Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1851: The plague of paint

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The words of the Blood Sea Island Lord may be a bit arrogant, but there is an undeniable fact that the Blood Sea Island Lord is really strong, and even the Blood Sea Island Lord can't win Zhou Fan, and even ends up trapped in that strange Dao Mansion. admit defeat.

Such a powerful Taoist monk, even Lin Gaoshou would be ashamed. If Zhou Fan really wanted to go to the kingdom of the gods, then the kingdom of gods must be careful.

This is also why he still does not leave, must ask to understand the reason.

When Zhou Fan faced Lin Gaoshou's question, he just said calmly, "What I want to go to is the Kingdom of the Divine Tree."

Lin Gaoshou's pupils slowly shrank, and he quickly smiled: "Please forgive me for being rude, I don't know what Daoyou Zhao is going to do in the Kingdom of God? Our Lin family dare not say anything in the Kingdom of God and we can do it, but the general Nothing is too difficult for us, if you need help, just speak up."

Zhou Fan said: "Daoyou Lin is very polite. Who in the world doesn't know the name of the Lin family in the Kingdom of the Divine Tree? There are indeed some things I need to ask for help from Daoist Lin. I want to use the astral teleportation array."

Borrowing the astral teleportation array... Lin Gaoshou breathed a sigh of relief for no reason in his heart: "So Daoyou Zhao wants to use the astral teleportation array, but I don't know which star realm Zhao Daoyou wants to go to?"

"Gray Star Realm." Zhou Fan said his destination, and it was impossible to hide this from Lin Gaoshou. After all, he wanted to borrow the Lin Family's Star Realm Teleportation Array.

Lin Gaoshou nodded and said, "I need my father's consent to borrow the Star Realm Teleportation Array, but I don't think it's a big problem. You can go with me, Daoyou Zhao."

Zhou Fan thanked him and agreed, and then he and Lin Gaoshou boarded the flying treasure ship and headed towards the Kingdom of Gods.

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Lin Gaoshou turned to laugh and said, "By the way, I have never heard Daoyou Zhao's name before, or else I wouldn't have come to meet Daoyou Zhao out of curiosity."

This is the basis for testing me... Zhou Fan said calmly, "I have been cultivating in Guaqiu before, and the master said that I am not in the realm of Taoism and can't come out to walk."

"I don't know which senior master your teacher is?" Lin Gaoshou asked in surprise. He knew that such a powerful Taoist realm would not appear suddenly. is lying.

"Master is not from our birth star realm, and he has already left the birth star realm." Zhou Fan said slowly: "I want to go to the gray star realm this time, and the master left a clue, maybe I can find the master from there. Respect."

"If Daoyou Zhao trusts me, you can tell me more information about Master Ling, and I can check the use records of the astral teleportation array for Daoyou Zhao to see which star realm did Master Ling go to?" Lin Gaoshou said sincerely. .

Zhou Fan glanced at Lin Gaoshou, shook his head and said, "Master did not use the Lin family's astral teleportation array."

Lin Gaoshou was stunned, he was in shock and wanted to ask more, but Zhou Fan smiled and changed the topic, and Lin Gaoshou couldn't ask any more.

When Zhou Fan chatted with Lin Gaoshou, he was also thinking about whether there was a problem with his actions when he met these four people from the beginning?

When he was fighting against the Blood Sea Island Master, because Lin Gaoshou and the three of them were on the sidelines, he hid his strength. Otherwise, he would not have to be so troublesome to deal with the Blood Sea Island Master. With his current strength, he could easily kill the Blood Sea Island Master.

But he couldn't do that, because if he showed such strength, he would probably cause panic among the top cultivators in the Astral Realm.

The best way to do this is to show the strength comparable to the Island Master of Blood Sea, but not too strong, this will only make Lin Gaoshou and the others jealous, but not too afraid.

After all, he is not invincible in the Shengxingjie. It is not good for him to cause panic among the top monks in the Shengxingjie. It is better to keep a low profile.

Of course, it is also necessary to use illusion to disguise himself as a Taoist realm, otherwise, it would be too scary for him to be tied in a Taoist realm and a Taoist realm.

The four Lin Gaoshou came to block him, more to test his strength, and now it seems that he is dealing with it pretty well.

Two days later, Zhou Fan and the two had arrived at the border between the Purple Region and the Kingdom of the Divine Tree.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, when we arrive at Luye City in our Divine Tree Kingdom and activate the teleportation formation that only our Lin family can use, we will be able to reach the Divine Tree Kingdom Capital immediately." Lin Gaoshou said with a smile.

If it weren't for the activation of a dedicated teleportation array, it would take at least five days to reach the capital of the Divine Tree by ordinary methods.

Even members of the Lin family rarely dare to use such a teleportation array because it consumes too much, but if someone with a high status like Lin Gaoshou uses it, no one dares to say anything more.

Zhou Fan smiled slightly. Just when he was about to say something, a green leaf flew out of Lin Gaoshou's storage bag. He whispered softly, "It's Hu Qianhua, what is he looking for from me?"

Lin Gaoshou activated the green leaf.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, come and help me." Hu Qianhua said anxiously.

Zhou Fan's expression became a little subtle, this Qianhua was a Taoist monk, what happened to make him so anxious?

"What happened?" Lin Gaoshou asked in a deep voice, "I'm at the border now."

"It's the disaster of paint." Hu Qianhua's voice became more urgent: "Fellow Daoist Lin, come to the blue and white field, it is spreading here, I will try my best to stop it."

Over there, Qianhua ended the call, and Lin Gaoshou's face became solemn.

"What is the disaster of paint?" Zhou Fan had never heard of the disaster of paint.

"This is a very terrifying Lin Gaoshou said with a serious face: "It's too late to explain, Daoyou Zhao, should you go to Luye City first or come with me, I'm going to help suppress it Live the paint plague. "

"I'll go with you to see." Zhou Fan hesitated and said, without Lin Gaoshou, it would be useless for him to go to Luye City first. If this paint disaster is very dangerous, nothing can be done, I believe Lin Gaoshou will not Will work hard for it.

The flying treasure ship changed direction and headed for the nearest city to them.

Lin Gaoshou only had time to explain the disaster of paint to Zhou Fan. The disaster of paint is a unique quirk in the Violet region.

The white nightmare with the lowest nightmare level can only be dealt with by pure Yang monks, while the blood nightmare level can only be dealt with by Taoist monks, but not all Taoist gods can confidently kill or seal blood nightmare level monsters.

"In fact, if I were to evaluate this pigment disaster, it might not necessarily belong to the Blood Nightmare level, or even be a monster beyond the Blood Nightmare level." Lin Gaoshou sighed.

Zhou Fan's heart skipped a beat, something beyond the blood nightmare level?

After the Nightmare level, there is no further classification, because the classification is meaningless.

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