Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1798: temporarily safe

"Master, it's not the same for you." Xiao Qian laughed sarcastically.

You can die if you don't shut up... Zhou Fan was so angry that he felt that he would be better than this little idiot if he changed his sister here.

Thinking of the little sister, he felt a little heavy again. He wondered if the little sister could escape smoothly. He left the Barbarian Star Realm, and the little sister would definitely not be able to be found this time.

"Master, do you still want to eat?" Xiao Qian asked.

Zhou Fan was a little depressed. It was getting dark now, and it would definitely be impossible to let Xiaoxiao go to find other fruits. Besides, he just finished reprimanding Xiaoxuan, and he couldn't even look down and say that he would change the food. He gritted his teeth and finished eating. The fruit that acidifies teeth.

The second fruit was unwilling to eat it no matter how Xiao Qian persuaded it.

On the contrary, Xiao Qian couldn't eat at all. She frowned, knowing she was going to starve tonight, "Master, when will you get better?"

In the past, when the master was fine, she could be the uncle comfortably, but now she has to do everything, and she is still hungry tonight, when has she ever been hungry?

Zhou Fan snorted, "When I get up, I'll definitely stuff a hundred duck legs. In your mouth, you will die, you little bastard."

"Master, you have to keep your word." Xiao Ling was so happy that a small flower bloomed on her face. It must be a very happy thing to be able to eat duck legs.

Zhou Fan and Xiao Ling fought for a while, and the sky darkened.

There was a strange low-pitched roar outside, the sound of rustling running.

Xiaoxiao closed her mouth, she put on a murderous dress, and the little ones kept splitting, more and more, scattered in all directions of the pumpkin hole.

There was only firelight, and there was no talisman blessing. Some of the shadows smelled the breath of people and ran towards the pumpkin hole.

The fighting began, and Xiaoxiao formed a defensive team one by one to fight with the shadow monsters.

Zhou Fan couldn't see it with his own eyes. He just stared at the top of the pumpkin hole and listened to the sound of fighting like a hurricane. He was not panic at all.

It's just that there are some strange shadows, Xiaoxiao's strength has increased, and the strength of Xiaoxiao's people is also increasing, there is no reason why they can't deal with it.

Xiaoxuan was a little flustered at first, but when she realized that her children were repulsing the shadows, she shuddered and stood in front of the door with her hands on her back, shouting, "Children, kill all these ignorant guys. ."

"Master, you have to add duck legs to me."

Zhou Fan: "..."

Zhou Fan ignored the snarling Xiaoxuan. He stared directly at the top of the pumpkin hole, knowing that even if the shadow monsters attacked by instinct, if they tried to find that the enemy was too strong, they would give up and leave.

When they leave, you can have a good sleep.

What guide will come tonight?

Suddenly, the top of the cave began to melt, and there were a little dark yellow droplets that were about to fall out. The more and more such dark yellow droplets gathered.

"Xiao Ling, look up." Zhou Fan immediately told Xiao Ling.

Xiaoxiao also raised her head, "What's the matter? Xiaoxiao is outside, so the geeks shouldn't be able to get in."

The dark yellow droplets did not drip down, they converged toward the center of the top of the cave and turned into eight sharp claws of dark yellow. The claws grabbed down, and the eight claws were like eight sharp swords slicing through the air.

Xiao Ling let out an exclamation, and the blood-colored murder robe swelled up quickly, covering her and Zhou Fan.

Chi Chi!

The dark yellow minions cut on the murderer's clothes, pressing out the sword marks, but they couldn't tear the murderer's clothes.

"You idiot, break it." Zhou Fan said sharply, the claws are not strong at all, there is no need to just defend against being beaten.

With a babbling sound, the killing robe suddenly curled up, entangling the eight minions, and twisting it hard, the claws were broken and fell to the ground.

The claws turned into dark yellow droplets, which could no longer be condensed.

But the claws disappeared, and another dark yellow shadow flew out from the pumpkin wall and rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Xiaoxiao turned around quickly, and the killing clothes quickly ejected.

The dark yellow shadow rushed left and right inside the blood-colored murderer's clothes, but was unable to break through.

Xiao Ling snorted, the blood-colored murderer's clothes shrank smaller and smaller, the dark yellow shadow was squeezed to make a low and miserable howl, drop by drop of dark-yellow droplets dripped from the blood-color murderer's clothes.

After Dark Yellow Shadow died, nothing abnormal happened again.

The shadow monster outside was also killed by Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Zhou Fan let out a long sigh of relief. These things are not strong, but each of them can kill him now. Fortunately, Xiaoxuan didn't collapse at the critical moment, otherwise he would be finished.

"Master, what are these things?" Xiao Qian asked.

"How do I know this?" Zhou Fan said with a wry smile, "But I think it might have something to do with the pumpkin you chose as a place to stay."

"Is this pumpkin a monster?" Xiao Xiao was startled. "If it was, why didn't it tell me? If it told me, I wouldn't dig its belly."

Zhou Fan: "..."

The sudden appearance of the monster was killed, and the shadow monster was also staying away.

Zhou Fan and Xiao Ling stared at each other. After he confirmed that the problem should not be a big problem tonight, he said, "I'm going to sleep, don't sleep tonight, my little sister doesn't have to rely on you to protect me anymore. If you die, you little idiot will have to follow along, you know?"

"Understood." Xiao Ling replied with a serious face, "I will wait for the master to wake up before going to sleep."

"If I wake up and find that you haven't slept, I will reward you with a thousand duck legs." Zhou Fan added a little worriedly.

Although Xiaoxiao can keep watch at night, his physical condition is very bad. Xiaoxiao is not smart after all. If Xiaoxiao falls asleep, it will not be a good thing if there is any danger.

" You have to say what you say." Xiao Yan replied with wide eyes, "I definitely won't sleep."

"Don't worry, you will definitely not miss your duck legs." Zhou Fan assured: "Wake me up whenever there is something you can't deal with."

After Xiao Ling agreed, Zhou Fan closed his eyes. In fact, he was already exhausted. It was just that the danger had not passed, and he had been holding on.

Now that the danger should be over, he can rest assured to sleep.

It felt like the world was spinning, and when Zhou Fan opened his eyes again, he appeared on the boat.

The ship was shrouded in a thick gray fog, unlike the half-dead and unable to move in the outside world. Now that he can move freely, he felt a lot more relaxed, and he was worried that he would not be able to appear on the ship in the new star realm.

"Father." Xiao Bai's voice came from not far away.

"I'm here." Zhou Fan couldn't see through the gray fog in front of him, and of course he couldn't see the three Xiaobai brothers, "Don't move around, the emperor of all nations has fallen asleep."

"Dad, we know." Xiaobai replied.

"Senior, can you dispel the gray fog?" Zhou Fan said loudly.

He knew that the new leader must have a way.

It's just that the other party didn't respond to Zhou Fan's words.

"Senior, I want to go fishing." Zhou Fan used his old tricks again.

But the thick, opaque gray fog still showed no sign of dispersing. He couldn't see the square table, and of course he couldn't see the fishing rod on the square table.

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