Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1894: virtual gold crystal

"Void gold crystal?" Zhou Fan had never heard of virtual gold crystal, he asked, "Is this kind of spiritual material difficult to find?"

"It's very difficult." Du Xiuyuan shook his head and said, "The core material of the Star Realm Teleportation Array is rare and precious. We have heard that only Shiliu Island has this kind of spiritual material in the Meteor Realm, but it has never been seen in the past 100 years. Someone can find this spiritual material from there."

"In the past, when the Xiazhu star realm was not closed, we tried to purchase it in the past Xiazhu star realm. Occasionally, we encountered this kind of material. Either it was preempted, or the price was too high, and because of the long distance, it was troublesome to go back and forth. was delayed..."

After listening to Zhou Fan, he was silent for a while and said, "If there are virtual gold crystals, how long will it take for the formation to be repaired?"

"One month at most is enough." Du Xiuyuan replied immediately.

Zhou Fan didn't ask more, but stood up and left.

After Du Xiuyuan sent Zhou Fan away, he whispered to himself, "What is the origin of this person? Why do you want to go to the Wild Star Realm..."

After Zhou Fan left Hua Liuzong, it took him some time to find the secret pavilion in Drift City.

"Is the astral teleportation array in Drift City really broken?" Zhou Fan asked, looking at the dark shadow on the opposite side.

"This problem requires 10,000 flowing sand." The dark shadow said.

Flowing Sands is the common currency of Meteor World.

Zhou Fan gave the 10,000 liu Jinsha exchange ticket to the dark shadow.

The dark shadow checked the exchange ticket. He nodded with satisfaction, and then smiled: "The news is true, the astral teleportation array in Drift City is indeed broken, and it has not been repaired yet."

Drift City Secret Pavilion is in Drift City, how could it not be known?

"Why hasn't it been repaired yet?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Because they lack the precious spiritual material of virtual gold crystal." The dark shadow replied.

"Are you sure?" Zhou Fan asked sharply.

"Guests, please rest assured that the information will not be wrong." The dark shadow said affirmatively.

That means Duxiu is far from lying... Only then did Zhou Fan feel relieved, and he asked, "How much do you know about the virtual gold crystal?"

"We need a thousand golden sands for the information about the virtual gold crystal." The dark shadow said, this is much cheaper than before, because the information of the virtual gold crystal can be inquired with only a lot of effort, and the confirmation of the astral teleportation array is good. It takes a lot more thought to be bad.

Zhou Fan gave another thousand golden sand to go out.

"The only known function of the virtual gold crystal is to refine the core material of the teleportation array, especially the astral teleportation array. If it is placed in an ordinary teleportation array, then the small material will be of great use..."

Zhou Fan felt more relieved when the dark shadow spoke about the virtual gold crystal, but he felt that it was very difficult, because if the virtual gold crystal was easy to obtain, Hua Liuzong would not have waited so long.

"How can I get the virtual gold crystal?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Meteor Realm only has Shiliu Island." The dark shadow said: "We don't know if there are any people or forces in Meteor Realm. Another way is to go to the Xiazhu Star Realm, maybe there will be a way to do it. Acquired, but now this method does not seem feasible."

"Why not?" Zhou Fan asked.

"This involves another secret." The dark shadow said with a smile.

Zhou Fan knew that the astral transmission path of the main star realm in Ming Xia had been sealed, and this method was of course not feasible.

"Is there a way to get the virtual gold crystal in the secret pavilion?" Zhou Fan asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

In fact, he knew that in addition to Drift City, the Secret Pavilion might have mastered the Star Boundary Teleportation Array, but he had asked before, and the Secret Pavilion was unwilling to admit that it was impossible for him to use the Secret Pavilion's Teleportation Array.

"We are only engaged in news business, this can't help the guests." The dark shadow said slowly, "But if the guests need, as long as they pay enough, we can try to inquire for you to see who has virtual gold crystals in their hands, but This kind of thing may not be heard.”

"The money will not be returned to the guests unless we find out. After all, we have spent time and energy on this."

"How much do you need?" Zhou Fan asked directly. If the price is right, this is a solution. As long as he knows who has the virtual gold crystal, he can think of the virtual gold crystal.

"It's hard to say..." The dark shadow pondered for a while and said, "From my experience, if you can't find it within a month, then it's basically impossible to find it, so if the cost is calculated according to the time of one month, we need a billions of golden sands."

One hundred million golden sand... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Farewell."

Zhou Fan came out of the secret pavilion. The price of the secret pavilion is too high. High is the second priority. There is no guarantee that he can find it. If there is no way, he will not try such a method. is a small number.

Who knows if the Secret Pavilion will work after receiving the money?

He decided to think of other ways first.

The dark shadow in the secret pavilion is talking to his companion, "So, the person who just came to me to consult the virtual gold crystal may be a monk named Li Bufan."

"Yes, we just got the news that a cultivator named Li Bufan came to Hua Liuzong not long ago and wanted to use the astral teleportation array." The person over there said interesting. The dark shadow chuckled and said, "There seems to be no decent cultivator named Li Bufan in the Meteor World, so who is he? Why go to Barbarian Star Realm? "

"This person must have a big secret, and make him a key figure."




At night, the gray fog was flowing on the boat. Zhou Fan looked at the bronze book he had called out and asked, "Where do you have a common material for virtual gold crystals?"

Zhou Fan was afraid that the price of the bronze book would be overwhelming, so he deliberately added the words 'ordinary materials'.

He opened the bronze book and drew a smile with a silver pen, "Is it the virtual gold crystal used in the teleportation array?"

"Yes." Zhou Fan nodded hurriedly.

"Even if this virtual gold crystal is not a precious material, it is not an ordinary material." The silver pen drew another smile.

"But it's not very valuable. If you have it, sell it to me." Zhou Fan said calmly.

"It's a pity." The silver pen wrote on the bronze book: "I don't have it. If there is, I will definitely kill you."

Why did you not talk to me so much... Zhou Fan was a little annoyed: "You said that you have the largest treasure house in the world, don't you even have materials like virtual gold crystals?"

"The material of virtual gold crystal is rare, but it is of little value. I despise it. What do I collect it for?" Yinbi drew a smiley expression, "I only collect valuable and rare items."

Zhou Fan showed helplessness, he ignored the bronze book, but lowered his head and asked the boat, if there is one in the gray river, then he can try to catch it, instead of going to the island to try his luck.

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