"Who is it?" Zhou Fan asked, looking at the huge statue in the distance.

The huge statue surrounded by golden smoke can exude the law of time, and the origin of this statue is definitely not simple.

"God of time." The boat said calmly.

The **** of time... Zhou Fan's face showed consternation, is there really a **** in this world?

"But I heard Zhou Xiaoxiao and their guides say that there is no **** in the world..."

Chuan smiled and said: "What they said is not wrong, you can think of it as a powerful monk who has practiced the Shinto style."

It turned out to be a powerful cultivator who had practiced Shinto-style... Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. This is the same as his little fairy and Buddha Lord. Shinto-style cultivators have always liked to call themselves gods to absorb their beliefs.

"But they are different from the Shinto-style monks. They are indeed qualified to be called gods." Chuan chuckled: "You may not know that in that era, when the monk system was not established, it belonged to the era of gods. Like the God of Time, he is the first person to possess the Godhead of Time, and after he fell, the Godhead of Time will spread..."

Zhou Fan was surprised in his heart. Perhaps only a special existence like a ship would know such a history. Those who had led him before should not know this history, "How did the **** of time fall?"

The boat looked at Zhou Fan with a weird smile on his face, "I killed it."

Killed by the boat... Zhou Fan felt inexplicably shocked, "Could it be that the fall of the gods is all related to you?"

"Of course not." Chuan smiled and shook his head. "If they didn't offend me, I wouldn't be so bored that I would kill them to play."

Killing them to play... Zhou Fan's heart twitched. This is a powerful cultivator called God.

"The time guy thought that he could do whatever he wanted when he mastered the way of time. When he discovered my existence, he came to provoke me. I could only kill him." Said the ship lightly.

How strong is the ship... Zhou Fan doesn't think the ship is lying, he intuitively feels that the ship is telling the truth, this is really a monster.

"Isn't there a word in your original world called Ragnarok?" Chuan thought about it and said, "This word can also be used to describe the fall of the gods in that era. I killed a few of the gods. Some died during the war between gods and demons, but more died because of lack of faith and no longer strong."

The battle between gods and demons... the twilight of the gods... Zhou Fan can imagine how magnificent that era was.

He was slightly silent. The power of the gods came from the sentient beings who believed in them. If the sentient beings stopped believing in them, they would become weak. This is the reason why the Shinto flow was replaced by the current monk system. After all, the power of the current monks mostly comes from themselves, and Shinto streams are completely different.

"But I don't understand, don't the gods think of their own weaknesses?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Of course they are very clear." The boat asked Zhou Fan to follow it and continue to move towards the statue, "but the monk system had not yet appeared in that era, they were high above, and it was impossible for them to abandon the godhead to become a mortal, so their way to prevent the lack of belief is often Fixing beliefs and robbing believers."

"Only when a person believes in one **** wholeheartedly can he have a strong will for the gods to enjoy. If he believes in two gods, his belief will not be firm. Even if there is no conflict between the two gods' creeds, his belief is firm. Down, that willpower will also be divided into two parts.”

"The gods used to fight for their beliefs. If it weren't for the threat of the demons from the outside world, they would have already started the battle of gods. Even if there was no large-scale battle of gods, battles between two gods were very common in that era. ."

"But later, with the battle, the gods have a fixed area of ​​belief. As long as they don't cross the border, the gods will not fight easily. After all, there are more and more living beings, and the more willpower they can collect, and they are not afraid of lack of belief. question."

"On this basis, the gods united and fought against the demons. The essence of this battle between gods and demons is to compete for faith. The demons are also living beings, and they can also generate the will of faith."

"But the demons are not easy to bully. Many powerful demons and gods died in the battle between gods and demons. After confirming that they could not get a clear victory or defeat, both sides tacitly chose to truce and recuperate."

"What about the dragon clan? What about the demon clan?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but ask, what role did they play in that era?

"The demon clan was only a vassal tribe of the demon clan in that era, and the war between gods and demons was a factor in the decline of the demon clan. After the decline of the demon clan, the demon clan was able to break away from the control of the demon clan." Chuan laughed: "As for the dragon clan, their The number is small, even if they believe in any god, it is impossible to generate much will, and they also have their own gods."

Speaking of which, the ship paused for a while, then it smiled and shook its head and said, "It's that old guy from the Dragon Race... but it's so strong that even gods and demons dare not provoke it. The Dragon Race in those days was detached and ignored the world, and it's almost the same now. "

"What old guy?"

"It's the Ancestral Dragon God of the Dragon Clan." Chuan chuckled: "It is the origin of the Dragon Clan."

That is, Momo's ancestor... Zhou Fan thought to himself that even the boat said it was scary~www.readwn.com~ How strong is that?

"Even if there is no cultivator system, since they know their own weaknesses and want to strengthen them, why did Ragnarok appear?" Zhou Fan did not explain.

"Because the times have changed." The smile on the boat's face narrowed. "No matter how strong it is, if the collapse of faith happens overnight, the gods can't stop it, then they can only perish."

Faith collapsed overnight... Zhou Fan's scalp was faintly numb. He discussed with Yingjiu before that the reason why Shinto-style is small is because of the strange world, it is too difficult to establish a devout belief, and he has seen the most success so far. It is the Lord Buddha.

"Do you want to ask why the faith collapsed overnight?" The boat said slowly: "But I can't tell you, you can find out on your own, ah, yes, but there is one thing I can tell you, you get The ancient godhead is very interesting."

"What's interesting?" Zhou Fan asked, concentrating his thoughts. He had integrated that ancient godhead, and Yingjiu said that he didn't know its origin.

But it is not surprising that the ship knew, because the ship lived in the age of the gods, and it even killed the **** of time.

"The evolution of the times has caused many item names to disappear and have new names." There was a mysterious and proud smile on the ship's face, "So the ancient godhead was not called the ancient godhead before, and in the age of the gods, there was no one called the ancient god. gods."

"The ancient godhead belongs to the guy called the **** of the gods."

"God of the gods..." Zhou Fan said with a stunned expression.

"Yes, the **** of the gods." Chuan laughed and said, "Guess why it has such a title?"

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