Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1880: thick grey

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It is also a sand bird, but it is a little different from the last time. This sand bird is larger in size, and there is a dark flow of flames at the tail of its wings.

The moment it appeared, a pair of huge bird claws caught it towards Zhou Fan's flying treasure ship.

Zhou Fan controlled the flying treasure ship to make a turn, avoiding the sharp claws, and disappeared from Sand Bird's sight. When it reappeared, it was already a hundred feet away.

The sand bird spreads its wings, and the tail of the wings has a stream of flames spraying out, and the distance of a hundred meters is instantaneous.

Zhou Fan had already put away the treasure boat, and he looked at the sand bird indifferently.

The sand bird grabbed with both claws and shredded Zhou Fan's body.

But Zhou Fan reappeared a hundred feet away, and the sand bird flew away instantly, tearing up Zhou Fan's body again.

Zhou Fan used illusions like this, flying with the sand bird all the way, the sand bird couldn't tell the truth from the fake, and every time he shredded it was a phantom.

He tried to use illusion to control the sand bird, but failed, otherwise if he could control the sand bird, he would have controlled it directly without having to be so troublesome.

But I can't control it, I can only use this illusion to deceive and take the sand bird all the way.

Throwing off the stalking sand or killing the stalking sand, the stalking sand will become stronger when it returns, so he thought of using this method to see if he could bring the sand bird to make it stronger and slower.

Of course, if you rest at night or use the city to teleport, you can only kill the stalking sand.

Fortunately, it has been determined that stalking sand will not appear at night, otherwise things will be more troublesome.

The phantom killed by the sand bird was very happy, and Zhou Fan ignored it and let it shred the phantoms. The monsters encountered on the road saw Zhou Fan with a huge sand bird, and they all ran away. , dare not approach.

Just when he was about to reach another city, the sand bird suddenly stopped following him, but fluttered his wings and flew straight into the sky.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. He used illusions to cover up his body and followed the sand bird to the sky. He wanted to know why the sand bird didn't follow him. Could it be that he found it?

The sand bird flew higher and higher, passing through the layers of gray clouds, until it saw the thick gray.

Zhou Fan also stopped. He looked at the thick ash with a solemn expression, and the sand bird screeched and merged into the thick ash, except for the yellow sand and gravel.

The thick gray is not foggy, like a gray quilt, and its scope is so vast that it cannot be seen.

Zhou Fan just glanced at this marvelous scene, and he fell down. This is what the secret pavilion called the transformation of the gray star realm. The secret pavilion followed the stalking sand and chased it up to the sky to see the thick gray. The gray star realm is delusional.

If this thick ash was not covered by gray clouds, it would have been discovered long ago. The thick ash is increasing every day, and it will one day cover the entire sky, and it is estimated that the delusion will be completed by then.

The scope is too large, and it is not easy to monitor when the thick ash covers the entire sky.

Because it is unavoidable, if the delusion cannot be stopped, it is better to escape from the Grey Star Realm as soon as possible.

Instead of continuing to think about the thick ash, he focused on stalking the sand.

As long as the stalking sand is confirmed to kill the target person or be thrown off, it will return to the thick ashes.

He didn't expect that the sand bird would not kill him, and would also return to the thick ash, which means that if the stalking sand couldn't kill the person staring at him after a certain period of time, it would return to the thick ash.

But what about after the return?

It remains to be seen whether they give up or send stronger stalking sands over.

He flew forward, and soon entered a city. With the help of the teleportation array, he saved a lot of distance.

The Grey Star Realm is vast and sparsely populated, and there are not many towns with teleportation formations, otherwise he thought that the Dust City might be faster.

He came out of the teleportation array and continued on his way. As evening approached, he was about to stop to rest, but soon found a long snake made of yellow sand grains flying in the sky.

The long snake has two wings on its back. It is a hundred feet long, and its huge body is meandering in the air like a small moving mountain.

Zhou Fan's spiritual thoughts spread over, and the familiar sense of danger made him sigh, knowing that the stalking sand had come over again.

He didn't hesitate any longer, he flew into the air, and pulled out the rusty knife from his waist.

The sand-winged snake hissed and spewed a light beam of khaki towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's body disappeared like a phantom, and when it resurfaced, he appeared on the left side of the sand-winged snake's huge head, and he slashed it out.


The gray blade flashed across, and the huge head of the sand-winged snake was cut off.

The body condensed from the yellow sand grains burst open, forming a rain of sand, and within it, there are wisps of ash drifting into the sky.

Zhou Fan put the knife into its sheath and landed on the ground, watching the ashes fly into the sky, he knew that the ashes should be thick ashes returning to the sky.

This sand wing snake is stronger than the last sand bird.

This means that the time to return to the stalking sand is the same as the return of being killed or thrown away. They will continue to try to kill the cultivator being targeted, and they will still strengthen their state.

If it weren't for the dark, after killing this stalking sand, it would not come until tomorrow. Zhou Fan might not kill it, but delay it until the time is up like today, and let it return to the thick ashes.

Delay until the end of the time, which can delay the speed of stalking sand's strengthening to the greatest extent.

As long as Stalking Sand does not become stronger to the blood nightmare level, it will not pose a threat to him.

It would be great if it could be trapped, but judging from the information I have obtained so far, this is not realistic at all. Once it is trapped, it will try to get out of the trap like crazy, and if it doesn't work, it will commit suicide.

This is the most troublesome thing.

Even though the information he got said that the stalking sand would not appear at but this may not be accurate, he still carefully arranged the talisman formation on the camp, and when it was time to go to bed late at night, he told Xiaoxiao to be vigilant, After Xiao Ling agreed, he could rest assured to sleep.

If the pestering sand came over at night, he would be able to get up and deal with it as soon as possible.

After he appeared on the boat and communicated with his children as usual, Zhou Fan called softly, "Senior, I have something to ask."

A wisp of mist floated up and turned into a bronze book. The bronze book was automatically opened, and the silver pen wrote: "You have changed your mind. Are you going to use ten possession opportunities to help me find the strongest Dao seed?"

"No." Zhou Fan denied it with a uh. He hadn't finished digesting the mansion soul grass, so how could he compromise so quickly.

Yinbi drew a smile, "Then you had better come to me for something important, you have to remember, I'm not your servant, don't call me if you don't have anything, otherwise I won't pay attention to you if you call me in the future. ."

With a servant like you, I'm afraid I'm so angry that I vomit blood... Zhou Fan sneered in his heart: "I want to ask you one thing, is there any way to stop the large-scale deception?"

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