Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1844: Astral Roadmap

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There are ten spheres on the blue tabletop, among which the spheres on both sides of the sphere representing the Barbarian Star Realm are the Meteor Realm and the Mysterious Star Realm.

"So, the star realm is round, and the nine star realms revolve around the Xiazhu star realm, right?" Zhou Fan asked while looking at the dark shadow.

This is somewhat similar to the meager knowledge of astronomy he had learned, and it was probably the case in his previous world.

The dark shadow chuckled: "Guest, I have never said that the star realm is spherical, and I have never said that the nine star realms revolve around the Xiazhu star realm. These news are not among the things you want to consult. When I used a more vivid method to describe the position between them."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, he felt that was the case, but the dark shadow didn't want to admit it, so he didn't ask more, "You continue."

The dark shadow looked at the ten spheres on the table and said, "If the guests can cross the star realm, they can fly from the star realm to the barbarian star realm. This is the first method."

No wonder I can do it... Zhou Fan's mouth twitched.

"If you can't cross the Star Boundary Sea, you can only use the Star Boundary Teleportation Array. The Astral Boundary Teleportation Array needs to be in good condition in both directions to transmit, and neither of them is necessary, but the rules of the Xia Lord Star Boundary Domain cannot be closed unless there are special circumstances. Therefore, the teleportation arrays of each star world are theoretically intact."

"What is a special situation?" Zhou Fan asked.

"For example, if there is a rare war between two star realms, then such rules will not be followed. For example, if a catastrophe comes, at this time, if the star realm is unwilling to maintain or has no strength to maintain the normal operation of the teleportation array..." The dark shadow explained road.

Zhou Fan's eyelids jumped. If so, he would have to speed up. If the catastrophe broke out and the astral teleportation array was closed, it would be difficult for him to return to the barbarian star realm.

"Guests can also see that if you want to use the astral teleportation array, there are only three routes to go from the birth star realm to the barbarian star realm." The dark shadow paused and said, "The shortest route is for you to go from the birth star realm to the barbarian star realm. Xia Lord Star Realm, and then from Xia Lord Star Realm to Barbarian Star Realm."

"The second shortest route is from the Astral Realm to the Grey Star Realm to the Meteor Realm to the Barbarian Star Realm."

"The third route is the longest, that is, from Shengxingjie, through Yanxingjie, Yingxingjie, Yuanxingjie, Fenglinxingjie, Xuanxingjie, and finally to the barbarian star realm you are going to."

Zhou Fan stared at the ten spheres on the table. He felt that a fool would choose the third route, that he had to go through five star realms to reach the barbarian star realm, "Isn't there a star realm that goes directly from the birth star realm to the barbarian star realm? Teleportation Array?"

"No." The dark shadow said: "The distance between the star realm and the star realm is already terrifyingly far. The reason why the powerful cultivator can cross the star realm sea very quickly is because there are countless stars in the star realm sea. Space vortex, the use of space vortex can continuously shorten the distance, but the actual distance still exists."

"To create a teleportation array to a non-adjacent star realm, the consumption of resources is terrifying. This kind of consumption is not what the star realm is willing to bear, and there is no such need. to go this far."

Zhou Fan finally understood, he raised his eyebrows, which meant that he had few choices, "Is the shortest route also the shortest time?"

He was a little worried when he asked this, after all, sometimes the shortest route is not necessarily the shortest time.

"Of course." Dark Shadow gave a positive answer, "But there is one thing to remind the guests, the cost of going from the birth star realm to the Xiazhu star realm is astonishing, and it is ten times higher than the birth star realm to other star realms. ."

"It takes about one billion martial coins to go to the Xiazhu star realm, and only about one hundred million martial coins, or resources of equivalent value, to other star realms."

"Why is the price difference so outrageous?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Well..." The dark shadow thought for a moment and said, "I don't know very well, but it seems to be because it has a lot to do with the size of the star world. If you want to know, I can check it for you. It's the cost..."

"No need." Zhou Fan shook his head. Even if he knew, he couldn't change the price. He would slowly understand later, "Where is the teleportation formation leading to Xiazhu Star Realm?"

Even if the price is ten times higher, he intends to take the shortest route back, and he doesn't want to waste too much time on this kind of thing.

"The three astral teleportation formations that lead to the outside world from the star realm are all arranged in the kingdom of the gods. If you want to use the teleportation formations of the astral realms, you can only go to the kingdom of the gods." The dark shadow replied.

Where is the Divine Tree Kingdom... Zhou Fan didn't ask, he vaguely remembered that he had seen this place on the map. Of course, he had a short time in the astral world and knew nothing about the Divine Tree Kingdom, but one mastered the astral teleportation. The power of the array is definitely strong.

"Can you use it as long as you give it money?" Zhou Fan asked the most crucial question.

"I can't say for sure." The dark shadow chuckled and said, "Whether it can be used depends on whether the person in the Kingdom of the Divine Tree agrees. If he does not agree, you will definitely not be able to use it."

"As far as we know, no outsider has used the astral teleportation array for a hundred years. As for whether that person uses it often, we don't know."

"Who is that person?" Zhou Fan asked. He didn't even know the Star Realm Teleportation Array, and the dark shadow could definitely guess that he didn't recognize that person.

"Who else could it be?" The dark shadow said: "Of course it is the ancestor of the royal family of the Divine Tree Kingdom. He is the most powerful cultivator in the star realm."

The Secret Pavilion all said that he was the strongest, so there shouldn't be any fakes. Zhou Fan's face was calm, and he had some guesses about the strength of the ancestors of the God Tree Kingdom.

The astral teleportation array is in the hands of this person, and things may be troublesome.

"Do you want to go through the Xiazhu star realm to the barbarian star realm?" The dark shadow asked again Any questions? "Zhou Fan frowned.

"I'm afraid it will take a while," said the dark shadow.

"What do you mean by that?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Xiazhu Star Realm has closed all nine star realm teleportation formations leading to the outside world." The dark shadow replied.

Zhou Fan was startled and said, "What's the reason?"

"I can't tell you this news for free." The dark shadow said: "If you want to know, you need to give the Secret Pavilion... 100 billion martial coins."

"One hundred billion martial coins?" Zhou Fan was stunned, "Is this too expensive? It's just a piece of news, and it's such a big thing to shut down the nine star realm teleportation arrays, as long as you have the heart to investigate... "

"The news is also time-limited. As time goes by, the news may be worthless." The dark shadow interrupted: "But now in the entire star realm, only our secret pavilion knows some inside information. If we don't say it, it will be The old ancestor of the royal family of the Divine Tree Kingdom may not know."

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