I know you will never forgive me.

If you don't forgive me and read this letter again, it means that I am dead.

You should be able to calm down.

In fact, I don't know how you would feel when you heard the news of my death. You also know that I am lazy and cowardly. I have never been good at guessing women's minds. Facing beautiful fairies, my childhood home always comes to mind. The picture of the male dog throbbing on the female dog in the village.

I am such a person, I am afraid I will never change.

You can see this letter, it should be the time when it all ends and starts again, but I'm not so sure, so if you want to know how I died, you have to check it yourself, and I don't know who kill me.

It's just that it says Then I shouldn't be able to survive.

We brother and sister have never believed in fate. In fact, fate is illusory and can change at any time, and there is nothing credible.

But it is too strong, so strong that I can't believe it, of course I will not give up, I will try to survive by all means as we did before.

It's just that it won't work this time. It's too dangerous. I can only use this method to let you go.

It says we only need one brother and sister, that kind of place is too boring, I don't want to go, you should go, but I didn't give it to you, you know if I'm a **** stuck in that place for too long , I'll go crazy, why don't you go.

It's a bit boring there, but there is no safer place in the world. I hope you don't blame my useless big brother for making that choice for you.

Alas, you also know that I hate reading since I was a child, and I have no ink in my stomach. I have a lot of things to say to you, but I just started writing, but I don’t know what to write. You all know about me, recalling the past I can't learn the sour things of sadness in spring and autumn.

Since I separated from you, there is nothing interesting. I can only come here. No matter if you forgive me or not, I hope you live a good life.

By the way, after I separated from you, I married dozens of beautiful women and let them have many offspring for me.

You used to say that if we were not born from the same mother, you would definitely not care about my life or death, so I wanted to marry a wife and have children, leaving many descendants. These are the dog descendants of your dog brother, you will definitely not care. , so that I am gone, you may not feel alone.



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