Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1753: Dream Boundaries

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In the dream world, you can think, cry, laugh, and you can go from birth to death, which is no different from the real world at all.

How can such a world be called a dream?

If such worlds are called dream worlds, what about the world they are in?

Could it also be just a dream of some kind of creature or some strange thing?

Zhou Fan thought like this, and his bones trembled. There used to be a myth in his previous world, saying that the world was just a dream of a certain god. People lived in his dreams. It will be shaken from his dream like a leaf, and fall into complete nothingness.

"What are you thinking about?" The King of Nations shook his head and said, "The difference between the dream world and the real world is that the dream world has boundaries, while the real world has no boundaries."

"Boundary?" Zhou Fan was a little puzzled as he converged his mind.

"The so-called boundary means that everything such as time and space is limited." The King of Nations said: "No matter how big the dream world is, it is only a short-term, narrow-space dream."

"The time of dreams will always come to an end. This time may be days or months, years, or decades, but there are very few dreams that exceed a hundred years."

"The same is true for narrow spaces. As long as you keep flying in one direction, you will soon reach the boundary of the dream and realize that it is just a dream."

"In addition to time and space, the laws inside are also unstable. Dreams are like a huge bubble. It will always burst, but the strange thing is that once it bursts, it may return to the starting point again, and the cycle will restart."

"But how do you know that our world is not a dream?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but say, "Is it a dream that is so long and so vast that it is impossible to see the limit in a lifetime?"

The King of Nations said calmly: "You are not the first monk to have such doubts, but I can tell you that such an idea is wrong, our world is real, this has been confirmed by countless monks, and there is no illusion. possible."

"How to confirm?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"There are many methods. If you are interested, you can try it yourself in the future." The King of Nations said: "Now you only need to know the conclusion, and you don't need to study such a problem."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, and he suddenly remembered the black light dream world and the round tower dream world that he had experienced before. It is estimated that it was like the emperor of all nations said, at least it once existed.

"It seems that I was probably projected into a world that at least really exists through the red vine talisman pillow." Zhou Fan turned and said, "Then do you think I will still appear in that dream world?"

He had already appeared in the same dream twice, and he guessed there might be a third.

"This is still uncertain." The Emperor of All Nations pondered for a while: "You must think that you are so familiar with that nightmare, and hope to appear in that nightmare, but I advise you not to think so."

"Why?" Zhou Fan asked nervously.

"You forget what I said, a dream has its limits, and over time, the dream will go to the brink of collapse, disappear or until the next restart, and once the dream collapses, it becomes very dangerous. "The King of Nations said: "This danger must transcend the new nightmare world."

Zhou Fan snorted, he should have let the rotten destroy the painting for him, but it was too late to say anything, he could only pray that he would not enter this old dream world again.

When he escaped from the nightmare, there was not much danger waiting for him, and he could not prepare in advance as before.

Just knowing that you are in a dead place where bones are all over the place, you have no idea what the weirdness is doing.

Besides, before he left the dream, the rotten one had been flying away from the dead place, and even if there was any problem, it was the first one that the rotten one would face.

He said a few more words to the Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations, and when he saw that there was nothing to discuss, he concentrated on cultivation.

On the second day, Zhou Fan didn't hesitate. After he made some preparations, he slept again on the red vine talisman pillow.

When he opened his eyes, it was pitch black all around, and he found that his body was flat and unable to move.

This familiar feeling made him quickly understand that he was in the painting.

He still can't figure it out, why does he appear in this painting every time he falls into a dream?

But appearing in this painting shows one thing, he was still brought into the same nightmare world, and the surrounding darkness was because the painting was rolled up.

He didn't have time to think about it, the scroll was opened, the painting was shaken, he floated out of the painting, and soon returned to his original appearance.

He turned and saw the Decayer.

The state of the rotten person is a bit strange, he trembles all over, and those rotten eyes reveal indescribable fear.

The water was rushing, making the sound of rushing water, and they were standing on the edge of a river that was ten feet wide.

Zhou Fan felt that something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The world is over," the Rotten One shouted hoarsely. "It's over, it's over."

"What's the end?" Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. Could it really be as the King of Nations said, the dream of this world is on the verge of collapse.

"Is there any way you can take me out of this world?" The rotten man looked at Zhou Fan and said to himself, "There must be a way."

"You tell me what happened first?" Zhou Fan asked in a deep voice, but he was stunned quickly because he found that his body was rotting again.

He left Nightmare World last time, and when he re-entered it this time, he didn't appear in the White Bone Ancestral Hall. Why did the curse continue?

Is it the influence of the dead place?

The rotten person looked at Zhou Fan whose body was beginning to rot, and he grinned: "The curse is not only in the White Bone Temple, the whole world is so you will rot."

Zhou Fan was startled, he couldn't help but said: "How did you know? Could it be that you didn't get out of that dead place because of the short time?"

After all, it's only been a day, how far can the rotten fly even if he sits on a treasure ship without sleep or rest?

The rotten man laughed frantically, "You said the time is too short? In two months, I traveled to more than a dozen countries, not to mention living people, even if there are no living things, I found the sound transmission array and tried to contact the acquaintances from the past, I can't get in touch with any of them, and all I see are bones."

"The whole world is cursed to rot, and I will die in the rot."

Zhou Fan was stunned. He thought that it was only one day, but two months have passed. For two months, the rotten people have not seen anything alive. No wonder it seems crazy.

"Even if everyone is dead, there are countless medicinal resources in the outside world. You can survive in the White Bone Temple for ten years, and you don't have to worry about your own death in a short period of time. You can slowly think about leaving this cursed world. already."

Zhou Fan said comforting words, he was afraid that the rotten people would go crazy, and now the most dangerous thing for him was the rotten people.

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