Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1830: his dad's dad

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Will the Secret Pavilion of the Barbarian Star Realm and the Raw Star Realm be the same?

Zhou Fan hurriedly asked carefully, and he soon learned from what Master Chen said that there was not much difference between the secret hall principles and the charging method.

The Secret Pavilion should be the Secret Pavilion in the Barbarian Star Realm.

Zhou Fan was astonished in his heart. If Master Chen was right, this place is far from the Barbarian Star Realm, but the Secret Pavilion exists here, and the power of the Secret Pavilion is far beyond his imagination.

For this reason, he was more afraid of the secret pavilion, and denied the idea of ​​going to the secret pavilion to inquire about the news. Compared with the secret pavilion, it was safer to go to the Yemaihui bookstore to inquire about the news.

If the Secret Pavilion is told that he is from the Barbarian Star Realm, who knows what the Secret Pavilion will do?

Zhou Fan glanced at Master Chen, and he asked almost everything he wanted to ask. He didn't intend to let this person live. Even if this person only got paid to help Gongsun Peng find him, he would still be an accomplice, if he wasn't strong enough. Qiang, he may be dead, he has no reason to let this person continue to live.

"Did you hide anything from me?" Zhou Fan asked casually.

"I don't know what the senior said?" Master Chen's eyes were dull, he was in a state of being controlled by illusion, and he couldn't lie.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, Master Chen couldn't lie, but Master Chen's words seemed a bit wrong. He thought about it and said, "Everything, or tell me, do you want to ask me anything?"

"Senior came to look for me so soon, what happened to Gongsun Peng?" Master Chen asked.

"I killed him." Zhou Fan said lightly, "What are you asking about? Do you still care about Gongsun Peng's life?"

"Because I'm afraid that this matter will affect me." Master Chen said dumbly: "This matter is also related to senior. Gongsun Peng died, senior, you are about to face a big disaster."

Catastrophe is imminent? Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, "What do you mean by that?"

The strongest person in Heiwei Lake is Gongsun Peng, a Taoist cultivator. Gongsun Peng and the two deputy sect masters in the pure Yang realm were both killed by him. Heiwei Lake's vitality was severely damaged. What trouble could he have?

"Gongsun Peng was born in the Gongsun family. His father is Gongsun Jiugong. The great monk." Master Chen said.

Zhou Fan's face was gloomy and uncertain. If so, even if he stepped into the Taoist realm immediately, he might not be able to beat that Gongsun Jiugong. After all, Gongsun Jiugong might have entered the celestial realm.

Astronomical realm... There is no such powerful cultivator in the barbarian star realm now.

"Why did Gongsun Peng not stay in the Gongsun family, but became the suzerain of Heiwei Lake?" Zhou Fan asked inexplicably.

"The Gongsun family is accustomed to letting their disciples go outside to spread their branches and leaves, so as to strengthen their own strength." Master Chen said: "Heiwei Lake is a branch of the Gongsun family, expanding the territory for the Gongsun family, but because of this Things are more jealous, Heiwei Lake does not use the banner of Gongsun's family, but does things in a low-key manner, and only the upper class of Heiwei Lake or me who have a good relationship with Heiwei Lake know this inside.

"Because of the tree of life, Gongsun Jiugong must now know that I killed Gongsun Peng." Zhou Fan sighed and said, "The Gongsun family certainly does not lack the help of leaf vein masters like you, and Gongsun Jiugong estimates that it will soon be like this. Did you find me like that before?"

"Exactly." Master Chen said.

"Then is there any way to isolate the leaf vein mathematician's search?" Zhou Fan hurriedly asked, this ability to be located at any time is really disgusting.

"This kind of deduction technique is based on cause and effect. If you want to stop the search...there is almost no way."

"There is almost no way, that is, there is a way." Zhou Fan said sharply: "Tell me what you can think of."

"I don't know if it's true or not, but I just heard that if you want to isolate the search, you can only think about changing the sky to isolate the cause and effect between the two." Master Chen said slowly: "If you can't isolate the cause and effect, you can only escape. Far away, it will take time for the other party to find him.”

"How to steal the sky to change the sun?" Zhou Fan asked with a sullen face, constantly running away was just drinking poison to quench his thirst, and it was a last resort.

"I don't know." Master Chen said: "It is only the legendary leaf vein magician that can do it. I can't do it, so I say that there is almost no way."

"Is there really no other way?" Zhou Fan asked reluctantly, "You don't need to change the day, you just need to delay for a while to prevent them from finding me."

"If the senior recognizes a master who is more powerful than Gongsun Jiugong, you can try to seek shelter." Master Chen is caught in the illusion, and he will try his best to find a way for Zhou Fan.

Where can I go to find such a master who can protect me... Zhou Fan sneered in his heart, "Is there no distance limit for the deduction technique? For example, if I exceed a certain distance, the other party can no longer find me and so on. "

"I have never tried the distance to be invalid. No matter how far you are, you can sense your direction." Master Chen shook his head and said, "Perhaps you can go out of the star realm."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly. If he could get out of the star realm, he wouldn't have to worry about this problem. Even if the other party could chase him, it would be impossible to chase him out of the star realm, so he asked carefully again.

The only disadvantage of this tracing technique is that it is impossible to find the opponent's invisibility at a very close distance.

But trying to deceive a Taoist cultivator is not so easy. Even if the Taoist cultivator can't find him, he can wait and spend time with him.

As for escaping continuously now, it is even more unfeasible, because the other party can sense his location, but he doesn't know the other party's location... It's not that he doesn't know If he flees in one direction, the other party will It should be chasing after him, but the Gongsun family is so powerful in the land of Wanye that they can send people to surround him.

It looks like he's in a lot of trouble.

Maybe that Gongsun Jiugong has already rushed over with the Ye Vein Magician.

Even if the land of many leaves is very large, as long as you borrow the town teleportation formation along the way, it will only take a certain amount of time to come here.

"By the way, maybe..." Master Chen suddenly said.

Zhou Fan was interrupted, "What can I do?"

"You can try to hide in the Dark Vine Valley." Master Chen said, "The Dark Vine Valley can affect the calculation of the number of leaf veins, making the calculation wrong, so that they don't know where you are hiding in the Dark Vine Valley."

"Are you sure?" Zhou Fan said solemnly.

"I don't dare to confirm." Master Chen said: "But many leaf vein masters don't want to stay in the Dark Vine Valley, because it is very strange and the calculations are often wrong. Many leaf vein masters call the Dark Vine Valley a place of chaos. ."

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