Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1857: Wang's Strange Request

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Zhou Fan didn't have as many feelings as Lin Gaoshou and the two of them. He was thinking of another thing. Even if it was intellectual, it was always weird, and it was a natural antagonistic relationship with all creatures in the world.

This pigment disaster has wisdom, but he wants to see some human leader. Obviously, he doesn't know much about the human world. This may be a newly born wisdom. Otherwise, he would not know so little about the human world.

So what does it want to do?

Everyone waited patiently, no matter whether the distracted cultivator who went in to see the king was alive or dead, the Kingdom of Colored Mud should give an answer.

The crowd didn't wait long, and the distracted cultivator who went in to see the king was quickly sent out by several clay figurines.

The distracted monk had a strange look on his face.

Zhou Fan and the others did not meet them, but just stood and watched the distracted cultivator come over. When the distracted cultivator came a thousand paces away from them, he stopped.

Immediately, several spiritual thoughts spread out, scanning the body of the distracted cultivator back and forth to confirm whether the body of the distracted cultivator had any abnormalities such as parasitism.

Ye Natian took off a green leaf on the cane and calculated that his leaf veins could not be calculated to be weird, but he could calculate a person's fate, which was also a way to detect whether this person was abnormal.

This distracted cultivator was left with some key information before departure, and Ye Natian, a top leaf vein mathematician, made calculations. Ye Natian's calculation at that time was that life and death were possible.

Now Ye Natian uses this information to calculate whether there is an abnormality in this distracted monk, and soon Ye Natian said: "No problem."

Zhou Fan and their spiritual thoughts also did not see any problems.

This distracted monk should have no problem.

The distracted monk came over and said, "It lets us discuss a result here and answer it immediately."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they originally wanted to go back to the main camp and have a good discussion.

Ye Natian tapped the cane lightly on the ground, and a green light spread on the ground, which soon rose up, forming a semi-circular green mask that enveloped them.

This is a barrier for sound insulation.

Mud people are indifferent to this.

"What does that king look like?" Lin Gaoshou asked.

"Have you seen my brother? Are you asking how he would let my brother go?" Hu Boyi asked anxiously.

Others also opened their mouths to ask.

This distracted monk didn't know who to answer for a while.

"Shut up." Lin Gaoshou's face sank, "Let me ask."

Qi Boyi and other talents closed their mouths.

"What does that king look like? Can you confirm its strength?" Lin Gaoshou looked at the distracted monk and asked.

The distracted monk respectfully said: "The king of the Kingdom of Colored Clay looks about the same height as an ordinary clay figurine, and the color on his body is also scattered without any regularity. I can't confirm its strength. It looks no different from ordinary clay figurines."

It was a pity for everyone to hear it, but they couldn't see the depth of their strength. This was a normal thing, and they didn't have much hope.

"What did the king say to you?" Lin Gaoshou asked, "recite every sentence he said."

"As soon as Wang saw me, he just looked at me. He said that since I'm just a special envoy, I'm not qualified to talk to it. I can only answer if it asks me. I nodded to show that I know." The friar spoke up.

"It said that its country of colored mud was newly built, and it also knew that humans called it and its clansmen strange. It didn't like this name very much. It said that they were mud gods, and it was not strange."

"In the future, the blue and white fields will be its country of colored mud, that is, the domain of the clay gods. Human forces cannot set foot in its country of colored mud, otherwise it will destroy all human beings in this world."

What a big tone... Everyone's faces changed slightly.

"It also said that the mud gods would stay in the country of colored mud, but every month human beings have to send 10,000 people, 30,000 beasts, and 200,000 flowers to the country of colored mud."

"It chuckled a little when it said this. It said that the guests it invited told it that humans would not agree to such conditions, and asked if I would agree?"

"I said that this is not something I can call the shots. I will know if I will agree or not after I go back and report."

"It said that it would not agree to give humans a solution to the problem, in addition to the possibility of a complete war between the mud gods and humans, that is, humans are not convinced, then the winner will be determined according to the rules of humans, three consecutive rounds, as long as humans have If one person can win it, then this month's offerings will not be needed, and we will continue to use such a competition to decide the offerings next month, as long as we can win, it will not be offered offerings."

"It said to have a test, so start the competition today, and if you lose, you will send it over as a sacrifice. If you don't want to compete, you will start a war, and let me come back after that."

After the distracted monk finished speaking, he said to Hu Boyi, "I'm sorry, I can't ask anything."

Qi Boyi's face darkened slightly, but after all, he couldn't say anything to accuse him. After all, the king wouldn't let the distracted cultivator speak, so how could this person dare to speak?

After everyone listened, they all had a thoughtful look on their faces.

"It's impossible for us to agree to such conditions." Lin Gaoshou said in a deep voice, 30,000 beasts and 200,000 flowers are easy to get, but if 10,000 people are provided to the Mud God Clan every month, the Mud God Clan will take those 10,000 people If the people who came to serve as food really did this, if it was spread out, it would definitely cause great panic in the human world.

"It's a complete war. We don't know the details of it, and it's not appropriate to do so." Ye Natian frowned and said, "This is a joke to force us to compete with it."

"It's just that the rules of this competition are too strange. For three consecutive rounds, it's all on the stage. As long as we can win one round, then we don't need this month's is this month's offerings?" Boyi said: "If we can defeat it, we can kill it and wipe out the entire color mud country or this mud **** clan, where can we continue to compete in the next month?"

"It said that, I am afraid that we can't kill it." Zhou Fan suddenly said: "Don't forget, this Mud God Race was transformed from the disaster of pigment."

Everyone's faces changed, and if they wanted the disaster of pigments to disappear, they had to remove all the pigments. If the king of the kingdom of colorful mud could not be killed, then it could indeed say that.

"And it asks to come back next month, I'm afraid it will have another meaning." Zhou Fan said with a condensed expression: "It should still have a way to keep getting stronger."

The speed of this kind of strengthening may not be slow, otherwise if the human side can win this month, then as long as the same masters are sent next month, they can still continue to win the king of the mud **** race. As long as the king does not have a tendency to be abused, There will be no such test requirements.

It may have the idea of ​​becoming stronger by sparring with humans... Of course, Zhou Fan is not sure that his idea must be correct, because he has never heard of the weirdness that he can become stronger from sparring with humans.

Wei Wei has always evolved and become stronger by eating people, eating food and other methods.

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