Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1757: giant puppet

"What's weird?" Zhou Fan asked.

The emperor of all nations sitting on the throne said solemnly: "Di Haiying shouldn't be like this, it was judged as unknowable in my time, but it has never shown the behavior of being able to communicate with people, it is not wise ."

It's not a wit... Zhou Fan was stunned, most of the unknowable monsters are not wit, he has heard Di Haiying speak, so he subconsciously believes that Di Haiying is a wit, but never thought about Di Haiying Is it a question of wisdom.

The Emperor of All Nations pondered for a while and said, "Try to show me the Di Haiying you saw."

Zhou Fan has mastered the delusion of the king, which is not difficult for him. He stretched out his right hand, and a golden light spit out from the palm, and the golden light turned into a miniature Emperor Haiying.

The King of Nations glanced at the illusion and said: "Okay, this is no different from the lip shadows I have seen before."

Zhou Fan waved his hand to cancel the illusion. The meaning of the Emperor of All Nations is very clear, that is, nothing can be seen from the illusion.

"You have to be careful, try not to conjure the appearance of unknowable monsters outside." The King of Nations thought for a while and exhorted: "There are many unknowable monsters with the ability to project, if you imagine them look like, they may sense it and project it quickly, so that unforeseen things happen."

Zhou Fan nodded lightly to indicate that he understood. In fact, even if the Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms did not remind him, he would not have done so. He had read some ancient books before and mentioned this matter, "Why did Di Haiying suddenly speak?"

"I don't know." The King of Nations shook his head and said, "It may have evolved, but I have never seen the evolution of unknowable monsters."

"What did it mean to me at the end? It seems to want to find me and kill me." Zhou Fan asked worriedly.

"You've never seen it before, and it has nothing to do with it. It can only be that you have something that makes it feel resentful, and resentful to the point where you must find you to kill you." The Emperor of All Nations said in an uncertain tone. .

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, so it was impossible to guess. In fact, this is not the first unknowable monster to find trouble for him. There have been hidden thread skulls trying to kill him in his dreams before.

This... Zhou Fan's face froze a little, he thought of something.

Hidden Line Skull and Di Haiying are all from the three delusional elephants he saw when he first walked out of the wilderness. Now two of the three delusional elephants have appeared. Is there any connection?

He hurriedly told the Emperor of All Nations what he thought of.

"What kind of weirdness did the third delusional elephant you see look like?" The Emperor of All Nations asked with interest.

Zhou Fan had checked some books before, but couldn't find any information about these three strange things. Later, because it was a false elephant, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now he vaguely knew that the situation was serious, he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly used illusions. The strange illusion of the third delusional elephant that I saw.

He was deeply impressed by these three delusions, so the illusion created by this illusion is very clear.

The illusion first showed a huge human-shaped black shadow in the verdant mountains. The shadow was so big that the mountains became small black lines at its feet, and its head was on top of the floating clouds.

Its huge shoulders and arms, as well as its chest and abdomen, have countless blood-colored thin lines hanging down, and those thin lines drift slowly, making it look like a puppet with broken lines hanging down.

Human-like, animal-like, and creatures of various indescribable forms hang down from those blood-colored thin lines.

The majestic and eerie giant shadow gradually turned around, disappearing into the vast world with the fluttering blood-colored thin lines.

The illusion also ends here.

Zhou Fan's head was aching. For some unknown reason, the illusion he had created actually made his laws quickly consume all his true energy. With his illusion skills, this should be a very easy thing. Maybe this is the strange thing. Caused by too much deceit.

"Giant puppet soldier." The Emperor of All Nations said solemnly.

"Is this unknowable?" Zhou Fan hurriedly asked.

"It's an unknowable monster." The King of Nations said: "And it's an unusual unknowable monster. It is very strong among the unknowable monsters."

Very strong... The Emperor of Ten Thousand Kingdoms increased his tone when he said these two words.

Unknown level monsters are considered to be very strong existences... Zhou Fan twitched his mouth, he did not expect this giant puppet soldier to receive such an evaluation as the emperor of all nations.

"Once it encounters the enemy it wants to kill or is attacked, the puppets it carries will recover immediately. Each puppet is equivalent to a monk who has mastered the law. This is the most terrifying thing about it." The emperor explained in a deep voice.

A look of fear appeared on Zhou Fan's face. The giant puppet soldier was carrying tens of thousands of string puppets, and there were tens of thousands of string puppets of cultivators who had mastered the law?

"How is this possible?" Zhou Fan shuddered, "Is there any big weakness in it?"

Compared with the unknowable class like the Yunyan Lord he had met before, it was There is no weakness. The King of Nations shook his head and said, "The division of monsters is not rigorous. Any powerful monsters that are difficult to understand can be classified as unknowable, but there is also a huge difference between unknowable monsters. The division is not correct. "

"There are some unknowable monsters...such as Shougui, it never attacks living beings, and will only kill when the lifespan of a living being is exhausted. It is difficult to tell whether it is strong or not, because when it is about to kill, No matter how powerful a cultivator is, he can't stop the Shou Ghost from taking his life, whether it's his own or someone else's."

"This is the iron rule. If you don't want to be killed by the ghosts, you can increase your life expectancy. Once the ghosts kill you, everything can't be reversed!"

Zhou Fan also knows this. He understands what the Emperor of All Nations said. In short, just because some unknowable monsters can be killed, it cannot be assumed that all unknowable monsters are at this level.

Some unknowable-level monsters have no solution at all, not only longevity ghosts, but also Nianmai who have never seen their real body... Such unknowable-level monsters are difficult to distinguish with giant puppet soldiers. from.

"No matter how strong the giant puppet is, it is not impossible to kill. As long as you kill all its puppets, and then imprison its actions and prevent it from escaping, it should be able to kill." The King of Nations said with a complicated expression: "But the ghost of longevity , but cannot be killed."

"There are many powerful monks trying to solve the problem of Shougui, and they all failed in the end."

I'm not surprised that Shou Gui can't kill you, but how can you kill a giant puppet soldier so strong, that is, you dare to say such a thing... Zhou Fan sneered in his heart, he turned back to the main topic and said: "It was the first time I stepped into the wilderness to see What arrived are these three delusional elephants, their order is the giant puppet soldier, the hidden thread skull, and the emperor Haiying."

"Do you think this has anything to do with them wanting to kill me?"

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