Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1908: pay the price

Knowing nothing, of course there is no need to take an oath.

In fact, the big man in yellow told Zhou Fan so much, but he didn't say anything too core.

Zhou Fan ate at will, he didn't speak, neither did the big man in yellow clothes, the big man in yellow clothes no longer had the arrogance that he had just come.

"You build the Shenzong in the two rifts, so there is no special way to enter?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"You can enter with the token." The big man in yellow took out a token and handed it to Zhou Fan to watch, "But there are many inspection formations inside. Once outsiders are detected, it will be difficult to escape. Special envoy Zhang also there."

Zhou Fan did not receive the token, because the token may be engraved with a special tracking rune or a deduction technique. If he took the token, it would likely be found by the people of the God Sect.

The big man in yellow quickly put away the token.

"Don't you have any other tasks in Meteor Realm besides searching for geniuses?" Zhou Fan thought and asked again.

The big man in yellow frowned and said, "I don't know which mission you are talking about?"

"All tasks." Zhou Fan said.

"Looking for genius is our main task, and we don't usually have any special tasks..." The big man in yellow said suddenly paused and said Because the thousand-year catastrophe is approaching, the sect has recently asked us all The messenger pays attention to the situation in the Meteor Realm, and reports back as soon as he finds the signs of the catastrophe, but this should not be a very special task. "

Zhou Fan was thoughtful. The God-making Sect preached that he would create gods to save the world, so it seems not surprising to pay attention to the catastrophe. It is worth mentioning that the meteor world is still very calm, and even the signs of catastrophe have not appeared.

However, the Meteor World will also suffer a catastrophe once in a thousand years. This is no secret. Even an outsider like Zhou Fan has inquired about the news.

"Did the special envoy Zhang ask you to specifically investigate things about the unknowable monsters?" Zhou Fan asked with a serious face. What he wanted to investigate was why the unknowable monsters wanted to kill him. This may also be the case. The place where the God-making Sect can be connected with him.

"The mission of the unknowable level..." The big man in yellow pondered seriously: "No, I have never accepted such a mission, and I have never heard of anyone else in the organization taking such a mission."

Zhou Fan's brows were twisted into a ball, so he didn't understand, but if the rumors that this person heard were true, the strength of the special envoy Zhang was unfathomable, and it was best not to provoke him until he was absolutely sure.

He asked the big man in yellow clothes some more questions about the God-Building Sect, but after he couldn't get much useful information, he picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "You can go."

The big man in yellow withdrew his spell, nodded slightly to Zhou Fan, stood up and left the inn.

After Zhou Fan walked for a while with the big man in yellow, he called Xiao Er and told Xiao Er that he was going out for a walk and would come back later.

Of course, the second shopkeeper would not have any objections. After all, the guest had paid a deposit in advance. He told Zhou Fan that the room had been taken care of, and he could check in when he came back.

Zhou Fan left the inn, and his figure quickly disappeared from the street.

All kinds of news have gathered in the secret pavilion, but these news are scattered and disorderly and need time to sort out.

The big man in yellow clothes that Zhou Fan had seen before had entered the secret pavilion and sat on the quiet blue chair.

A lacquer black figure appeared on the blue chair opposite the big man in yellow. The big man in yellow put a golden exchange ticket on the table. The black figure just glanced at the golden exchange ticket and asked, "What's the matter with the guest?"

"Do you know who I am?" the big man in yellow asked in a deep voice.

"Why do you ask this?" The dark black shadow said, "Does the guest want me to check you? This requires money."

"Why do you pretend to be ignorant?" The big man in yellow sneered, "I am the messenger of the God-making Sect."

"Then why are you coming to our secret pavilion?" the dark black figure asked.

"The information you gave me is incorrect." The big man in yellow said slowly.

"If it's not correct, it's not correct. We didn't tell you in advance, and the news may not be guaranteed to be correct." The dark figure said calmly: "If it's not correct, we won't charge you, isn't it fair?"

"It's not fair, because it's so wrong!" The big man in yellow said coldly, and a pure Yang Yuanshen floated out of his body like a scorching sun. "Our leader said that we would teach you a lesson in the secret pavilion."

The pure Yang Yuanshen illuminated the room, and the powerful True Yuan burst out in the house.

A roaring explosion came from the secret cabinet.

The secret pavilion was more stable than expected, and it did not collapse because of it. The people around them stayed away from here as soon as they heard the sound of the explosion, and the sound of the explosion spread throughout the entire outpost island.

The warriors and cultivators in the distance were shocked, some rushed here, some stayed away, and even prepared to stay away from the outpost island at any time.

Zhou Fan floated in the air, he cast an illusion to cover his figure, no one could see him, he looked at the secret pavilion indifferently.

There were constant explosions from the Secret Pavilion, and it was obvious that the big man in yellow was fighting fiercely with the dark shadow in the Secret Pavilion.

The big man in yellow has long been controlled by his illusion, and the secret pavilion dares to tell the God-making Sect about him, of course, he has to pay a price.

More and more people appeared around, most of them were monks. They also knew that the Secret Pavilion was a mysterious and powerful but they didn't know who was so bold and dared to kill the Secret Pavilion.

No one dared to rush into the secret pavilion, just watching from the sidelines, they understood from the real essence that escaped from time to time in the battle, this must be a very powerful cultivator fighting, even if they wanted to participate in the battle, there were not many cultivators present who were qualified. participate.

The sound of the battle continued for a while, and then everyone saw a big man in yellow clothes broke the restriction and flew out. He was covered in wounds, and there was blood between his nose and mouth.

Soon another dark figure appeared in the secret cabinet, and the dark figure was slaughtered towards the big man in yellow.

The two were fighting on the street. Without the secret pavilion's restriction, the huge real essence burst out in bursts, and the houses in the street collapsed one by one. The coercion made many people of insight understand that this was two pure yang monks fighting.

The strength of the yellow-clothed man is not as strong as that of the dark shadow in the Secret Pavilion, his body is getting more and more injuries, and his pure Yang Yuanshen is also collapsing, but he is still fighting to the death, roaring: "You Secret Pavilion dare to be yin, we make Shenzong, from Starting today, without your secret pavilion, we will not have our God-making Sect!"

"Do you really think that our secret pavilion is afraid that you won't be able to build the Shenzong?" The black shadow sneered: "We are not afraid of anyone in the secret pavilion. Those who dare to provoke our secret pavilion will die, let's start with you!"

"Do you think you can escape?" The big man in yellow roared with rage, and his body suddenly burst into a fiery and huge light, rolling the black shadow into it.

When everything calmed down, a huge rock pit caused by an explosion appeared on the ground, and the yellow-clothed man and the black shadow both disappeared.

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