Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1826: madness

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After more than a dozen people died, everyone immediately took action, first using defensive equipment to protect their own safety, and then using runes or magic tools to try to find Zhou Fan who was hiding in the dark.

It was just that the surroundings were silent, and no one found Zhou Fan's whereabouts.

Gongsun Peng's face was sullen. The dead were all monks from Heiwei Lake. More than a dozen people died at once. Although some of the dead were weak monks, monks were monks, and they were very important to the sect. Talents.

"Master Chen!" Gongsun Peng looked at Master Chen.

Master Chen is closing his eyes and calculating, the leaf talisman in his palm emits a faint green light, and he said without opening his eyes: "He is still here."

Everyone is in a tight mood. That person is either crazy or has high self-esteem. They are not afraid that they will find him.

"Yes, I've always been there." A sigh sounded.

Everyone followed the voice and found that Zhou Fan was standing beside them, smiling at them.

In an instant, all kinds of True Essence techniques blasted away, completely crushing Zhou Fan's figure.

Everyone immediately reacted, it was an illusion.


A huge gray sword light burst out suddenly, piercing the defenses of the five cultivators among them, tearing their bodies to pieces.

Huang Zeng and another Chunyang cultivator hurriedly shot, only to smash the gray sword light that suddenly appeared, but they paid the price of five lives.

Zhou Fan's figure appeared again, with a smile on his face, "Don't you want to kill me? I'm here, you can kill me."

Everyone froze slightly, they subconsciously thought it was a phantom, but they had never seen such a vivid phantom.

Zhou Fan pulled out the knife from his waist and raised it.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, and slammed it out with a palm, and the yellow light palm penetrated Zhou Fan's body.

Is it really just a phantom?

Zhou Fan's knife slashed down, and also a huge gray blade shot out.

Until the huge sword light shot out, everyone's pupils shrank, it was actually true.


When the bodies of the first two monks were torn apart by the sword light, Gongsun Peng slapped the sword light with a gloomy face, and then smashed the sword light to pieces.

The crowd attacked Zhou Fan who was standing like crazy, but their attacks were completely empty, it was like a phantom.

Zhou Fan laughed wildly.

Everyone shuddered. This man's methods were too weird. No attack was effective. He didn't know where the other party was hiding. How could he fight?

If it goes on like this, won't they all die here?

Gongsun Peng snorted coldly, and an illusory light green light spread out from his body, covering everyone, and the light green light turned into a huge house.

The house seems to be built of wood, and there are branches under the eaves. Fresh green leaves emerge.

This is Gongsun Peng's Taoist residence!

The Dao Mansion is bright and brilliant, and nothing in the Dao Mansion can be hidden from Gongsun Peng, the master. If Zhou Fan is in the Dao Mansion, he will definitely find out at the first time, and the situation will be reversed in an instant.

The strength of the enemy in the Taoist mansion will be weakened to the greatest extent. Even if it is also in the Taoist mansion, once he falls into his own mansion, if he does not release the mansion to fight, he is sure to kill the enemy!

It's just that the other party is obviously not in the Taoist government. The other party was more cunning than he thought, Gongsun Peng's eyes became cold, this person was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

The elusive illusion and invisibility can't be seen through, so it can't kill the opponent.

He no longer hopes to catch this person now, he only hopes to kill this person if he has the chance.

When everyone saw that Gongsun Peng released the Taoist residence, they were all relieved, and no one complained that Gongsun Peng released the Taoist residence at this time.

After all, no one had thought that that person would be able to push so many of them to such an extent.

"He hasn't left yet." Master Chen said loudly again quickly.

Many people's faces changed greatly, and they haven't left yet. Do you still want to continue fighting with them?

Gongsun Peng's face trembled, but he quickly calmed down. With his Taoist residence, the other party can no longer kill, it is best not to leave, so that he can have a chance to kill him!

Now they still have thirty-two people left. Those who died before were relatively weak, and the weakest among the remaining thirty-two people had the strength of the golden body.

When Gongsun Peng opened his mouth to speak, there was a loud rumbling sound outside, and the entire Taoist palace trembled faintly.

Everyone quickly understood that Zhou Fan was attacking the Taoist mansion.

Huang Zeng and another cultivator in the pure Yang realm were at a loss. They estimated that Zhou Fan's strength was only comparable to them, and they estimated that it was more powerful. It might be the Taoist realm.

But even if it was a Taoist monk, it would take terrifying time to defeat another Taoist monk's Taoist temple.

The battle between monks in the Taoist state is often when the opponent starts a Taoist residence, and the other Taoist monks will also start their own Taoist temple.

No matter if the Taoist government is enlarged to cover the other Taoist temple or shrinks it within the other Taoist temple, you can use your own Taoist temple to compete with the opponent's Taoist temple to see who is more powerful.

It is impossible for the monks in the pure Yang realm to defeat the Taoist mansion of the monks in the Taoist realm!

The constant whistling and rumbling outside showed what the man was thinking, what did this lunatic want to do?

Gongsun Peng didn't know what Zhou Fan wanted to do, but he wouldn't sit back and ignore it. His body instantly disappeared from the Taoist mansion, and he appeared outside the Taoist mansion.

The light green light emitted from the Taoist government blocked all the gray sword lights.

Gongsun Peng's eyes twitched, "Hugh!"

Gongsun Peng's three primordial spirits flew out of the The three primordial spirits exuded pure yang light and powerful pressure, covering everything around them.

The three Yuanshen used Yuanshen skills to kill Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan sneered, his figure quickly faded and disappeared completely. He would not fight Gongsun Peng directly. He had not entered the Taoist realm yet, but he already had a certain understanding of the Taoist realm from the bronze book. .

If he fights with Gongsun Peng, Gongsun Peng can teleport his Daofu over and trap him in the Daofu. Once trapped in the Daofu, even he will not be able to escape from the Daofu. It will be difficult to win then.

Being able to teleport Daofu is one of the powerful means of Daofu realm.

Gongsun Peng's three primordial spirits rushed into the air, and his anger rose, but there was nothing he could do. He had no idea where Zhou Fan was hiding.

Soon Zhou Fan appeared again, but this time it was not one, but dozens of Zhou Fans. They surrounded the Taoist mansion, and the two swords kept slashing out the gray sword lights. on the house.

The Taoist mansion seemed to be besieged by dozens of Chunyang monks, and the sword light that covered the earth made the Taoist mansion tremble even more.

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