Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1904: Make Shenzong

Zhou Fan stood on the boat and turned his head to look back, and found that the golden mist-shrouded island had disappeared.

But he has the pointing device given by the boat, and it is not difficult to find the island of the God of Time.

He didn't look any further, but concentrated on controlling the boat, returning on the way back and forth.

In order to avoid life loss, he also used the spell that the boat gave him to resist the erosion of time, which allowed him to speed up the boat and stay away from this water.

He came out of the fog of time several times faster than before and returned to the outpost island.

He used illusion to cover up the boat and his whereabouts, and no one found out when he landed on the island. After going directly to the island, he changed his appearance.

On Sentinel Island, he used illusion to confuse several powerful monks and asked about the God-creation Sect.

After all, this was a reminder from Chuan. Of course, he was concerned about the Shenzong Sect, and Chuan said that the Shenzong Sect had a division in the Meteor Realm. When he returned to the Barbarian Star Realm and wanted to inquire, it would be too late.

Although he didn't quite understand what the God-Building Sect would have to do with Wuyan and other unknowable monsters who wanted to kill him, the boat should not talk nonsense, and he planned to investigate quietly no matter what.

It's a pity that the monks said that they had never heard of the God Creation Sect, which made Zhou Fan raise his eyebrows. It seems that the God Creation Sect is very low-key, otherwise these monks could not have heard it at all.

He hesitated. Where there are so many warrior monks on Sentinel Island, of course there will be a secret pavilion.

He was hesitant to ask the Secret Pavilion.

The secret pavilion is very mysterious. In the secret pavilion, he dare not try to use illusion to hypnotize the people in the secret pavilion, for fear of causing any trouble.

So if you go to the Secret Pavilion to ask, then the Secret Pavilion must know that someone is inquiring about the God-making Sect.

After thinking about it, he decided to take a trip to the Secret Pavilion. Even if the Secret Pavilion knew that someone had inquired about the God Creation Sect, so what?

As long as his identity is not revealed, there is no problem.

Zhou Fan quickly came to the Secret Pavilion, which was still a darkroom illuminated by blue light. After he paid the door-to-door fee according to the rules, the black shadow smiled and asked, "I wonder what the guest wants to ask?"

"I want to know all the information about the God-making Sect." Zhou Fan said.

"Is there a god-building sect?" The steady voice of the lacquer black figure was a little strange, "This price is not cheap, we need 30 million catties of flowing sand."

"No problem." Zhou Fan said, "But I hope you don't have any concealment. What I want to know is not just the division of the Meteor World, but the entire God-making Sect."

Zhou Fan deliberately showed in his words that he had a certain understanding of the God Creation Sect. The Secret Pavilion might not lie, but it might conceal some facts.

The black figure was silent for a while and said: "I'm afraid that will disappoint the guests, what you want to inquire about is a very large organization, and our Secret Pavilion does not know much about it, so we can only tell you what we know, the guests. It is optional to ask for such a secret."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "If I know some of the outermost things, then I won't be able to use your secret pavilion. Do you know the location of the Divine Sect's branch in the Meteor Realm?"

"This is there." The black shadow said: "Guests, please rest assured that the value of our news has been evaluated. Although it may sometimes be different from the expectations of the guests, it will not be worthless news at all."

Zhou Fan thought for a while, but still took out the 30,000,000 jins flow gold exchange ticket and placed it on the quiet blue table.

The black shadow knocked on the blue tabletop, and the exchange ticket was in his hands. He confirmed that the exchange ticket of 30 million catties of golden sand was no problem before accepting it, and said, "As the guest said, the God-Building Sect is a very A huge organization, its influence is not limited to Meteor Realm, it has its shadow in many star realms."

Just like the Secret Pavilion... Zhou Fan silently added in his heart, but about the Secret Pavilion, it is impossible for the Secret Pavilion to tell him. He interrupted: "How many star realms are there?"

"This has yet to be confirmed." The dark black shadow said: "We discovered the traces of the God Creation Sect in the Meteor Realm a thousand years ago."

"They are secretive and have been hiding behind the scenes, not letting unrelated people know of their existence. Only some top forces will know the existence of this organization."

"In order to maintain the secrecy, their number should not be too many, but the strength of the God-making Sect in the Meteor World is very strong, even the top local forces in the Meteor World, such as Baosuo Zong, Driftland, etc., may not be them according to our assessment. opponent."

Zhou Fan listened with a calm expression on his face. Of course, he knew that the sect that he could tell from the mouth of the boat would not be so simple. Besides, it was still a force that crossed the stars, and it was not surprising that it was stronger than the Baosuo Sect.

"The God-creating Sect preaches that the catastrophe is coming, and only gods can save the world, and there are no gods in the world, so they want to create a **** to save the world!"

The catastrophe is coming, do you want to create a **** to save the world?

Zhou Fan couldn't help but ask: "Then how do they plan to create gods?"

"I don't know." The black shadow shook his head and said: "But they are looking for talented cultivators with good talent everywhere in the meteor world. This should be the first step for them to create a Our intelligence personnel still I found out that they have a plan of the Son of God, and we are still investigating the details."

"It sounds like this God Creation Sect is not an evil organization, it seems like a good thing if it can be selected by them." Zhou Fan said slowly.

"They did not spare any cost in cultivating genius monks." The black shadow smiled and said: "But the competition within the God-making Sect is very cruel. If the first round of competition fails, they will kill the loser, and the second round of competition fails. They don't kill the loser, but the loser becomes the slave of the winner."

"The competition in the back is equally cruel and fierce. Of course, winning has great benefits, but losing will be miserable. If you are someone else's slave, you may die. Life and death are inevitable, and you will never be able to turn over."

"Even if you lose, you're still a cultivator with good talent. If you treat them kindly, won't you be able to strengthen your organization?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise, "Why do they use such cruel methods to treat losers?"

"I don't know." The black figure said slowly: "They never seem to care about the number of people in the organization. We have an unconfirmed guess. Their purpose is to create gods. Apart from gods, everything is meaningless, so they don't care. The life and death of the losers."

"Only a cruel competitive environment can create a real god."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, "In such a cruel competition, which cultivator with extraordinary talent would be willing to join this competition?"

It is better to die if you lose. A truly talented cultivator has many sects vying for it. Do you need to participate in such a competition to gamble on your future?

"If the God-made Sect took a fancy to them, they would have to refuse." The dark black figure chuckled.

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