Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1678: cut sky

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Zhou Fan looked at the bead, he was stunned for a moment, and soon his face showed ecstasy.

This is Lu Daoyu, the secret treasure used to deduce the three types of kittens.

"What is this?" The little boy asked in surprise, looking at the gray beads.

"Lu Daoyu." Zhou Fan reached out and held the bead.

The beads turned into a mass of gray light and penetrated into his palm.

Huge pieces of knowledge filled his soul sea. He held his head in his hands, and the blue veins on his forehead burst. He saw the boat kitten holding a kitten knife, standing in front of the vast ocean.

The waves crashed on the reef, one after another.

Zhou Kitten slashed a knife, the sea was divided into two sides, and the seabed gully appeared.

Ground split.

It seemed that she had reached the extreme ground-splitting style, her body poured out infinite power, and the knives were together again, slashing into the sky.

The vast sky was cut into two huge cracks by the two sword lights that crossed, and the cracks continued to spread. Finally, the entire sky was shattered, and the whole world completely collapsed.

The knife raised, the power that erupted from his body, these mysteries were all imprinted in Zhou Fan's heart. When all the illusions disappeared in his soul sea, he was already sweating profusely.

His mind was shocked by the sword that slashed the sky, such a sword technique was really terrifyingly powerful.

It is clear that the ground-smashing style has been the ultimate blow, but after the splitting, it can explode again. Using the ground-splitting style to use a more powerful sky-cutting style, it seems impossible, but it is done. This is completely unreasonable. Word of the sword.

Zhou Xiaomao said before that she used a superimposition method, such as waves hitting the shore, one wave beats one wave, and the sky-cutting style is twice as strong as the ground-breaking style!

An enemy that can't be killed by the ground-splitting style, who can stand up to the double-strength smashing-the-sky style?

At least Zhou Fan couldn't imagine that Zhou Xiaomao had never met a cultivator who could support her with the second style, which made her never use the third style to slaughter the gods!

Zhou Fan shuddered when he thought of the unfinished third form of Slaughtering God. This third form needs to burn everything, and it is a sword technique that perishes together. Even if he learns it, he doesn't want to use that sword technique.

Zhou Xiaomao said that this kind of burning is irreversible and irreparable. It is really fighting with his own life. Only a lunatic like Zhou Xiaomao can figure out such a knife technique.

Slaughtering gods, slaughtering gods, there is no **** in the world, then this is a useless style.

"What's the use of Lu Daoyu?" asked the little boy, who had never heard of Lu Daoyu.

"This is something of the boat. As long as the other party has used the moves, they can be copied and deduced, and then they can be taught to me after the deduction is successful." Zhou Fan said: "The boat uses it to help me deduce a guide. trick."

Zhou Fan will say it, that is to let the emperor of all nations know how much the ship values ​​him.

"It turned out to be a deduction tool for stealing other people's stunts." The little boy finally understood, but he didn't show any surprise on his face, and he didn't say anything. Instead, he closed his eyes and didn't speak any more.

Zhou Fan felt a little pity, and he also hoped that the Emperor of All Nations would help him for free when the ship attached so much importance to him.

Of course, this kind of thing is too slim, these guides are the masters who will not throw eagles when they see a rabbit, it is too difficult to deal with.

His mind quickly turned to the second style of the kitten, and he showed joy. Even the second style of the kitten was a combination of the two laws, it would definitely not be able to compare, with the second style of the kitten, even What primordial skill?

In a flash, a few days passed, and the second style of the kitten was not too difficult for Zhou Fan because it had the foundation of the first style.

But it is only relative to the ground splitting style, it still takes a lot of time to practice in order to truly master it.

The cultivation of Zhantian is a huge burden for the human soul. Even if he has a solid foundation and a strong body, he will be paralyzed after diligently cultivating every day.

After the battle with Xiliang, the troops of Hanbei Dao were not much damaged, and when Xiliang's compensation resources were continuously sent to Hanbei Dao, the troops of Hanbei Dao became more and more prosperous.

The cultivators of the Yiluan Division in the three states and one prefecture have all benefited greatly from it, and their strength has grown to a certain extent.

It's just that no one is in the mood to slowly feel this benefit, and the frequent strange incidents keep the warriors and cultivators busy.

A piece of news about the Lengxue City in Lengyue Prefecture came to the main residence of Hanbei Daoist: after dawn, the Lengxuecheng fell into silence.

From the open city gate, you can see the deserted streets. Leng Yuezhou Yiluan Division sent three teams of warriors into Lingxue City to investigate, but all lost contact.

Lingxue City is a city with a population of nearly 100,000. Such news alarmed Zhou Fan, who was cultivating.

Zhou Fan immediately came out of his residence and carefully read the information collected about Lingxue City.

"The closest one is Wen Xiao. He said that he will rush over immediately after he solves the weirdness he has to deal with." Du Ni said.

"Don't, let him not go there, I'll go personally." Zhou Fan said solemnly.

Don't look at him cultivating all day long, but he draws a line in his heart. If there is a situation involving 100,000 people and I don't know what kind of he will take action in person.

Now that the signs of the catastrophe have appeared, anything can happen.

Of course, Du Ni and the others in the manor would not object.

Zhou Fan returned to his residence, brought his little sister, shuttled out of the interspace, and soon reached the vicinity of Lingxue City.

It took some time for him to find a team of Yiluan Si who was wandering nearby.

"Sir." The Yiluan Division team immediately saluted respectfully.

Zhou Fan looked at the silent Lingxue City, the city gate was open, but there was no one on the street.

He didn't rush to use his spiritual sense to investigate, but asked, "Have you found anything?"

"Sir, we tried to put some beasts and spirit beasts in, but they all lost contact with us." The team leader replied: "We let people take the risk of approaching the city wall, and stick the talismans such as the test talisman on the wall, the city wall There were no unusual reactions."

"We circled the city, and there were no signs of damage within the city walls..."

The team leader answered in great detail. After three teams of warriors entered but did not come out, they did not venture in according to the above order.

After listening to Zhou Fan, he just nodded slightly, and he first motivated his own little fairy godhead.

Now the believers of Daxian Xiaoshuang are all over Hanbei Road, and of course there will be believers of Daxian Xiaoxian in Lingxue City. If the believers in the city are still alive, Daxian Xiaoxian will definitely be able to see the godhead.

It was only soon that he found out that there seemed to be no believers of Daxian Xiaosu in Lingxuecheng, because the godhead couldn't see anything.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, his spiritual thoughts unfolded and spread toward the city.

There are very few weird things that can hurt a monk's spiritual thoughts. Even if there are, the monks can cut off this spiritual thought in time, and won't let the strange words affect themselves.

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