Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1887: can't shoot

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Hui Tianxiong, who was sitting in the main seat at the dining table, didn't speak, and Hui Chengan and the others didn't dare to say a word, they just lowered their heads and ate in silence.

After Hui Tianxiong finished eating, he wiped his mouth with the prepared clean cloth, and everyone also put down the tableware in their hands and looked at Hui Tianxiong.

"Continue to eat if you are not full. If you are full, do what you have to do." Hui Tianxiong said slowly: "Cheng'an, Elder Chen, you come with me."

Hui Tianxiong stood up and walked out, while Hui Chengan and Chen Shude quickly stood up and followed.

Everyone in the small hall looked at each other in dismay, but they all dispersed in a short while.

The talisman car was already prepared outside the Hui Mansion, and the three of them got on the talisman car, and the talisman car moved.

Hui Tianxiong closed his eyes and still had no intention of speaking, so Hui Chengan and Chen Shude could only remain silent.

The talisman quickly stopped at the ruins of the inn.

Zhou Fan, who was sitting cross-legged, looked at the parked fu car, and the three of them walked out of the fu car, and his eyes fell on Hui Tianxiong for the first time.

Hui Tianxiong's breath was faintly connected to the heavens and the earth, and he instantly had a guess about the identity of Hui Tianxiong.

Hui Tianxiong also looked at Zhou Fan, "I am Hui Tianxiong."

"It turned out to be Senior Gray, I really admired it for a long time." Zhou Fan bowed his hands calmly.

"Wu Jincheng Zhu Wuhen is dead." Hui Tianxiong said lightly: "It is said that he died in the hands of a Taoist monk named Zhao Ba. Although the gray star world is large, there are not many Taoist realms."

"Zhao Ba is right here." Zhou Fan smiled and said, Hui Tianxiong said so, so it would be meaningless for him not to admit it.

Hui Chengan and Chen Shude, who were behind Hui Tianxiong, changed their expressions slightly. They all heard about it, but why did the new city lord of Wujin City come to their city of dust?

"Then I don't know if I should call you Daoyou Zhao or Daoyou Zhou?" Hui Tianxiong asked again.

"The name is just a title. It's fine for Senior Gray to call me Zhao Ba," Zhou Fan said.

"This matter is my fault." Hui Tianxiong said: "I apologize to Daoyou Zhao here. In order to apologize, the Astral Teleportation Array has been prepared for Daoyou Zhao, and Daoyou Zhao can now use the Astral Teleportation Formation. Leave for free and go to Meteor Realm."

Hui Chengan wanted to speak, but Hui Tianxiong glanced back at him, his heart trembled, and he dared not speak again.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Okay, so I will thank Senior Gray first."

"Please." Hui Tianxiong waved his hand, motioning for Zhou Fan to follow him, and Hui Tianxiong flew up first.

Zhou Fan also flew with Hui Tianxiong.

Hui Chengan and Chen Shude followed, Hui Chengan's eyes flickered, Chen Shude glanced at him, and then looked away.

The four of them maintained an eerie calm, with Hui Tianxiong leading the way, unimpeded all the way, and quickly flew to a high platform.

The wide high platform has a huge formation, and hundreds of talismans are busy arranging.

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't know anything about the Astral Teleportation Array. The complex two-way formation of the Star Boundary Teleportation Array is very difficult to use. At most, it cannot be activated. Unpredictable place.

Hundreds of talisman masters quickly debugged the formation, and the spiritual materials and jade needed for the formation were completely inlaid.

Master Fu told Hui Tianxiong that he was ready.

"Friend Zhao, you can go in." Hui Tianxiong looked at Zhou Fandao.

Zhou Fan jumped into the formation center, he clasped his fists and smiled: "Excuse me."

Hundreds of talisman masters activated the formation together.

The huge formation was activated, and under the flickering of the rich colorful light, Hui Chengan's face showed anxiety. This was the last chance to do it. The other party must be the real body at the moment, not a phantom. Why didn't my father do it? ?

It was just that Hui Tianxiong remained motionless, he watched calmly, Hui Tianxiong did not move, and Hui Chengan did not dare to move.

Chen Shude looked thoughtful.

The light of the formation was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes, and the last flash became dim, and Zhou Fan had already been teleported away.

"Father." Hui Chengan looked at Hui Tianxiong at a loss.

Hui Tianxiong ignored Hui Chengan and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Chen Shude and Hui Chengan quickly followed.

It didn't take long for the three of them to return to the hall of the City Lord's Mansion. Hui Tianxiong, who was sitting on the main seat, looked at Chen Shude and asked with a smile, "Elder Chen, why didn't I make a move to keep that Zhao Ba?"

Chen Shude had already thought about this on the way, and he replied, "But the city lord asked Baosuo Sect of the Meteor Realm to help kill Zhao Ba?"

The Bao Suo Sect of the Meteor World has mastered the formation on the other side, and the relationship with their Dust City has always been pretty good.

The city lord just came back from Meteor Realm, and he may have agreed with that.

Chen Shude's words made Hui Chengan look happy. If so, Zhao Ba would be doomed.

"On the contrary." Hui Tianxiong shook his head and said, "Before I return, I will ask Bao Suo Zong not to embarrass him."

Hui Chengan and Chen Shude both looked at each other.

"Father, why is this?" Hui Chengan asked in confusion.

Hui Tianxiong looked at his son with bright eyes, "Don't you really understand? I ask you, if you let Bao Suzong kill him, how would you kill him?"

"Of course..." Hui Chengan wanted to say that he would take action as soon as Zhou Fan left the teleportation formation, but he remembered Zhou Fan's unpredictable illusion avatar, and he didn't know what to say.

"What we cannot do in the Dust City, why do you think that the Baosuo sect, which is similar in strength to us, can do it?" Hui Tianxiong said slowly: "If you let the Baosuo sect help to kill, if it fails, , Bao Suo Sect is likely to be disgraced, Bao Suo Sect loses face, and will definitely resent us in the city of dust."

Both Hui Chengan and Chen Shude were silent, and this kind of thing was very likely to happen.

Hui Tianxiong sighed lightly: "You know why I haven't shot since I met Zhao Where is it? If I take action, I'm afraid I won't get any benefits."

"Later I said that I would let him use the astral teleportation array in the city of dust for free. This is also a temptation. I thought he would let me or one of you swear not to deceive him, so he dared to believe us, who I know he actually believed it directly!"

"Why do you say he dares to believe me without making any demands?"

Hui Chengan looked at each other, these were things they hadn't considered before.

"This person looks like a very cunning person, how could he not think of this?" Hui Tianxiong said with admiration: "He dares to do this, in addition to being very courageous, I am afraid he still has full confidence. Dare to take action, he is confident that he can escape."

"He is confident that he can escape, and I can't shoot, otherwise things will become more difficult to handle."

Only then did the two of Hui Cheng'an understand why Hui Tianxiong could watch Zhou Fan leave and do nothing, not because he didn't want to take action, but because he couldn't take action!

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