Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1706: man in coffin

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Black shards floated over the entire Qingyan Township.

Zhou Fan watched this scene from a distance.

The three black shadow giants in the ghost burial coffin have become small black shadow beasts.

The gray-shadowed woman and the two gray-shadowed children didn't look any different.

The black iron sledge dragged by the six-hoofed black beast and the mahogany coffin on the black iron sledge were also not damaged in any way.

The result of the earth-shattering battle just now was obvious. The ghost burial coffin had won an overwhelming victory. Not only the colorful coffins, but even the ten dark coffins that enveloped Qingyan Township were shattered like this.

Just why do ghost burial coffins do this?

There were colorful fireworks sticking to the dark shards, and these colorful fireworks burned, and Zhou Fan was able to find it, and he quickly stepped back several dozen feet.

The three shadowy little beasts were sitting in the air half-squatting, while the gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children also sat cross-legged.

Groups of colorful fireworks turned into streaks of flames, drifting toward the little black shadow beast, the gray shadow woman, the gray shadow child, and the six-hoofed black beast, and they were sucked into their bodies.

The colorful flames of Qingyan Township floated towards the ghost burial coffin, covering their figures.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, the ghost burial coffin was absorbing the energy of ten black coffins, and this was the purpose of the ghost burial coffin coming here to kill the black coffins.

How will the ghost burial coffin absorb such energy?

he does not know.

When all the colorful flames were absorbed, he could see clearly that the ghost burial coffin had indeed changed.

The six-hoofed black beast turned into twelve hooves, its forehead was like a sickle and its horns became six, and its dark beast body faintly had colorful fireworks emerging.

The appearance of the three black shadow beasts is more solid, with small sharp horns growing on the beasts' heads.

The biggest change is the gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children!

The gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children now seem to be wrapped in a layer of gray shroud, and their facial features are looming on the wrapped shroud. His own appearance emerged.

They looked at Zhou Fan as before.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, but he didn't move, because the ghost burial coffin had never attacked him, and because of the ghost burial coffin's strength, if he really wanted to shoot at him, it was difficult for him to escape.

Unless you call the King of Nations or a boat to help, it is possible to survive.

This time, the gray shadow woman didn't look at Zhou Fan for a long time, she turned and flew back to the black iron sledge.

What does she want to do?

The gray-shadowed woman looked at the same mahogany coffin as before, she stretched out her palm and pushed open the coffin lid.

Only then did Zhou Fan realize that the gray shadow woman was about to open the lid of the coffin, and his breathing was a little short. According to the guesses of him and his guides, there should be nothing in the coffin, but only when the strong person to be buried dies. Put it in the coffin and take it away.

But ghost burial is different from ghost burial after all, there may be something in the coffin.

This abnormal change, he should have left immediately, but for some reason, his body seemed to be stopped, looking at the blood-red coffin with great attraction.

The lid of the coffin was pushed open, and the gray-shadowed woman leaned down. She picked up a man in white from the coffin. The man in white had no hair.

Bald... Zhou Fan had this idea in his heart.

When she turned around holding the man in white, Zhou Fan was able to see what the man in white looked like. With a roar of his head, he was in a state of explosion, and he was completely stunned.

Because the man in white looks exactly like him.

The man in white closed his eyes tightly, not knowing whether it was a dead body or a sleeping living person.


Why do they look the same?

The gray shadow woman looked at Zhou Fan blankly.

Zhou Fan came back to his senses a little, he didn't understand at all, but he took a deep breath and flew away with his little sister. No matter what happened, he didn't want to stay anymore.

At the same time as he flew away, his spiritual thoughts dispersed, lest the ghost burial coffin attack him or follow him without knowing.

Neither the gray shadow woman nor the two gray shadow children stopped him from leaving.

Zhou Fan quickly flew away without a trace.

The gray-shadowed woman turned around, and put the man in white back into the coffin. She rubbed his cheek with her palm, and her movements were as gentle as stroking a lover's face.

After a while, she pulled up the coffin lid and closed it.

The two gray shadow children returned to the black iron sledge, and the three shadow shadow beasts climbed onto the coffin.

The twelve-hoofed black beast raised its hoofs, dragged the black iron sledge, and soon disappeared into the vast world.

Zhou Fan flew a long way. He made sure that the ghost burial coffin did not follow, and then stopped and landed on the ground.

He was sweating all over, and his face was pale.

The scene just now was too terrifying for him. Anyone who saw his body on the coffin would not be much better than him.

He was still alive, but his body was on the coffin.

He once saw his corpse in the round tower in that strange dream. It was a swollen, rotten corpse, and it was just a dream. He had never seen his corpse in the real world. This was a completely different feeling.

If all this wasn't a dream...

Could it be the ghost burial coffin made out to scare him?

It's just that the ghost burial coffin is so Killing him is not a simple matter, so why play with him?

Or maybe I'm dead... When he thought of this fact, he felt as if his internal organs were about to turn over, and he was so frightened that he wanted to vomit.

This is impossible, don't scare yourself, he doesn't dare to think about it, lest he break down.



The Emperor Wei of the Mirror Palace was surprised. When he received the urgent information from above, he had been watching the situation in Qingyan Township of Tiangong Road through the Tongtian Mirror, and was ready to help at any time.

Of course, what he saw was different from what he saw with his eyes. What he saw represented the power of the pitch-black coffin being strangled with another unfamiliar power.

Because of this, he didn't make a move, and finally the power of the pitch-black coffin was wiped out by that strange force.

And that unfamiliar force also lurked, and the Tongtian Mirror could no longer be locked.

How is this going?

Dawei Tianzi restrained his shock, waited patiently, and soon the people under him reported the situation.

"A monster named Ghost Burial Coffin wiped out the ten giant coffins floating in Qingyan Township."

Dawei Tianzi looked at the memorial, his brows furrowed, and the people below said that the ghost burial coffin appeared in Luoshui Township, Tiannan Road, and the rating was not high.

He was stunned for a moment again, because the memorial handed over by the General Office of Yiluan also mentioned the record that the ghost burial coffin had chased Zhou Fan.

Such records come from Gaoxiang County and Luoshui Township. Because ghost burials are of great importance, anyone who has been implicated in ghost burials in the past will be found out and reported.

"Ghost burial coffin... Zhou Fan..." Emperor Wei fell into thought.

Dawei Tianzi quickly shook his head, he didn't want to think about it, as long as Zhou Fan didn't want to hurt Dawei, it didn't matter whether it was related or not.

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