Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1759: don't waste time

Zhou Fan just changed his mind, and the three primordial spirits returned to the flesh.

His True Essence immediately climbed steadily. As long as a cultivator who has honed his Primordial Spirit and stepped into the Distracted Spirit Realm can triple his True Essence, his foundation is already solid, and his True Essence has fully doubled by six. times.

Such a huge increase in the amount of real essence made him unable to care about others for the time being and was busy adjusting the frantic real essence.

After a while, he adjusted the true essence in his body.

With a smile on Zhou Fan's face, he glanced at Xiao Qian, who was yawning lazily on his little sister dog's head, "Your master, I have successfully entered a new realm, won't you be happy for my master? "

Xiao Ling snorted: "Master, I used to congratulate me every time I entered the country. I wanted to ask for some duck legs to eat. Master, you stingy, you didn't even give me a duck leg bone."

"..." Zhou Fan coughed and said, "This time is different. As long as you congratulate me, I will definitely say something."

Xiao Qian immediately stood up in high spirits, grinning with both hands, "Congratulations, Master, Hexi, Master has entered a new realm, and continue to work hard, and continue to rise..."

Flattery and flattery words are shamelessly spoken out of Xiaoxiao's mouth.

Zhou Fan laughed and said: "Yes, you little guy will be likable and reward you with ten duck legs."

Xiao Ling: "???"

After Zhou Fan teased Xiao Ling, he agreed to reward Xiao Ling with ten duck legs. After he put all the talismans in the storage bag, he took his little sister back to the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm.

Now that his strength has soared, he is no longer afraid that Lin Haoqian or Tong Kaiji will trouble him, and he even has a plan in his heart.

But still have to wait, at least until he enters the later stage of the distraction realm before it is more secure.

After the excitement of breaking the boundary passed, he thought about a more important thing.

In the distraction state, one or two primordial spirits can be separated and hidden elsewhere, so that even if there is any danger in the future, the hidden primordial spirit can be activated immediately, which is equivalent to one or two more lives.

Of course, doing this is not without its shortcomings. The disadvantage is that if the main body lacks one or two primordial spirits, then the strength will be weakened. If you encounter a distraction state that is equivalent to your own strength, and the opponent has all the primordial spirits, you will not be able to win. other side.

In terms of his strength, even if he really separates out two primordial spirits and hides them elsewhere, even if he has only one primordial spirit, even if he has three primordial spirits, he will not be his opponent. There are very few cultivators in the Divine Realm who have the same strength of the three spirits.

He doesn't have to think about dealing with the monks in the distracted state, but if he encounters a monk in the pure Yang state, it will be difficult to win if the primordial spirit is not complete.

"You can't have both." He thought with a sigh.

At night, he told the Emperor of All Nations about whether he should separate the primordial spirit and hide it to save his life.

"Idiot." The King of Nations reprimanded after hearing this: "Only the weak will think of the primordial spirit to save their lives, and the strong need to have the confidence to be invincible and self-respecting. Separating the primordial spirit and hiding it will only make you weaker, no matter what. Physically or mentally.”

"..." Zhou Fan felt that there was some truth in what he said, but if he didn't tell his Yuanshen to save his life, he would really be dead by then.

"But the flower will reopen, and people are no longer young. Similarly, there is only one life. When you die, you really have nothing." Zhou Fan coughed lightly.

"Of course there is only one life." The Emperor of Ten Thousand Nations raised his eyebrows and said, "But so what, as long as I firmly believe that I will not die, I will not die, there is no difference between one or two."

Zhou Fan: "..."

As long as I firmly believe that I won't die, I won't die, what kind of nonsense is this... Zhou Fan suddenly realized that maybe he shouldn't consult the Emperor of All Nations.

"If you separate your primordial spirits, it's just to save your life." The Emperor of All Nations said again: "Then once you encounter danger and lose your primordial spirits, the remaining primordial spirits can indeed save your life and keep you alive, but this way It's pointless to live."

"Because it is difficult for a monk with insufficient Yuanshen to make up for it, it is difficult to make up for it, which means that it is difficult for a monk to advance, which means that the path of cultivation is cut off, so do you still want to separate Yuanshen?"

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed. If the price of surviving was to cut off the hope of cultivation, the price would be too high, and then he could only survive for the rest of his life.

He thought about it seriously, and quickly dismissed the idea of ​​separating Yuanshen to save his life, because the drawbacks of doing so were too great. When encountering a Chunyang cultivator, his Yuanshen's strength declined and he couldn't win, which was somewhat unacceptable to him.

Besides, even if the primordial spirit is not separated, he still has the means of life-saving such as the Pluto scorpion anti-wheel body, so there is really no need to separate the primordial spirit.

"You have entered the state of distraction now, what are you going to do next?" The King of Nations asked lightly, looking at Zhou Fan who was thinking.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment and said: "Of course it is to stabilize the realm, find the right distraction realm medicinal material, and let yourself enter the middle and late stages of the distraction realm as soon as possible."

"Are there any suitable medicinal herbs?" asked the King of Nations.

"I'm looking for it." Zhou Fan replied, he planned to try his luck in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm first, and if he didn't come back to the Emperor of All Nations for He didn't plan to use the Jie Laohui for the time being, because he needed to conceal his Realm cultivation base, after all, he has not stepped into the distraction realm for such a short period of time for a hundred years. It is not good for him to spread it out. He also has to beware of the two world elders, Tong Kaiji and Lin Haogan.

Speaking of which, I have joined the Jie Laohui for a while, except for reading a few books, I really didn't get any benefits... Zhou Fan felt a little helpless, of course, if he hadn't joined the Jie Laohui, he might not be able to go to the Yansha faction to make a fortune. This is also a benefit.

"What good medicinal herbs can you find in the outside world?" The Emperor of All Nations frowned and said, "Don't waste your time, I still have two medicinal pills called Langandan, which should be no better in the distraction realm. They are better elixir, you can enter the middle stage of distraction by eating one."

"Eat the second one to enter the late stage of the distraction realm, and it is also good for nourishing the primordial spirit."

One can advance to the first level... Zhou Fan's eyes jumped violently, "I don't know if this blue dry pill has side effects? And how long does it take to take one before taking the second one?"

"Of course the pills I gave you will not have any side effects." The King of Nations said with some dissatisfaction: "You only need to take one pill after 12 hours before you can take the second pill, which means that you only need two days to enter the subsection. In the late stage of the God Realm, it won’t take long before you reach the Consummation of the Divine Realm.”

This is really faster than taking a helicopter... Zhou Fan was a little confused, "So fast, will it cause the foundation to be unstable?"

"As long as you have no problem with your state of mind, this elixir will not cause your foundation to be unstable." The King of Nations said again.

"Then I don't know what the price is?" Zhou Fan swallowed his saliva and said, as long as there is no future trouble, the sooner the better.

"Ten million grey worms."

"Two ten million?"

"Nonsense, of course it's 10 million pieces."

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