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Shi Jiayuan found himself being restrained, and his face was stunned.

Zhou Fan instantly controlled the corpse Jiayuan, his sad knife flew out, turned into a black streamer, and instantly penetrated the head of a cultivator who escaped.

The little scorpions in red clothes cooperated tacitly and entangled the corpse warrior monks who were trying to escape.

Zhou Fan's sad knife flew out and hummed to harvest one life after another, and in an instant, only the corpse Jiayuan, the seventeenth prince, and Zhang Benben were left in the living corpse.

It's not that Zhou Fan didn't want to kill Zhang Benben, but Zhang Benben's pair of embroidered shoes made a deep impression on him. If he wanted to kill Zhang Benben, it was estimated that the embroidered shoes would save Zhang Benben like last time.

So Zhou Fan just used a sad knife to force Zhang Benben back.

Of course, if Zhang Benben is desperate, he can only try to see if he can kill it.

Zhang Benben didn't want to leave either. She looked at Zhou Fan with the corpse armour, and shouted angrily, "Zhou, Zhou Fan, let go, let go of the corpse owner."

The seventeenth prince's face was pale, his strength was not strong in the first place, and he only had the Qi Gang section. When he saw that he couldn't escape, he didn't dare to push hard.

"Why do you talk to me like this?" Zhou Fan sneered.

Zhang Benben is extremely angry, but she also knows that even the corpse owner is not Zhou Fan's enemy. That's all, she stammered, unable to say a word.

"If you let us go, we'll tell you where the Seventy-One Brothers are." The Seventeenth Prince tried to calm himself down.

Zhou Fan hasn't killed the seventeenth prince yet, because he needs to know the whereabouts of Wang Daozi and the others from the mouths of the seventeenth prince and the corpse master.

Zhou Fan sneered, "You are all in my hands, you can't help bargaining."

Shi Jia Yuan said, "If we don't tell us, do you want to use torture to force them out? It's not that easy."

Zhou Fan just glanced at the corpse Jiayuan, he did not look at the corpse Jiayuan, but looked at the seventeenth prince.

The seventeenth prince just felt that Zhou Fan's eyes were like two huge vortexes, and his whole person was stunned, and his body suddenly burned with golden flames, which made him break free from the illusion in an instant.

"Have you forgotten the Great Sun Burning Flame of our Great Wei Imperial Family?" The Seventeenth Prince was startled for a moment, then responded with a wild laugh.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the deceitful talent of the Great Wei royal family, the Great Sun Burning Flame, could also isolate the erosion of Wang Zhi's delusions.

But he quickly snorted, "I want to see how powerful the Great Sun Burning Flame is!"

"Close your eyes." Shi Jiayuan reminded.

The seventeenth prince quickly closed his eyes.

Zhou Fan just used a little of Wang Zhiwei's power just now, but now that he is serious, Wang Zhiwei wants to use it with all his strength.

In fact, he doesn't have to do this, because he can completely change the target to cast illusions on Zombie Jiayuan. No matter how powerful the human soul is, Zombie Jiayuan will not be able to resist it for a long time.

Zhou Fan was eager to compete.

Of course, closing your eyes can't stop the erosion of illusions like Wang Zhiwei.

The golden flames on the Seventeenth Prince's body became more and more intense, emitting golden light, but it only lasted for a while, the blue veins burst out on his forehead, the golden flames completely converged back into the body, and he opened his somewhat dazed eyes.

He was controlled by Zhou Fan's Wang Zhiwei.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. This Great Sun Burning Flame can only assist in the battle, but it is really amazing to be able to support it for so long. You must know that his King's Conspiracy is the top illusion law. This Great Sun Burning Flame really has an extraordinary origin.

The seventeenth prince said absentmindedly, "The seventy-one brothers are in the Wusen grassland in Yunniu Prefecture, Tiannan Road."

Zombie Jiayuan is desperate, Zhou Fan's illusion is really terrible, even the Seventeen Prince's Great Sun Burning Flame can't resist.

There will be no problem with the answers forced by illusion.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, "Where are they going and what are they doing?"

There was no unique place in the Wusen Grassland of Yunniu Prefecture in Tiannan Road before, but after the sign of the catastrophe appeared, it became a very dangerous area in Tiannan Road. According to the information obtained, there was a very terrifying monster there. deceitful group.

After Tiannan Dao tried it, he was helpless against this strange group, and could only focus on observation.

Every once in a while, the group of monsters would go out to hunt for food.

"We don't know very well, their goal seems to be for the strange group of Wusen grassland. It is said that it is a group of intelligent people who can communicate with people." The seventeenth prince replied slowly, "The seventy-one brothers may want to have a relationship with Nazhi. The deceitful species reach cooperation.”

"You, you, this stupid emperor, prince, why did you tell him everything?" Zhang Benben shouted angrily.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. Judging from the information from the Yiluan Division, he did not say that the monsters in the Wusen Grassland were the wise swarms, and the wise swarms were very rare.

"As long as you spare me, I can make an oath to serve you." Seeing that something was wrong, Shi Jiayuan said quickly.

Zhou Fan can kill the Primordial Spirit Realm~www.readwn.com~ It is definitely not a shameful thing for a monk like this to serve him.

Zhou Fan ignored Shi Jiayuan's plea for mercy, and he looked at the seventeenth prince and asked, "Do you have anything else to do with me that you didn't tell me?"

"I discussed with Shijiayuan and the others. Originally, I wanted to supplement our consumption by pitting you with a sum of supplies, and also lead you to the Wusen grassland, so that you and the seventy-one brothers will fight to the death, we will wait for the opportunity to see if there is any Opportunity..." The seventeenth prince said without reservation.

Shi Jiayuan was sweating on his forehead. He couldn't see what Zhou Fan was thinking. It stands to reason that his strength is at the top of Dawei's. Most people would be reluctant to kill him, but he was a little flustered. Dare to speak again.

"There's nothing but these." The Seventeenth Prince said.

"Very good, have you collected precious things elsewhere?" Zhou Fan asked again.

The seventeenth prince replied, "No, we are fleeing. Half of the precious and valuable things are in my storage bag, and half are in the storage bag of Corpse Jiayuan."

Zhou Fan stretched out his hand, and the storage bag hanging from the seventeenth prince's waist fell into his hand, and the storage bag of Shi Jiayuan was also taken away.

"Zhang Benben, go and kill the seventeenth prince." Zhou Fan looked at Zhang Benben again.

He didn't want to do it. If the Emperor Wei asked later, he would say that the seventeenth prince was killed by a living corpse for some unknown reason, and he didn't lie.

Zhang Benben glanced at the seventeenth prince, "I, I killed him, you, did you let us go?"

Shi Jiayuan's lips moved, but he still didn't dare to say anything in the end.

"Kill it first and then talk about it." Zhou Fan said with a stern face.

Zhang Benben no longer hesitated, she had no respect for the seventeenth prince, she flew over and smashed the seventeenth prince's head with one palm.

After the killing, she smiled and said, "The corpse master, I, we are safe and secure."

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