Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1902: time hut

"Forcing..." Zhou Fan showed a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Didn't I explain it to you in the most simple and easy-to-understand words?" Chuan laughed: "Of course, it is not only forced, but divine scriptures also have special power. In that era, the believers of gods were not only given the power to gain power, but also Many times they rely on the divine script to fight.”

"Before the establishment of the human cultivator system, no matter how powerful a creature without a godhead is, there are limits, and they can only rely on the gods they believe in."

"Doesn't it mean that all the monks think wrong?" Zhou Fan said in surprise, Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others are still trying to get advanced methods from the divine script, and the divine script seems to be less powerful than imagined.

"It can't be said that it is completely wrong. The reason why the divine script is difficult to decipher is because it is a script created by God borrowed from the godhead. It contains special rules. After a long time of studying the divine script, you will always figure out some special things." The boat explained: "Of course it's more important to help people understand what happened in that era."

Zhou Fan snorted. If he were to be replaced, he would not be willing to spend time studying. He looked at the ship again. The ship had gone through that era and must know everything that happened in that era.

The boat pointed at the pure white house, "That's the gift I prepared for you, the Time Cabin."

"Time Cabin?" Zhou Fan looked at his 'gift'.

"After the God of Time was killed by me, the time of all the altars in his domain changed, resulting in all kinds of strange time chaos. This island is one of the altars of the God of Time." Ship. He smiled and said, "The Time Cabin is made by me grabbing the time mutation power of his altar and the divine personality of the God of Time, and smelting it in this temple of the God of Time. Let's go ahead and talk about it."

The time hut made by the fusion of time mutation power, time godhead, and time temple, then what role will this time hut have... Zhou Fan couldn't help but think.

The boat came to the Time House, and just waved lightly, the divine inscription in front of the house emitted a golden light, and the door slowly opened.

Zhou Fan walked into the Time Cabin with the boat. The house was empty, except for a golden sphere suspended. Each golden sphere was inscribed with mysterious runes, and the runes were different.

The golden ball flew to the side of the boat, the boat gently stroked the golden ball, it seemed very proud, "The Time Cabin is a treasure that only I can refine, and it has only one function."

"That is to speed up the cultivation time. For example, some cultivations that take decades of cultivation to complete can be completed in just one day here, and the passage of time outside is also just one day."

"What's more important is that you really only spent one day, not trapped in this cabin for decades or even hundreds of years, so you can avoid problems with your mood when you sit for a long time."

"Simply put, the work of one day is equal to the work of decades or hundreds of years or even a thousand years."

Zhou Fan was stunned. The hut is too exaggerated at this time. It is simply an artifact of cultivation. If so, if he cultivates here for a day, doesn't it mean that he has cultivated for a thousand years, and he will be invincible when he goes out!

"As for the specific principles of refining the Time Cabin, it's too complicated, so I won't tell you." Chuan said with a serious face: "But the Time Cabin also has its own flaws. The first of its flaws is that it can't start the cultivation that requires epiphany. To the effect, such as comprehending the law and other cultivation..."

"Secondly, its use is not without cost. Its startup requires a large gray worm. One hundred thousand large gray worms is equal to one day and one year. You can use the golden ball to set as many years as you want."

The golden ball floated in front of Zhou Fan. He knew how to use the golden ball just by touching the golden ball. He felt very strange in his heart. He didn't expect the big gray worm to start the cabin at this time.

However, this is not expensive at all. 10 million big gray worms is equivalent to one hundred years for one day, which can save him a hundred years of cultivation time. He can completely accept it.

This is even more cost-effective than using spiritual materials to speed up cultivation. For him, 10 million big gray worms can only be accumulated in ten days, and the more he thinks about it, the more excited he becomes.

"Don't be in a hurry to be happy." The boat shook his head. "There is one last flaw. Its passage of time is real."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze.

"That is, if you spend a day in the Time Cabin and save a year of cultivation time, then you are not missing a day's lifespan, but a year's lifespan," Chuan explained.

Zhou Fan instantly understood that if he started a day and saved five hundred years of cultivation time, he would have lost five hundred years of life after that day!

"This doesn't seem to be a big problem..." Zhou Fan said hesitantly: "If I use these five hundred years of life to enter a new realm, then I will definitely get an increase in my lifespan, and one thing will go up..."

He couldn't go on, because he still lost five hundred years of life, and the lifespan was the price to save time. Is it worth it?

After all, his current lifespan is not infinite. If he can enter the realm of not worrying about lifespan in the future, this is of course not a problem, but who can say what will happen in the future?

If you don’t see your lifespan, you’ll be This is equivalent to spending your lifespan and the Great Grey Worm... The cost is not small. After all, finding suitable cultivation resources can also lead to rapid advancement. Cultivation resources may It needs to be replaced with a large gray worm, but this does not need to reduce the lifespan.

Thinking about it this way, the Time Cabin is a bit tasteless.

"The Time Cabin has its flaws, but it also has its advantages." The boat seemed to see through Zhou Fan's entanglement and said, "Its advantage is that if you can't find suitable cultivation resources and want to advance quickly, Its effect is revealed, or it is a realm that can only be accumulated with time, such as your Taoist realm now..."

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while. He had not entered the Taoist realm for a long time, and his realm was barely stable. He was going to ask Bronze Book about the cultivation resources of the Taoist realm in the past few days. What happened to the situation?"

"The Taoist realm is a realm that requires time to accumulate." Chuan said, "Otherwise, Xiaoshushu has already proposed to use the training resources to exchange the number of possessions with you. There is no spiritual material or elixir that can help you in the cultivation of the Taoist realm. If you are busy, you need to extract the 'law' power of heaven and earth to strengthen your own Taoist God after a long time."

"Especially for you, you have a good foundation, and if you want the Dao God to grow to the later stage of the Dao God realm, it will take five hundred years if it is really only accumulated over time."

"Then are you willing to wait five hundred years to complete the cultivation of the Taoist realm?"

"Of course I don't want to." Zhou Fan shook his head hurriedly. At a time like the calamity of the wild star world, he wished that the higher his realm, the better.

Moreover, those unknowable monsters such as Wu Yan who wanted to kill him would come to kill him at some point, and he couldn't hide from here and there like now.

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