Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1683: stalking

The moment the blood coat turned into a huge circle and wrapped Zhou Fan, he spat out a syllable, and the golden ripples spread rapidly, causing the circular blood coat shrinking towards him to stop in the air.

Zhou Fan slashed out with a knife, and the gray sword light split the **** clothes in half.

He flew out of it, and immediately teleported to a hundred meters away. He looked back and saw that the **** clothes that had been stopped by time had recovered and disappeared with a swish. When it reappeared, it had wrapped him again.

Zhou Fan pulled out his two knives, he spat out a syllable, and golden ripples spread rapidly.

The movement of the blood-clothed clothes became sluggish, which was the slowing down of time.

His double knives were so fast that he couldn't even see the shadow, he accelerated his own double knives in time.

In an instant, the two knives shattered the blood coat into strands of blood.

He also spit out a golden red fire, burning the bloodshot in the air.

After doing all this, he teleported out ten feet away.

The golden fire filled the sky, but the golden flame quickly extinguished. The bloodshot was not completely burned out, but continued to grow out, turned into a blood coat again, and shot towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, and he did the same, using the Dragon God language to slow down the movement of the blood robe, speeding up the two knives, and splitting the blood robe into countless bloodshots.

Fire is useless, but thunder may be useful.

The dark thunder and lightning enveloped the bloodshot, making bursts of roars.

After the thunder and lightning, the blood clothes are still constantly being repaired.

He had expected this for a long time, and once again greeted the **** suit, and spit out a syllable.

His current realm, Dragon God's Blood, has also grown, and he deliberately did not use time to stop, but time slowed down, which makes him not afraid to use up the power of Dragon God's blood as before, and it takes time to wait for recovery.

He kept changing the method, splitting the blood cloak into blood threads, using all kinds of different powers, such as the violent feather spirit, the dead wood stance in the martial arts, the blood waterfall stance, and the annihilation stance.

But the **** clothes still recovered again and again, and Zhou Fan didn't feel that the **** clothes were getting weaker.

Zhou Fan's scalp was faintly numb, and he spit out a syllable again, making the blood coat stop, and his body quickly grew dark green scales that turned from virtual to solid. He seemed to be covered with a pair of thick dark green scales. The horns are also growing wildly, and the curved sharp corners are entwined.

He just made a light stroke, and a dark green crack appeared in front of him. He stepped into the dark green crack, the crack was closed, and he disappeared into the air.

After Zhou Fan disappeared, the blood coat also curled into a ball, and finally shrank to a point, and disappeared with a scoff.

However, the blood cloak soon emerged from the same place. It circled in the air, and countless blood-colored filaments protruded from the blood cloak, sniffing in the air.

Dark green cracks appeared thousands of feet away, Zhou Fan came out of the cracks, and the dark green scales were also rapidly dissipating.

He stood on the spot, unfolded his spiritual thoughts, and probed around.

Thousands of feet away, the blood-clothed clothes were sniffing with blood-colored filaments. All the filaments suddenly gathered into a ball and turned into an arrow pointing in the direction of Zhou Fan.

The **** clothes disappeared in a flash, and teleported in the direction of Zhou Fan.

As soon as Xueyi entered the range of Zhou Fan's spiritual sense, he sensed it, his face was a little ugly, and this Xueyi could actually follow him.

In just a few breaths, the blood coat arrived.

Zhou Fan shouted, the mysterious syllables came out, and the golden ripples spread to stop the blood coat. He transformed into a chaotic old demon body and hid in the old days.

When he came out of the old crack again, he took out sets of talisman formations from the storage bag and quickly arranged them.

After he was finished setting up, the **** suit arrived again and rushed towards him.

Zhou Fan looked at Xue Yi coldly, and he instantly vanished and disappeared in place.

A light curtain of heavy talisman formation on the ground rose, covering the blood robe.

Zhou Fan calmly looked at the **** clothes struggling in the fu formation. If he couldn't kill you, he would try to trap you!

The blood clothes suddenly rolled into countless awls, and cracks appeared in the light curtain.

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes twitched sharply. He arranged dozens of talisman formations that were not weak, but he couldn't trap the **** clothes?

He no longer hesitated, used his body technique to teleport away, and ran wildly in the wilderness.

Xueyi came out of the talisman formation and chased in the direction of Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts spread, and he knew that the blood-clothed clothes were chasing him, which gave him a headache.

He couldn't be trapped if he couldn't kill him, and he wanted to parasitize him. The last time he was forced to be so embarrassed was when he met Lord Yunyan.

Of course, facing Lord Yunyan, he didn't even have the strength to fight back. No matter what the level of the blood-clothed clothes was, he couldn't reach Lord Yunyan, but it was very difficult to deal with. It was necessary to prevent it from parasitizing him.

Because he wasn't sure whether he would be able to break free if he was parasitized by the blood cloak, so he didn't even dare to be touched by the blood cloak.

He was fleeing in the wilderness, and the **** clothes were chasing after him. He didn't run like a headless fly. Under the cover of his spiritual thoughts, he quickly caught a rabbit.

He threw the rabbit to the blood-coat, and the blood-coat didn't even look at the rabbit, and rushed towards him.

Xueyi knows how to move. If the distance is enough, he can even reach Zhou Fan in an instant and try to parasitize.

If Zhou Fan let the blood-clothing clothes approach, he would rely on the Dragon God language time to stop the blood-clothing clothes and open the distance.

He wanted to vomit blood a He suspected that the blood coat would follow him like this because it must be parasitic on the creatures that killed its host.

Some parasitic monsters have such characteristics.

If so, it would be troublesome.

While fleeing, he thought that he could use the law of the heart, perhaps to get rid of the **** suit, and to urge the law of the heart to kill the **** suit, it might surpass the limit, but what about trapping the **** suit?

If you can't get stuck, you will go beyond the limit.

What if Xue Yi was asked to find another host?

It depends on whether the characteristics of blood clothes are really unswerving. If they are unswerving, they may surpass the limits of the law of the heart.

Besides, if it is parasitized on a new host, only parasites like the old farmer will appear, which is definitely not a good thing for Hanbei Dao. It is difficult to trap parasites like the old farmer. In the end, he still has to Kill the parasite and things will go back to square one.

Zhou Fan's mind kept turning. He thought about all possible ways, but all were rejected one by one. Before the parasite, the blood-clothed clothes became tough and tough, but fortunately, there was no huge destructive power like the parasite.

He quickly thought that the key point was that he didn't know anything about this **** suit. If he didn't know how to deal with it, it would be difficult to deal with it.

It's best to find a way to know what kind of nonsense this is.

He took out the sound transmission equipment. The sound transmission equipment was Du Ni who stayed in the Taoist mansion. He told Du Ni about the **** clothes and asked him to gather all the talismans in the mansion to check if anyone knew about this. Blood-clothed weird, similar.

If it doesn't work, then he can only think of entering the Grey River space and asking for help from the Emperor of Nations or the ship.

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