Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1730: White Tower

Xie Chunshui snorted: "As expected, they also asked me about Brother Zhou, and asked if there was anything unusual about Brother Zhou in the past few days? Brother Zhou, how did you answer them?"

"What else can I say?" Zhou Fan said, "I have never seen any conflict between Brother Xie and Fellow Daoist Lu."

Of course, Zhou Fan wouldn't make up things like this.

"I'm saying the same thing." Xie Chunshui curled his lips and said, "That's four cultivators who traveled abroad. How could the two of us kill them silently?"

"Those guys in the courtroom are really fed up."

"That's not necessarily true." Zhou Fan said suddenly.

Xie Chunshui was stunned for a moment. He looked at Zhou Fan strangely and asked, "Brother Zhou, what do you mean by this?"

Because I can do it... Zhou Fan jokingly said: "There are no absolutes in the world, I am thinking that if Brother Xie really wants to kill the four of them, it is not impossible, for example, they eat three meals a day. Brother is responsible, if Brother Xie finds a slow poison that can poison the cultivators who travel abroad."

"Add some every day, as the poison slowly seeps into their bodies, until the poison eruption killed them last night."

Xie Chunshui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother Zhou, don't talk nonsense, they are just like us, they are cultivators in the travel world. I have never heard of any poison in the world that can poison even the primordial spirit? Even if there is, I will Can't get it either."

Zhou Fan has never heard of any poison that can poison the primordial spirit, but that doesn't mean it doesn't. He shook his head and said, "Brother Xie, I'm just joking, but I think so, I'm afraid there will be similar cases in the Department of Criminal Justice. idea."

Xie Chunshui laughed and said, "The clearer is self-clearing. Anyway, I haven't done it, and I'm not afraid of their investigation. Brother Zhou doesn't need to worry about this issue."

"Why don't I have to worry about this?" Zhou Fan asked calmly, "The Criminal Division will doubt Brother Xie, but he will also doubt me."

"How many days did you join the Jie Laohui because of Brother Zhou?" Xie Chunshui said disdainfully, "Brother Zhou made an oath when he joined, and Brother Zhou couldn't spend a few days with fellow Daoist Lu and the four of them, so he had murderous intentions. ?"

What Xie Chunshui said meant that the oath that Zhou Fan made when he joined would not be false, then Zhou Fan would not have joined the Jie Laohui to kill those four people, so Zhou Fan's suspicion would be much less. At least it's smaller than Xie Chunshui's.

Zhou Fan, of course, understood this, he said, "Small suspicion does not mean there is no suspicion."

Besides, the Supreme Spirit Sect Master Lin Haoqian is in charge of the Criminal Division, which is the biggest threat to him.



The people who brought up the Criminal Division sorted out all the recorded materials, and then sent them to Lin Haoqian.

Lin Haogan happened to be staying at the Jie Laohui recently. Of course, even if he wasn't there, the Jie Laohui suddenly died of four out-of-the-way cultivators. In such an unusual case, as long as the Tailing Sect had nothing to deal with, he would come back.

A Jie Lao who becomes a Jie Laohui can gain power, but he also has certain obligations. It doesn't mean that you don't have to do anything.

After reading all the case information, his face became a little subtle, "Zhou Fan, from Dawei..."

His mind was put aside for a while, but he quickly recovered his calmness and looked at his subordinates, "Tell me what you think."

"Yesterday, there were six official members of the Prime Minister's Department. These six official members are all cultivators who are traveling abroad. Four of them have died, and Zhou Fan and Xie Chunshui are left." The thin middle-aged man who interrogated Zhou Fan was not worried. Don't hesitate to say, "After interrogation, we believe that it is very unlikely that Zhou Fan and Xie Chunshui are the murderers."

"Just because they are traveling?" Lin Haoqian asked, Zhou Fan and Xie Chunshui were indeed not strong enough to do such a thing.

"It's not just because of that." The thin middle-aged man said, "Zhou Fan has just made a vow to join our elders' association a few days ago. It is impossible for him to have a conflict with the four deceased so quickly. According to the confession, he did not have any contradictions with the four, but had a good relationship..."

In short, neither Zhou Fan had a motive for the murder. Lin Haogan did not ask any further questions about the matter, but pondered silently. The servants of the night watch said they had been watching, but the four deceased died suddenly, after their autopsy. , It was found that the four of them died from the disintegration of their primordial spirits, and no injuries were found on their bodies.

Such a bizarre death, not to mention the Criminal Division, even Lin Haogan has never seen it.

Lin Haogan said: "So the only unusual thing about them yesterday was that they discovered some devious history of the Epoch Times, right?"

"Yes, Zhou Fan and Xie Chunshui both say the same thing, but the four old men are obsessed with pursuing some historical truth, which is not too unusual." The thin middle-aged man said, "They saw it before they died. The books have been retrieved, and we're currently looking through the books to see if they can find useful information."

Lin Haoqian frowned slightly, he didn't think he could find any useful information from some ancient books, but he didn't say anything to stop his subordinates from doing so, but thought about it: "You can't put all your hopes on this clue, right? Zhou Fan, Xie Chunshui, and other people from the Prime Minister's Department will and check whether there are any signs of being sneaked in by the elders..."

The subordinates all quickly wrote down Lin Haoqian's explanation, agreed in unison, and immediately went down to get busy.

After Lin Haogan waited for his subordinates to leave, he picked up a recording jade ball. After activation, the image of Zhou Fan being interrogated appeared in the jade ball.

He watched it carefully for a while, flicked his fingers slightly, and the picture of recording the jade ball disappeared, "It looks young..."

He picked up the documents on the table and quickly disappeared into the room.

When he reappeared, he was already on the top floor of the highest white tower in the Jie Laohui.

Only Jie Lao can enter the White Pagoda. It is the central building of the Jie Lao Association, and the top floor is often used by Jie Lao as a place to discuss important matters.

The conference room on the top floor was vast and concise, with only one long table, and twelve elders of the world were already sitting on the long table.

The Jie Laos who stayed in the Jie Laohui put down the things in their hands and gathered here, and the ones who didn't come were busy with their own affairs. It is usually difficult for Jie Lao to gather together. This time, including Lin Haoqian, thirteen Jie Lao gathered together. , is already a very rare case.

Because even if only four traveling cultivators died, the problem is that they died within the Jie Laohui. Since the establishment of the Jie Laohui, such a thing has never happened, and the Jie Lao people will take this case so seriously.

"Old Lin Jie, you are a little late." A tall and thin man said lightly.

"I have to listen to my subordinates report the case before I can come here." Lin Haoqian said calmly: "If such a big thing happened to the Prime Minister, it's not just old Meng Jie who is worried, we are all worried."

That tall and thin man was Meng Tianlu, who was in charge of the Prime Minister's Department.

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