Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1837: Taoism has become

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Zhou Fan stood in the corner of the ruins. He looked up at the sky. A green leaf with a length and width of ten feet was suspended in the air. Gongsun Jiugong was sitting cross-legged on the leaf, and from time to time he used his spiritual sense to search the entire Dark Vine Valley.

Zhou Fan avoided Gongsun Jiugong's spiritual search by using Wang Zhi's delusional illusion to cover up. Just now, with the earth-shattering blow of Gongsun Jiugong, he used the old chaotic demon body to hide in the old days and avoid it. That frantic blow.

He had a thoughtful look on his face. Just now, Gongsun Jiugong showed the power of the Taoist realm, and he may not have entered the celestial realm, but only in the late stage of the Taoist realm.

If this is the case, he may not have a chance to win. Of course, the premise is that he first enters the Taoist realm. Even if he is in the pure Yang realm, it is impossible for him to win a late Taoist cultivator.

And after entering the Taoist realm, even if Gongsun Jiugong is a cultivator in the celestial realm, he is confident enough to escape, so entering the Taoist realm is the most suitable method for Shang Gongsun Jiugong.

The problem is that Gongsun Jiugong didn't leave after he couldn't find him.

"Are you going to stay here all the time? You really look down on me." Zhou Fan frowned slightly, not to mention that he didn't have time to spend hard time with Gongsun Jiugong here, even if he did, he wouldn't dare to spend time with Gongsun Jiugong here. Gongsun Jiugong might find a way to force him to appear.

He tilted his head and looked outside the ruins again. He knew that there must be a leaf vein master outside the ruins. If he left the Dark Vine Valley, the leaf vein master would immediately find out and tell Gongsun Jiugong about it.

So if he wants to leave the Dark Vine Valley, it is best to kill the Leaf Vein Master first?

However, he quickly shook his head. What he could think of, Gongsun Jiugong could not have imagined, maybe that leaf vein mathematician was just a trap to lure him into being fooled.

If I had known, I would have tried to enter the Taoist realm before Gongsun Jiugong came over. The current situation is even more difficult than before.

He quickly figured out a way.

He came to a corner on the edge of the Dark Vine Valley. After observing, he had already discovered that Gongsun Jiugong's spiritual thoughts should not be able to cover the entire Dark Vine Valley.

If it was possible, Gongsun Jiugong would not have to let the flying green leaves in the sky move occasionally.

In this way, at the edge of the Dark Vine Valley, Gongsun Jiugong's spiritual thoughts will be swept here much less frequently.

In his current position, he can no longer see Gongsun Jiugong in the sky, which means that Gongsun Jiugong can't see him when he looks this way.

Of course, if you do this, you think that Gongsun Jiugong won't find it... This is really wishful thinking, and Zhou Fan also knows that doing this will only work better than nothing.

He spread out his hand, and a dark light condensed in the palm of his hand, turning it into a dark sad knife.

He held the sad knife, carefully considered it, and said cautiously: "From here as the starting point, no matter what I do within a radius of thirty feet, I will not be discovered by Gongsun Jiugong's spiritual sense or vision. The time limit is three hours."

The real essence in his body was almost drained, which made the corners of his mouth twitch.

The law of the heart is really a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you may touch the boundaries of the heart and be attacked.

If it weren't for this, he would have used the law of the heart long ago to make the tracking technique of the Leaf Vein Master useless, but he did not dare to do so, because the tracking technique involved cause and effect, and the possibility of backlash was too great. .

The law of the heart cannot be used indiscriminately. This is a law that he will be very careful about every time he uses it. If there is no way, he is unwilling to use this law.

Even in this use, the rules he set are precise and specific, such as space, range, 'I', 'Gongsun Jiugong's spiritual mind or vision', 'limited three hours' to the greatest extent possible to prevent beyond his current situation. the limits of the heart.

In this way, he is not afraid of Gongsun Jiugong finding him.

As for the leaf vein mathematician, who is monitoring by magic, he should not walk around to search.

Of course, there is still a problem, that is, will Gongsun Jiugong swept the Dark Vine Valley from time to time like the one that destroyed the Dark Vine Valley in the first place, so that even if he cannot be found, it will affect his cultivation.

Gongsun Jiugong has tried it before, and he should not do such useless work again, but everything is afraid of an accident.

He set up dozens of talisman formations here. Of course, these tens of talisman formations could not resist Gongsun Jiugong's indiscriminate attack, but they gave him enough time to react and stop practicing immediately.

Stopping practice may lead to failure to attack the Taoist realm, but it is better than being injured by Gongsun Jiugong's attack.

In order to avoid accidents, he put on the killing clothes with good defense.

After everything was ready, he sat down with his legs crossed and performed the "Cangmu Daofu" exercise that he was very familiar with.

His consciousness returned to the sea of ​​human souls, and the pure yang primordial spirit in the sea of ​​human souls, where the three primordial spirits were united, was like a scorching sun hanging from the sky.

Chunyang Yuanshen closed his eyes, and strands of Yuanshen's power emanated from his body, scattered in the sea of ​​human souls, and turned into layers of dark gold ground.

This is the first step in opening up a Taoist government, building a Taoist foundation.

If the foundation of Dao is unstable, the Dao Mansion is like a castle in the sky, inherently unstable.

And the method of building the Dao Foundation of Cangmu Daofu is to superimpose the power of Yuanshen layer by layer. The Dao Foundation of ordinary monks is only one layer, but the Dao Foundation required by Cangmu Daofu is a hundred layers superimposed!

If the power of the primordial spirit is not strong enough, I am afraid that it will be very difficult to complete the Dao Foundation, not to mention that there are still two steps left.

Of course, the method of building the Dao Foundation of Cangmu Daofu must be mysterious enough, otherwise it is impossible to superimpose a hundred layers.

After Zhou Fan completed Daoji, he felt that his Primordial Spirit power had been reduced by 30%.

Looking at the dark gold Daoji, his mentality changed again, and the dark gold foundation rose up with bronze pillars.

There are a hundred giant pillars, and the bronze giant pillar is the mansion pillar, and then four black walls rise up, and the black top also emerges.

The black walls and black roofs condensed by the power of the primordial spirit are both heavy and If the road foundation is not solid enough, I am afraid it cannot carry such a heavy mansion, which is why it was built before. The reason for the layered foundation.

After constructing the mansion, only 40% of his Primordial Spirit power remained. He closed his eyes with a serious expression on his face, and the Primordial Spirit's power continued to radiate out and landed in the Soul Sea Mansion.

The dark gold foundation, bronze giant pillars, four black walls, and black roof were all quickly engraved with golden lines.

Dao lines are dense, and they complement each other and influence each other.

When the Dao pattern is completed, Zhou Fan's power of the primordial spirit is almost exhausted. If the power of the primordial spirit is any less, it will lead to failure. This is the most important reason why so many monks failed to attack the Taoist realm.

This is a dangerous place to hit the Taoist realm, but when the Taoist pattern is completed, the Taoist residence is completed. The golden pattern inscribed on the Taoist residence lights up, and the Taoist residence emits a buzzing sound.

The Taoist mansion opened up with the power of Zhou Fan's Chunyang Yuanshen instantly established a connection with him. He appeared in the Taoist mansion when he was weak, and the power poured out from the Taoist mansion, which made the primordial spirit recover instantly, which was stronger than before. times.

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