Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1913: mutual depreciation

There's one more thing you haven't said about the Celestial Realm?

Zhou Fan said with some dissatisfaction: "You should know, but I told you about the Time Cabin as a reward. This is a transaction. You can't hide anything from me about the Tianxiang Realm."

"What you want to ask is how to enter the Celestial Phenomenon Realm. I didn't hide it from you. I told you everything that I should tell you." Yinbi added an unhappy expression, "Why do you say that to me?"

"Sorry." Zhou Fan said: "But why did you say that there is a celestial phenomenon and didn't say anything?"

"What I want to talk about is what happens after entering the Celestial Realm." Yinbi drew a smile, "If you don't want to hear it, then I won't talk about it."

"Of course I want to hear it." Zhou Fan quickly apologized, "I misunderstood you."

Only then did Yinbi write on the bronze book: "What I want to say is that after entering the celestial phenomenon, the celestial cultivator can try to condense his celestial dharma body. Do you know how to condense the celestial dharma body?"

"I don't know." Zhou Fan became vigilant in his heart. He felt that the bronze book would not tell him such a thing for no reason.

"I'm going to charge a consultation fee, what do you think?" Yinbi wrote in the bronze book.

"Okay." Zhou Fan was relieved. If Bronze Book didn't charge an appraisal fee, he wouldn't believe what he said. Although Bronze Book sometimes seems to have a low IQ, who knows if it's fake? This is inevitable.

"There are still five consultation opportunities left." Yinbi continued: "Actually, it is very simple to condense the celestial body, and the celestial monk can completely decide the appearance of his own body. Even if you set the body to look like a cylindrical person, there will be no question."

"But it should be noted that once the celestial body is formed, it cannot be changed. If you think the appearance of the cylindrical man is suitable for battle, then if you want to change to the cylindrical man, no one can stop you."

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth. Even if he was stupid, he wouldn't set the celestial body as a cylindrical person. Such a body is too stupid. Will he use it to laugh at the enemy?

Or do you plan to fight, if you can't beat it, roll your round body to the ground and run away?

"The size of the celestial body is determined by the cultivator's true essence, so the size does not need to be considered. What needs to be considered is the appearance of the celestial body. Each celestial cultivator chooses the body of a law differently. Some choose the human form, some choose the animal form, and some also Will choose the strange form."

"The main basis for this is to see what form is more suitable for monks to fight. Of course, there are monks who ignore this basis and choose according to their own preferences. Such monks, in my mother's words, are cerebral palsy."

"Cultivators fight, and sometimes it may be the slightest gap that determines the outcome. Therefore, the choice of celestial phenomena and dharmakaya should be very cautious and should be selected according to your own situation."

Zhou Fan looked at the words on the bronze book, which he had never heard before.

"The above are all considerations for ordinary celestial cultivators, but your situation is more special. If you only consider the above situation and choose your own celestial body, then you will definitely regret it." Yinbi drew a sinister in bronze calligraphy expression.

"Is it because I have mastered the power of the law in advance?" Zhou Fan hurriedly asked.

"That's it." Yinbi added a squinting smile on the bronze book, "Generally speaking, no matter what celestial body you choose, you can still use any of your own after letting the Taoist deity transform into a celestial body. a rule."

"But if it's just like this, it's too violent to waste the heavenly things. The next realm of the celestial phenomena realm is the Tongxuan realm. The cultivators of the Tongxuan realm can integrate the laws they perceive into the celestial phenomena dharma body, and exert a powerful formidable power."

"This is completely different from the way you used the power of the law before, so if you encounter a cultivator in the Profound Realm, even if you can win, it will be very difficult, because you use the power of the law to use the celestial body to use the power of the law is equal to one plus one The effect of cultivators in the Profound Opening Realm is equal to one plus ten.”

"This is the gap between the realms, but if you can perfectly integrate the laws into the celestial body and activate it like a cultivator in the profound realm, then it means that you are no different from a cultivator in the profound realm, plus your laws are originally It is very powerful, and it will be difficult to find an opponent in the Profound Opening Realm.”

Zhou Fan's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but ask, "How can we do it?"

"I can do it for you." The silver pen drew a cute expression on the bronze book, "Only I can do it in the world. I have the title of the book of laws, and I can mobilize the laws of your body to help you. You integrate the power of one of the laws into the law body, reaching the level where the cultivator of the Tong Xuan realm uses the law of the celestial body to use the law."

The Book of Laws... Zhou Fan asked curiously, "Why are you called the Book of Laws?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Yinbi wrote on the bronze book: "I will ask if you want to?"

Nonsense, of course I want to... Zhou Fan sneered in his heart and said with a smile: "Of course I want to have such a powerful celestial law body, but if the price is too high, then I would rather use the ordinary celestial law body. It’s not too far from the Profound Profound Realm, and when you enter the Profound Profound Realm, you should be able to easily integrate the laws into the celestial body, right?”

Zhou Fan's words are depreciating the perfect celestial dharma body mentioned in the bronze Having said that, have you ever thought that you might stop at the celestial phenomenon realm and never be able to enter the Tongxuan realm again. The celestial dharma body is the guarantee that you can easily defeat the Tong Xuan realm. "The silver pen slowly wrote on the bronze book.

"Do you think I will stop at the Profound Realm?" Zhou Fan laughed dumbly: "Even if you don't help me, there is still a boat to help."

Yinbi stopped drawing a funny expression, "The Profound Profound Realm is not as simple as you think, even if you have the help of a boat and can enter the Profound Profound Realm, it may take how long. During this time, if you encounter When it comes to the cultivators in the Tong Xuan Realm, they may have to fight hard to beat them, or they may not be able to beat them.”

"Even if I can't beat it, I'll have no problem escaping, right?" Zhou Fan said with a smile: "You can make a price. If the price is right, we don't have to belittle each other here."

The silver pen paused and wrote on the bronze book: "Originally, I didn't want to help you too much, but now I can tell you that I have a way to make the four laws you master melt into the celestial body of law. It’s something you can’t do even when you reach the Tong Xuan Realm.”

"Four laws merged into one celestial body?" Zhou Fan was shocked, "Is this still possible?"

"Didn't I tell you? I am the book of laws. What ordinary monks can't do, doesn't mean I can't do it." Yinbi continued to write in the bronze book: "Such a law body can make the four laws play out. How about a powerful force? This is finally worth it, right?"

Zhou Fan's heart was beating sharply, but Bronze Book was paid for consulting, which means that Bronze Book did not lie, even a cultivator of the Tongxuan Realm could not integrate various laws into the celestial body, but Bronze Book could help him do it. So, how powerful is such a celestial dharma body?

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