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Ni San agreed to let Zhou Fan and the others discuss it, and Lin Gaoshou immediately formed a talisman, which shrouded Zhou Fan, Hu Boyi, and Ye Natian with the golden light.

"I'm definitely not its opponent, is there anything you can do?" Lin Gaoshou asked anxiously.

Qi Boyi's face was sullen, and he didn't say a word. If Qi Qian Hua died, then the Qi family would inevitably decline, and what would happen to the Qi Zi area, he didn't care much anymore. Region, he certainly did not want the Purple Region to be destroyed.

Lin Gaoshou didn't look at Hu Boyi, but looked at Ye Natian and Zhou Fan.

The wrinkles on Ye Natian's face deepened, he held his cane hard, and sighed: "You are half a step stronger than me, if you can't win, I can't win, if you can't, then just admit defeat. "

"Even if we admit defeat, we should still have some time to buffer, and then we will invite Senior Lin and let him think of killing this monster."

Lin Gaoshou also had the same thought in his heart. He frowned and said, "It's just that I don't know how long this can be dragged on. That weirdness doesn't look stupid, and it may not make us drag on for too long."

He didn't say anything in his heart. The fact that Hu Qianhua died so quickly showed that this monster's strength was comparable to the realm of celestial phenomena, and maybe even surpassed the realm of celestial phenomena. His father might not be an opponent.

Ye Natian didn't say anything, but his meaning was very clear. Lin Gaoshou himself didn't dare to go up to compete with that monster, and he couldn't go to die. Hu Qianhua's death shocked him too much.

Lin Gaoshou actually felt fortunate in his heart. If he hadn't tried his best to persuade Hu Qianhua to compete with Nai San, maybe Hu Qianhua's end would be his end. Didn't have high expectations.

"I can give it a try." Zhou Fan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

This time, even the depressed Qi Boyi looked up at Zhou Fan in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, are you sure?" Lin Gaoshou said in surprise and joy.

"I can try it, but it may not be successful." Zhou Fan said calmly: "But I have one condition."

"If I win Nisan and Nisan keeps his promise, it means that I have won a month for the Purple Territory and the Divine Tree Kingdom, so it's not too much for me to put forward some conditions?"

"What conditions?" Ye Natian asked curiously.

"Let's hear it, as long as we can do what we can do in the Purple Region, we will try our best to do it." Qi Boyi said the same thing.

If they lose, the price they have to pay for delaying for a month is not small. The key is the 10,000 lives, which will bring infamy, and no force is willing to do such a reputation-damaging thing.

Instead, Lin Gaoshou guessed something.

"I hope Fellow Daoist Lin promises to let me borrow the Star Realm Teleportation Array to the Grey Star Realm for free." Zhou Fan stated his conditions.

Lin Gaoshou had never agreed before, but said that it would be subject to his father's consent. Zhou Fan didn't want any variables. After all, if the celestial realm of the Divine Tree Kingdom did not agree, it would be difficult for him to use the astral teleportation array.

Of course, this condition is only incidental. He is still willing to help if he has a certain degree of confidence. After all, this can save 10,000 lives... or even more lives.

Lin Gaoshou was not too surprised that Zhou Fan would put forward such conditions. He did not feel disgusted in his heart. After all, Zhou Fan was willing to try, but he was willing to fight for his life. A cultivator who is alone is willing to do such a thing. What?

On the contrary, Ye Natian was a little surprised. He didn't know about Zhou Fan's desire to go to the Gray Star Realm.

"Friend Zhao, I promise you, as long as you win, even if my father doesn't agree, I will find a way to let you use the star realm teleportation array to go to the gray star realm." Lin Gaoshou said without hesitation, and he also solemnly established He took an oath to make Zhou Fan believe him.

After all, this is just a trivial matter compared to the Mud God Race in front of them. If they can have a month's buffer time, there will always be a way to solve the Mud God Race.

Zhou Fan was very satisfied, Lin Gaoshou made an oath, then what he had to do next was to win the battle.

Before he opened his mouth, he thought about it, he might not be able to win this Ni San, and even if he couldn't win, he was confident that he would not end up like a thousand paintings, and he would lose the competition if it was a big deal.

Now Lin Gaoshou and the others have no choice. It is better to let him try it than to just admit defeat.

After the negotiation, Lin Gaoshou withdrew the magic barrier that he had set up. If it takes too long, I am afraid that Ni San will become impatient.

Seeing that the magic barrier was withdrawn, Ni San looked over and asked, "Which one of you will compete with me? Or do you want to surrender directly?"

Zhou Fanfei went up to the ring and said with a smile, "I'm here to fight you."

Nisan glanced at Zhou Fan, "Then we can start."

Ni San didn't seem to have the intention of taking the first shot. This was exactly what Zhou Fan wanted. His body had a dark light emitting, and soon the dark Cangmu Daofu shrouded the entire ring.

"Oh, what's the use of this?" Hu Boyi said anxiously when he saw this, the Taoist mansion was completely vulnerable in front of Ni San. He didn't believe how long Zhou Fan's Taoist mansion would last. If the Taoist mansion was destroyed, the monk's Taoist **** But it will hurt.

Other uninformed bystanders like Qi Boyi also showed concern.

"Don't worry, Daoyou Zhao's Taoist residence is a bit special." Lin Gaoshou said softly.

Both he and Ye Natian had seen Zhou Fan's Taoist mansion trap the Blood Sea Island Master.

Zhou Fan's figure appeared on the roof of his Taoist mansion. He looked down at his Cangmu Taoist mansion with a serious expression. From the moment he boarded the, he used illusions to avoid the three Hit him directly.

Before Ni San made the first move, he let the real body hiding in the dark trap Ni San in his Taoist mansion, and immediately urged the law of the heart to double the defense of his Cangmu Taoist mansion.

His method is very simple, that is to try to trap Ni San with the Taoist government. Ni San can easily kill the Taoist realm Qi Qianhua, and his strength may be comparable to that of a celestial realm cultivator. Not wise.

If Cangmu Daofu, his strongest defense, can't be trapped, then he will immediately withdraw from Daofu and admit defeat.

The only risk in this matter is that the Cangmu Daofu may be destroyed by Nisan, but the defense of the Cangmu Daofu is very strong. It is not so easy to destroy it. If something goes wrong, he will immediately withdraw from the Daofu. .

"If you can get out of it, then I will lose." Zhou Fan's voice echoed in the Taoist mansion.

Ni San looked at the Taoist mansion, and with an indifferent expression, he stretched out his left hand, which quickly turned into a huge mud hand and patted it towards the roof.

The clay hands collided with the pitch-black roof, turning into bursts of energy storms that swept away, making a loud bang.

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