Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1690: The Worry of the Big Buddha Temple

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Why didn't he dare to enter the Great Wei to kill me?

In the face of Lord Han's question, Emperor Wei kept silent. He knew the answer, but he couldn't say it.

"It seems to be related to that secret." Master Han sighed with regret when he couldn't get an answer, "Or is this another secret?"

"Sir, I'm healed. Today I'm saying goodbye to you. Thank you for the protection of the Wei royal family for two thousand years."

He was injured, and he did not intend to stay any longer.

"Aren't you afraid that person will be waiting outside?" Da Wei Tianzi asked.

Lord Han smiled and said, "He shouldn't have the patience to keep me for two thousand years, and even if he has me, he can't be a shrinking tortoise for the rest of his life."

"In that case, I wish you a safe journey." Dawei Tianzi said.

The conversation between the two ended. Master Han crushed the sound transmission device. After he went out, with such a long distance, the sound transmission device could no longer function.

He closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, "Help Da Wei one more time, and we will not owe each other in the future."

He disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already stepped out of the interspace.

This is a place in Cangdong Road, and it is raining for thousands of miles.

In the rain, there are countless people wandering back and forth like walking dead.

Master Han stepped into the rain with an expressionless face.

All the raindrops solidified into cold particles and fell to the ground.

All the walking corpses were frozen into icemen and could no longer move.

The rain kept falling and turned into cold particles.

Within the transformation of rain and ice, one icy blue and one pale figure fought each other at high speed, and their figures were so blurred that they could not be seen clearly.

The Cangdong Daoyiluan military cultivator who had been monitoring the place all the time quickly avoided it. Whether it was the strange rain or the freezing frost, it did not benefit them.

After a stick of incense, the battle was over.

Frozen for thousands of miles, it stretched into a huge ice and snow mountain.

On the top of the iceberg, Lord Han stood with his hands behind his back. The Rain Girl under the snowy mountain was not dead, but was suppressed. He sighed lightly. He wanted to kill the Rain Girl at a high price, so he could only choose to suppress it. , so that she cannot come out to harm others in the short term.

He also doesn't know how long the repression will last, because everything is changing.

As soon as he stepped on his feet, it turned into an ice-blue streamer and flew towards the sky, and soon disappeared.

Emperor Wei of the Mirror Palace raised his head to look at the sky, he knew that Master Han had left, and shook his head with a complicated expression.

Zhou Fan soon knew that Master Han had gone to suppress Yu Nu, who had left Cangdong Dao helpless, and also knew that Master Han had left Dawei.

He breathed a sigh of relief, this Lord Han was much stronger than he thought, and now that he left Hanbei Dao, his pressure would be much less, and he focused on cultivating and accumulating the Great Grey Worm.

The whole Great Wei was busy dealing with the strange rumors that broke out because of the omen of the catastrophe, not only the official family, but also the academy, the small Buddhist temple, the Jianzong, and the Western Barbarian Insect Sect, which also joined the ranks of helping.

Only the Great Buddha Temple is special. The land of the Great Buddha Temple in Qinglian Prefecture on the West Road, the place where Buddhism is most incense and flourishing, has now become a mess.

The mad monk and his followers burned the whole place of the Great Buddha Temple with rage.

In the land of the Great Buddha Temple, Buddhist temples are destroyed every day, and monks are driven out of Buddhist temples.

The battle is being staged every day, and the anger is getting stronger and stronger. The anger in the hearts of those who have long been dissatisfied with the Great Buddha Temple has been completely triggered and spread outside Qinglian Prefecture.

Countless believers and monks of the Great Buddha Temple were in a state of anxiety, worried that the Great Buddha Temple would not ask about all this, and fell into an unspeakable silence.

In the beginning, there were monks from the Great Buddha Temple who attacked the mad monk and almost killed the mad monk, but every time the mad monk miraculously survived.

Up to now, the Dafo Temple no longer deals with mad monks, and has ordered the disciples in the temple not to go out at will.

This made the believers and the monks in the branch temple very puzzled.

In fact, it is not only them, but even the monks of the Great Buddha Temple are puzzled.

The first seventeen of the eighteen halls have already returned to the temple. They tried to see the first of the Great Buddha Temple several times, but they were avoided by the first of the Great Buddha Temple.

They were equally anxious, but did not dare to disobey the orders of the first seat.

In their opinion, the problem of the mad monk is not difficult to solve. The strength of the mad monk is low, and he is not even a cultivator of the Tao. The assembled rebels, the matter is settled.

Why should the first block sit and watch the situation continue to develop?

If this matter is solved earlier, the big problem is on the mirror capital. The emperor of Wei re-opens the mirror. If the big Buddha temple is not careful, the big Buddha temple may disappear.

Why get tangled up in such trivial matters?

The first seat of the seventeenth hall was burning with anxiety, and they went to invite the first seat together several times, but they could not see the face of the first seat.

"I can't wait any longer!" The first firewood of the Discipline Hall couldn't help but said, "I want to see the first one If he doesn't see me, I will kill the traitor because of the punishment!"

"You are the head of the precepts hall, and you really violated the precepts in the temple. How should the disciples abide by the precepts in the future?" The head of the Luohan Hall rebuked Ranluo.

"Senior brother, but if things go on like this, something big will happen." Burning Wood said anxiously, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let him leave the Great Buddha Temple in the first place."

"Amitabha, this matter is mainly my responsibility." The head of the Prajna Hall said with a sad face, "I shouldn't persuade Junior Brother Huanmu to let him go because of what happened to Junior Brother Huixuan."

Otherwise, such a problem would not occur, and the first seat would not have to be rushed back from the mirror.

"This is not a problem at all, the question is why does the first seat keep silent?" The first seat of the Bodhisattva Hall said with a frown.

When the first seat of the seventeenth hall was discussing this matter, the national teacher Huixu walked in from the outside. He saluted and respectfully said to the first seat of the seventeenth hall, "Masters and uncles, Master invites you to discuss matters in the Jingxin Hall."

The head of the seventeenth hall was delighted when he heard this, and after so many days, the head was finally willing to see them.

The first of the seventeen halls stood up, and soon followed Huixu to the Jingxin Hall, where they saw the first of the Great Buddha Temple.

The head of the Great Buddha Temple looked haggard, and there was an indescribable tiredness in his eyes.

The first of the seventeen halls were all shocked. The first of the Great Buddha Temple in their impressions had always been very thin because of the practice of the exercises, but the spirit and energy were beyond ordinary people. Why is it so haggard and tired now?

The first seat of the Great Buddha Temple just waved his hand, barely showing a smile on his face and said, "Don't worry, brothers and sisters, I'm fine, please take your seat first."

The first seat of the seventeenth hall all sat down.

"After I pass away, the first seat of the lecture hall will be given to Senior Brother Ranyu, and the first seat of the Bodhisattva Hall will be inherited by Huixu. What do you think?" The first seat of the Great Buddha Temple asked calmly.

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