Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1723: unexpected thing

The thirteen divisions of the Jie Laohui have a mediation division that is responsible for mediating conflicts between the sects of practice, a bizarre division that is specially responsible for dealing with strange things, a resource division that provides supplies, and a meritorious division that records merits...

There are civilian and military positions. Of course, not every division is a full member. Many divisions have non-staff members who are responsible for handling miscellaneous tasks.

After all, everyone who can join the Thirteen Institutions is a cultivator above the travel level. This kind of cultivator is placed in any country and is a high-ranking cultivator. You let them come here to do some chores... This is simply impossible, Chores are only left to those non-staff.

"Senior Tong, is there any difference between civilian and military institutions?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's easier to get merit points in a military position, and there are fewer opportunities for a civilian job, but a civilian job is better in safety and leisure." Tong Kaiji explained with a smile.

"What's the danger of joining the Thirteenth Division?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze.

"Some strange things that can't be handled by the practice sect may need to be dealt with by the Jie Laohui. This is the danger." Tong Kaiji calmly said: "Of course there is no academic or military occupation. things are rare.”

"Whether a cultivator chooses a civilian job or a military job, basically you don't need to consider the dangers, but what you want in Jie Laohui."

"Some monks don't need to rely on Jie Laohui to obtain resources, and are unwilling to do too much military duties. They come to Jie Laohui more because of the sect's requirements. If they want to spend more time on cultivation, then they will Choose a clerk."

"Cultivators who choose martial positions are the exact opposite. Joining the thirteen divisions of the Jie Laohui is more to use the resources of the Jie Laohui to obtain the resources needed for cultivation. Of course, they must choose the combat departments such as the strange and deceitful divisions that are easy to obtain merits. "

Zhou Fan understood, the gap between the monks is really big.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much about which company to choose." Tong Kaiji smiled again: "Because after you join the Thirteenth Division of the Jie Laohui, if you get bored in one organization, you can apply for a change of organization at any time. will not be dismissed."

"It's just that you can't change it too often. We stipulate that it should be changed at least once a month. Which one do you want to choose?"

If it can be changed once a month, then there is really no need to worry too much. Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "I want to choose the Prime Minister."

"Do you want to choose the Prime Minister?" Tong Kaiji said in surprise: "This is the most unpopular institution in our Jie Laohui. There are less than ten cultivators in it. Do you really want to choose the Prime Minister?"

"Senior Tong also knows that I came from a small place. I hope to read more books and understand the wild star realm. As for the merits, I still have a long way to go to the next realm, so don't worry." Zhou Fan is half true and half hypothetical. .

This department is mainly an organization that collects some customs and historical books of the barbarian star world and other non-gong law classics, and conducts research and sorting. This institution has a marginal status in the Jie Laohui, and it is optional.

Unless there are some very eccentric monks, they will stay in Benxiang Division voluntarily, and some monks who come to make a name are also unwilling to join this too deserted organization.

Zhou Fan chose a civilian job. First, he did not need to obtain merits for the time being. Of course, he would not choose a busy military job. Second, he had a lot of free time to practice and return to Dawei.

He chose the clerical office of Prime Minister because the Prime Minister is still somewhat interesting in his opinion. Of course, other civilian agencies are not impossible, and the reason he told Tong Kaiji was not a complete lie.

When Tong Kaiji saw Zhou Fan's decision, he did not persuade him, but said, "Before you officially join the Jie Laohui, you need to make a simple oath."

Tong Kaiji handed Zhou Fan the paper with the oath written on it. This is a necessary procedure for joining the Jie Laohui.

Zhou Fan picked up the paper and read the oath on it carefully before he felt relieved. The oath was very detailed but simple and clear. It was just three small requirements in summary.

The first sworn monk had no problem proving his identity.

Second, there is no malicious intent to join the Jie Laohui at this moment.

Third, within three months of joining the Jie Laohui, one cannot voluntarily leave the Jie Laohui without the consent of the Jie Laohui.

The first point is to verify his identity.

The second point is that there is no malicious intention to join the Jie Laohui at this moment, it is to prevent him from coming with other intentions, but this is not a big constraint.

Third, it's easy to understand. If you join the old club that immediately leaves the world, isn't it a joke? Three months is not a long time, and this separation is not a restriction of personal freedom.

If you don't dare to take such a loose oath, that's a big problem.

Zhou Fan quickly made an oath.

When Tong Kaiji saw Zhou Fan's oath, he smiled and said, "Welcome to join the Jie Laohui."

Zhou Fan also changed his mouth to call Tong Kaiji an 'Old Jie'.

Tong Kaiji took Zhou Fan to report to the Prime Minister's Office. On the way, he suddenly said, "Zhou Fan, have you heard of Tailingzong?"

Zhou Fan's pupils slowly shrank, and he immediately said: "I heard a word or two from the sage that a monk from Tailingzong seemed to want to take our Great Wei's Tongtian Mirror not long That's Tailing Zong's mind-distracting monk." Tong Kaiji said with a smile: "He fell in your Great Wei, sorry, he thought there would be no problem with a Primordial Spirit, but he underestimated the power of your Great Wei Tongtianjing."

"Why did Mr. Jie suddenly mention this?" Zhou Fan asked cautiously.

"The Tailing Sect can rank in the top ten in the Barbarian Star Realm, and the Tailing Sect Master is one of the twenty-five elders of the Jie Laohui." Tong Kaiji turned and glanced at Zhou Fan, "Don't you know?"

Sect Master Tailing is Jie Lao... Zhou Fan's heart was a little heavy, he really didn't know about it, he pretended to be eager: "But this was done by the emperor of Great Wei, although I am from Great Wei, Sect Master Tailing should Won't you get mad at me?"

"He's a bit domineering." Tong Kaiji turned around and went back, "Don't worry too much, you are also a member of the Jie Laohui now, our Jie Laohui has the rules of the Jie Laohui, he can't shoot at you, and you are just A junior, he is too embarrassed to shoot at you?"

I'm sorry to take action in the open, then what to do with me secretly... Zhou Fan felt a little bad.

If he wanted to, he would go back to Dawei later, and let that Sect Master Tailing come to Dawei to trouble him, but he couldn't do it at all, because he just made an oath not to leave the Jie Laohui within three months. .

Dao oath has always been free to testify, if he goes back to Dawei and doesn't come back, even if he leaves the old world without authorization, he can't deceive himself. .

Oops, fooled!

Dao oath really couldn't stand lightly, and Zhou Fan's heart also became cold.



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