Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1733: fog of history

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If Lin Haoqian has read the case file, he must already know that he is from the Great Wei.

It's just that Lin Hao didn't do anything now... Zhou Fan's mind quickly turned.

But if you don't do it, it doesn't mean it's safe. It may be that the other party has not found a suitable opportunity.

The conflict between Tailingzong and Dawei is still a trivial matter, and he is afraid that the other party will know about the Zhou family and his existence.

Even if Xiao Hui once said that Tailingzong should have forgotten the order to exterminate the Zhou family back then, what if the other party remembered it?

Once he remembered it, how could he allow him to continue to live?

If you think that the Tailing Sect Master has forgotten his existence, it is very dangerous to think, but you can't hold such a mentality.

When he warned himself in his heart, he talked with Xie Chunshui as usual and discussed the case.

There were no major events throughout the afternoon, but Meng Tianlu, the old Jie, came over once, said a few words to appease Zhou Fan and Xie Chunshui, and then left in a hurry.

After that, he and Xie Chunshui said goodbye to each other, and left the somewhat cold and quiet main hall of the prime minister.

When he returned to his place of residence, Zhou Fan had already decided in his heart that if it was not necessary, he would not leave the Jie Laohui. As long as he was in the Jie Laohui, as long as Lin Haogan didn't jump over the wall, he would not kill him in the Jie Laohui.

He sighed lightly, it seemed that he had to enter the distraction realm sooner, and he would have more confidence when he entered the distraction realm.

Even if the guide is possessed, it is based on his strength. If his cultivation level is too low, the possession of the guide may not be useful.

He didn't think about it any more, but began to concentrate on his cultivation.

In the middle of the night, appearing on the boat, Zhou Fan looked at the Emperor of All Nations sitting on the throne.

The Emperor of All Nations opened his eyes and motioned to Zhou Fan to speak if he had something to do.

"The great world of heaven and earth, have you heard of the Yuan Ji?" Zhou Fan asked.

He didn't ask last night, that's because he didn't take it seriously, but the death of the four old men today shows that things are not simple, and the only clue he knows is that the four old men were looking for the story of the Yuanji yesterday.

So he thought about asking Chen Yuanji to see if he could get some useful things from the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations.

The face of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms became more solemn than ever before, "Why do you want to inquire about this?"

Zhou Fan described what happened yesterday and today in detail.

"There is no murderer, those four people died because of the pursuit of Yuan Ji." The Emperor of All Nations said solemnly.

Zhou Fan was stunned, he didn't expect to get such an answer.

"Why do you die when you search for Chen Yuanji?" Zhou Fan asked. He couldn't understand. Logically speaking, only he and Xie Chunshui knew that the four people had searched for Chen Yuanji. Shouldn't it be so fast?

Could it be that what kind of magic is used by powerful beings, who will be killed by anyone who pursues the Yuanji?

But this is a travel cultivator...

"The Curse of the Yuanji." The Emperor of All Nations said: "The more you know about Yuanji, the more dangerous it is. I know that the matter of Yuanji doesn't matter, but I can't tell you, otherwise when you leave the ship, you will be in danger. will die."

"It's the same reason you can't tell anyone who doesn't know anything about the boat outside."

Zhou Fan felt a shudder. The Emperor of All Nations would not lie to him about such a thing. He didn't expect this to be so dangerous, so dangerous. Fortunately, he didn't ask the four about Yuanji yesterday.

"Can you tell me, who put the curse?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking: "Of course if you tell me, I will be in danger, so don't say it."

"I don't know, it may be a powerful creature or it may be strange." The Emperor of All Nations said solemnly: "Remember, if you don't reach my level, you must avoid anything in the Yuanji era. The outside world should try to mention these three words as little as possible.”

Zhou Fan just felt as if his head was about to explode. The Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms didn't seem to say anything, but the information revealed was shocking enough, "Then do you know everything about Jing Yuanji?"

"It's impossible." The King of All Nations said, "Don't talk about me, I know so many powerful monks, I am afraid that only my father, the emperor, may completely know about the Yuanji, but he said at the beginning that I was still young and could not tell me. , and I never saw him again."

"Do you mean that many top cultivators are interested in Chen Yuanji?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"Of course." The Emperor of All Nations said: "When you reach your realm, you will have to come into contact with these things. Like the ancient characters you have seen before, they are the history of our faults. Among them There may be a secret that allows us to enter a higher realm."

"That's why we're going after these things."

It was only then that Zhou Fan understood that he had heard Zhou Xiaomao say similar things before, but at that time Zhou Xiaomao didn't mention Jing Yuanji.

"You have already asked too much." The King of Nations said solemnly, "I can't tell you too many of these things. You have to remember that as the realm gets higher and the strength becomes stronger, there may be fewer things that can hurt you. But anything that can hurt you can be deadly, and this is the kind of thing in the Yuan Dynasty."

Zhou Fan thought for a while and asked, "But apart from Jing Yuanji, is there anything similar?"

He was afraid that he had unknowingly come into contact with such a dangerous and deadly thing.

"Actually, they are all similar. You won't have a problem with accidental contact, but you can't deliberately track it down. You only need to remember one sentence, and you won't make such a mistake." The King of Nations said: "That sentence means don't make a mistake. Trying to clear the fog of history."

Don't try to clear the fog of history?

What is hidden in history?

Who moved the hand in history?

"I told you this, not to make you think about it."

The voice of the Emperor of All Nations brought Zhou Fan back to his senses, he shook his head hurriedly and said, "I I won't think about it in this regard."

Curiosity really killed the cat, this book is more dangerous than he imagined, he just needs to find the right opportunity to change to another one, just as long as he doesn't deliberately search for these things, just read some books about customs, the problem shouldn't be Big... Zhou Fan thought silently.

No matter how curious he is, he will not risk his own life. Besides, when he comes to the realm in the future, he can also know what is going on. Why should he take the risk to investigate now?

"I want to fish." Zhou Fan made his request.

He had collected five million big gray worms, so he wanted to give it a try. It was impossible to accumulate too many before trying it. If he caught it all at once, he would waste too much time on fishing.

As for Zhou Fan's request, the Emperor of All Nations certainly would not refuse. He just waved his hand, and seven fishing rods appeared, leaning on the square table.

When they heard that Zhou Fan was going to fish, the three Xiaobai brothers turned their heads subconsciously and pretended to concentrate on their practice. They were afraid that their father would ask them to help fish again.

Even if you think about it, I don't dare... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, he walked over and picked up the golden fishing rod.

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