Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1716: Unlimited chives?

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This bold idea has nothing to do with the problem of half of Liao's body being taken away. When Zhou Fan thought that this idea might be realized, his breathing became rapid, and he quickly told the emperor of all his thoughts.

The King of Nations was silent for a while after hearing this: "I don't know if it is feasible, you should try to ask the ship."

Zhou Fan lowered his head and asked the boat again, but the boat did not respond to him.

He asked the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations again about some things he was not sure about, and the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations answered him everything he knew, but even so, he was not sure that it was feasible.

But for him, it is good to be able to succeed, and there is no big loss if it cannot be achieved.

The next morning, Zhou Fan came together, ate something in a hurry, and ran towards the front.

Several small scorpions have been monitoring the half of Liao, and the half of Liao have already begun to move, but they are not moving too fast, and several small scorpions can still keep up with their moving speed.

Zhou Fan quickly used the contact between Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao to find half of Liao.

He looked at the half of Liao who were running away while crying, and without any hesitation, he held a pair of knives and rushed towards the half of Liao.

The strange group also discovered Zhou Fan, and in an instant, dozens of Liao half came to kill Zhou Fan.

This is equivalent to dozens of cultivators in the Yuanyuan realm attacking together, the real essence shrouded Zhou Fan overwhelmingly, and the grass trembled faintly.

It's just that they met Zhou Fan, who was traveling abroad.

Zhou Fan didn't even need to travel with his Yuanshen, he slashed down with his swords, and countless gray swords shot out.

Chi Chi!

Half of the dozens of Liao were torn apart by the sword light, and their flesh and blood were scattered.

If half of Liao was still conscious, they would definitely panic, but now they only have instinct left, and they don't know what the panic is, and more half of Liao rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan just waved his sword at will, beheading the half of Liao who acted only by instinct.

More and more half of Liao were fighting around Zhou Fan, but they couldn't even tear through Zhou Fan's True Essence shield. On the contrary, every time Zhou Fan slashed, half of Liao would be killed.

Half of the Liaos are constantly splitting, and the splitting speed is not slow.

Of course, Zhou Fan also noticed this speed of splitting, that is, his Dragon God's blood recovers his true essence very quickly, and he is not very afraid that his true essence will be exhausted, otherwise so many monks in the metamorphosis realm are besieged, even if it is a monk in the distraction realm Have to consider whether to break out and leave.

Zhou Fan beheaded for a while, killing half of the nearly 10,000 Liao. At this time, there were more than 1,000 half of the Liao left on the grass. The speed of replication and splitting slowed down significantly.

He hacked out several more knives, killed half of dozens of Liao, teleported and left.

The remaining half of Liao chased for a while, but stopped when they saw that they couldn't catch up.

After half of Liao stopped, they were splitting while crying.

Zhou Fan saw that half of the Liaos were not chasing after him. He used his illusion to see that half of the Liaos were splitting, and then nodded with satisfaction. The Emperor of All Nations was right. This kind of curse has a strong ability to replicate and split. In just one day, half of the Liaos will restore their original numbers, or even faster.

His idea was very simple. He thought last night that since half of the Liaos can keep copying and splitting, if killing half of the split Liao can get the giant gray worm, then wouldn't it be possible to harvest half of the Liao as a crop of leeks ?

He had such a similar idea before, but he never found such a duplication and splitting.

Like the cocoon tree he encountered before, the tree cocoon that was born did not have a large gray worm.

He didn't understand how to determine the specific ship, but he killed some weird splits, but unfortunately those weird splits either had an upper limit or the split speed was too slow to be worth the effort.

He even tried the maddened little scorpion, but the little scorpion didn't give it to the gray worm either.

And it doesn't mean that it's appropriate to kill the gray worms for those who know how to split, and the large gray worms can't be given too little, otherwise the leeks won't be cut much in a hundred years.

Liao Banban is not weak, and if the clone can also be transformed into a large gray worm, the number will definitely not be small, so he moved this thought.

If it is true that there are many big gray worms, and they split quickly, where can I find such good leeks...

However, we will have to wait until we get on the ship to know what the outcome will be.

Because half of the Liaos wanted to copy and split, they stayed in place.

Zhou Fan looked at it for a while and found that there were no unnecessary changes, so he left a few little ones to stare at half of Liao, and he turned and left to practice.

At dusk, he went to see the half of Liao again, and found that half of the Liao had recovered to the number of 5,000, and it is estimated that by tomorrow morning, it will be recovered to the number of 10,000.

He turned to leave again, and waited patiently until late at night before appearing on the boat in a deep sleep.

"The great heaven and earth of all nations, I want to see my glass ball." Zhou Fan asked the emperor of all The emperor of all nations was not surprised by this, he knew last night that Zhou Fan was going to do it What kind of experiment, he just waved his hand, a wisp of gray mist floated up, condensed into a transparent glass ball, and a series of numbers appeared in the ball: four million two hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-eight.

Zhou Fan felt ecstatic. Before he left last night, he saw 3.22 million giant grey worms, which means that he killed half of more than 10,000 liaons and gave one million giant grey worms!

One half of Liao only gives 100 large gray worms, which seems not much, but if half of Liao can split infinitely, it means that one million large gray worms will be automatically earned every day. Where can I find such good things?

With half of Liao's group of puppet-breeding monsters, it means that there is a steady stream of gray worms!

The King of Nations also had a strange look on his face. He didn't expect that the split brood would also be considered a gray worm. There were so many boardings in the past, and everyone tried their best to earn a gray worm, but there was never a single boarding person. Like Zhou Fan, he can meet a group of puppet-breeding monsters.

"No." The King of Nations quickly shook his head and said, "You are too happy, and it is not as simple as you think to keep collecting the Great Grey Worms."

"Is there any problem?" Zhou Fan quickly restrained the smugness in his heart and asked.

"You want to raise this puppet monster and kill it after it splits up. This idea is feasible, but you have to solve at least two problems." The King of Nations said: "The first is the confinement problem. , they will walk around, you can't do nothing and follow them, right?"

"So you have to find a way to keep them locked up."

"The second problem is that they are bizarre, but not the kind of bizarre that can't eat or drink. If there is no food, they may not be able to replicate and split indefinitely. Most of the time, they use people as food. You are planning to use people. to feed them?"

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