Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1882: Black Disaster

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The rise in market prices is definitely not without reason.

When Zhou Fan purchased materials, he also inquired about the information from the material dealers, but the material dealers were either unclear or vague.

He used illusions to rhetorically, only to realize that these businessmen did not know what happened, but said that many forces have recently purchased materials, which has caused the price to rise.

"Maybe it's going to be a war." This is the guess that the businessmen said the most.

Because in their view, the price of materials will only start to rise if there is a war.

But obviously these shrewd businessmen may have guessed wrong this time.

Those big and small forces may not know the reason. Maybe someone behind them is asking them to buy materials. If this goes on, the materials will rise rapidly.

Zhou Fan understands that as time goes by, more and more monks will definitely know the news of the devastation of the Gray Star Realm and join the **** for materials.

However, these have little to do with him. He is just a person, and he brought these exchange tickets for convenience. In addition, he knows that he will not stay in the Gray Star Realm for a long time, so the exchange tickets he brought are not really counted. A lot, you can definitely replace most of the exchange tickets when the materials are rising rapidly.

After he acquired almost, he left the city through the teleportation array and rushed to the next city.

It didn't take long for Stinger Sand to appear as he expected. This time, Stinger Sand was still in the form of a sand ball, but this time it had two pairs of wings.

Zhou Fan: "…"

This is an extra pair of wings than last time. Although the shape is not good-looking, the speed of stalking the sand has been greatly improved, and it has been able to keep up with Zhou Fan's speed.

Zhou Fan could only change another way. His majestic True Essence formed a defensive shield outside his body. The blasting stones sprayed by the sand ball were powerful, but they could not break through his True Essence defense.

Occasionally he was overtaken, and he just let these attacks fall on him, just rushing.

When he almost reached the city, he killed the stalking sand, and went into the city to buy materials first. This time, he found that the materials had risen slightly, but it was not an exaggeration. After he bought the materials, he used the teleportation array to leave the building. city.

It was getting dark by this time.

Zhou Fan stopped to rest, and stalking Sha did not appear at night.

Why doesn't it act at night?

It's impossible for it to rest... Zhou Fan thinks this idea is absurd. He suspects that it may be related to light. The biggest difference between day and night is whether there is light.

He suddenly thought of an idea, which might be a try.

After a night passed, Xun Sha did not appear. He asked Xiao Qian, who was watching for him, to return to his body to sleep, and he continued on his way.

If there is no accident, he will be able to reach the Dust City at the latest tomorrow, and once he reaches the Dust City, he plans to use the Star Realm Teleportation Array to leave the Ash Star Realm!

Soon Stinger Sand appeared. It was still spherical, with four pairs of wings made of sand. The only difference was that its body was changed to a thorn ball.

Could it be because of my defense... Zhou Fan's face was solemn, and he felt more and more that this devious gray star realm might not be a delusion, but a conscious delusion.

Deviously would not understand that there is such a change in direction.

The stalking sand's four wings reached Zhou Fan in an instant. Its whole body bounced off countless stones, and the stones exploded like bombs. Its shape has changed, but it still retains the ability to scatter and explode in a wide range of stones. It was obviously an illusion aimed at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's True Essence Defense Cover immediately opened to resist the explosion of the stone, but the thorns that stalked Sand stabbed Zhou Fan and penetrated into his True Essence Defense Cover.

Zhou Fan chuckled lightly, his true essence defense cover was very thick, and the thorns that stalked the sand could not touch his body at all.

Zhou Fan didn't entangle with Xing Shasha anymore, but flew forward, Xing Xiasha hurriedly chased up, but it couldn't help Zhou Fan.

You must be very puzzled... Zhou Fan thought silently in his heart.

It wasn't until he reached the next city that Zhou Fan killed Sang Shasha, and then went into the city to buy materials. Overnight, the price of the materials increased again. In this city, Zhou Fan finally used 90% of the exchange tickets obtained by the Gray Star Realm. , replaced by a variety of materials.

He had to use the last 10% of the money to pay for the teleportation array, so he stayed.

After he did this, he left the city. On the way, Stalking Sand appeared again. It didn't change much this time, that is, the yellow thorn turned pitch black, and it came up to attack Zhou Fan as soon as it saw it.

After the familiar stone explosion was resisted by Zhou Fan's true essence, the spikes on Sha's body exploded and shot out, all of which were shot towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan knew that this was probably designed to break his True Essence defense. He just snorted and took out a green shield. This was the spiritual treasure he got. The green shield blocked all the spikes. changed.

Zhou Fan used an illusion to make himself disappear into the air.

The stalking sand couldn't find Zhou Fan. It was suspended in the air and sensed Zhou Fan's existence, so it didn't leave.

Zhou Fan hid in the dark and watched Tang Sha Sha, he said softly: "Block the light that is ten feet in a radius."

The law of the heart was urged, and the surroundings became pitch black.

The stalking sand was shrouded in darkness. This was the method he thought of last night, just to try it out to see if he could trap the stalking sand.

Soon the stalking sand in the darkness turned into yellow sand and scattered, and the gray clouds floated into the air.

Zhou Fan sighed and failed, the darkness trapping the stalking sand is the same as using other methods to trap the stalking sand, and the stalking sand will commit suicide.

But it was just a try. He didn't bother about it any more, but speeded up his journey. Before he found the second city, Zanshasha appeared again.

The stalking sand this time is still in the shape of a ball of thorns, and its burst of thorns can't break Zhou Fan's shield, so it can't hurt him.

In fact, even if he doesn't need a shield, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Sang Shasha may not be able to break his true essence, but he doesn't want to use his true essence to take on Sang Shasha's attack.

After Zhou Fan found the second city, he killed Xing Shasha, entered the city, and teleported away.

After that, the stalking sand continued to appear, and was delayed by Zhou Fan for all kinds of time before he was killed.

To the last time approaching the night, Tangle Sand appeared, Zhou Fan's Lingbao shield could not resist the ball thorns of Tangle Sand, he put away the Lingbao shield and killed Tangle Sand.

He estimated that the strength of slaughtering sand was close to the black disaster level, which was equivalent to the travel world.

Naturally, the black disaster level cannot threaten him.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, he would be able to reach the Dust City tomorrow, and when he got to the Dust City, he would immediately use the Astral Teleportation Array to leave.

Early the next morning, Zhou Fan got up early to go on his way, and when he got up, Tangle Sha also appeared.

At this moment, the stalking sand was covered with golden sand thorns, and it became very ferocious. As soon as it saw Zhou Fan, the golden sand thorns immediately exploded. It shot away and flew all over the sky.

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