Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1916: came back

"Did you just say one sentence?" Lin Wuya said with regret.

"Only one sentence, Lin Sheng, do you think it's possible for the Holy Master to know?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I don't know." Lin Wuya said with a complicated expression: "The academy has supported the Great Wei Royal Family for more than 2,000 years, which is equivalent to studying the Great Wei Royal Family for more than 2,000 years..."

"Actually, it's not just our academy, the Great Buddha Temple and Xiao Yewang's three families who have been studying the Great Wei Royal Family, but we have never seen the Great Wei Royal Family."

"All of us powers just know that the royal family of the Great Wei Li family hides a big secret, and we don't know about more. The emperors of the Great Wei Dynasty are lenient when they say it nicely, and they are depressed when they say it badly, and they are indifferent to everything. …”

Lin Wuya glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "But to be honest, I also think this is a bit mysterious. Why is the Fengshen chasing you, how could the little emperor know the reason?"

Zhou Fan said: "Lin Sheng, do you still think that the secrets kept by the Great Wei royal family are related to the catastrophe?"

Zhou Fan felt that Lin Wuya's view was absurd. The catastrophe was distributed throughout the Xia Lord Star Realm, and Da Wei was just one of the many countries in the Barbarian Star Realm.

Lin Wuya's face was tangled, but he still firmly said: "I was born in Great Wei, and I am deeply involved with Great Wei. There is always no mistake in deducing the fate of Great Wei. I have deduced countless times, and the catastrophe is faintly pointed. little emperor."

"The Emperor of Great Wei must have something to do with the catastrophe, at least he knows something about the catastrophe."

"I don't understand why he refuses to say it, but the more so, the more serious the situation is. If you go back to Dawei this trip, if you go to see him, you might as well try to ask him for me to see if he has changed his mind?"

When Lin Wuya said this, he mocked: "But I don't think he will say anything."

After saying goodbye to Lin Wuya, Zhou Fan left here using the teleportation array in the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm. He came out of the teleportation array, identified the direction, took out the flying treasure ship, and headed towards Dawei.

Sitting on the treasure boat, he felt puzzled, just like Lin Wuya said, how could Emperor Wei know the reason for Wu Yan's pursuit of him?

But if you don't know, why does the ship say that?

This seems to have nothing to do with the secrets kept by the emperors of the Great Wei Dynasty. After all, Lin Wuya suspects that the secrets kept by the emperors of the Great Wei Dynasty have something to do with the catastrophe. What does this have to do with Wuyan chasing and killing him?

He felt a dull pain in his head as he thought about it, he shook his head, and didn't think about it any more. He would find a way to check when he returned to Dawei.

Zhou Fan didn't do much along the way. With the identity of Jie Lao, he borrowed the teleportation arrays in the towns along the way, and it took ten days to arrive at the Great Wei Jingdu.

He looked at the vast city with a smile on his face, and he finally returned.

He put away the flying treasure ship, landed, and entered Jingdu smoothly. He did not rush to the Jinggong, but went home first.

Not only his parents, Xiao Liu and the others were in Jingdu, but before he came back from Meteor Realm, Insect Niang knew that he would come to Jingdu, and also knew that he had no way to teleport, so he had come to Jingdu in advance. He gets together.

Now the father and mother are living in the Yuefu where the insect mother lived before.

Zhou Fan soon arrived at Yuefu and met his parents.

My parents didn't know what Zhou Fan went through, they just thought that Zhou Fan had gone far away, and now they were very happy to see Zhou Fan back.

Xiao Liu and Da Liu were also very happy to see Zhou Fan back.

Insect Niang held Mengmeng aside and looked at it with a smile, Mengmeng was timid, obviously not recognizing her father.

Zhou Fan laughed and hugged Mengmeng, teasing Mengmeng to make her call her father. With so many children, Mengmeng looks like an ordinary child.

After a family dinner, Zhou Fan chatted with his parents and Daliu couple.

The Daliu couple knew that Zhou Fan had married the insect girl, and they didn't have any intention of caring.

Xiao Liu's character doesn't even care about this.

It is worth mentioning that Thin Monkey has already prepared to bring his parents to Jingdu, which was suggested by Zhou Fan, so that the three families can be reunited in Jingdu, and they can take care of each other even if something goes wrong.

As for Sanqiu Village, Zhou Fan has asked the official family to help take care of it.

It felt really good to go home, Zhou Fan felt that his body and mind were relaxed, but at night, when he was in bed with Bug Niang, before he did anything, he heard a piece of news that stunned him.

"You have it." Zhou Fan asked while looking at the flat stomach of Insect Niang.

"Well, it's been four months." Li Chungniang smiled and said, "Surprise?"

"What a surprise." Zhou Fan gritted his teeth and said, "Which bastard? I have to kill him."

The smile on Li Chungniang's face subsided, and she looked at Zhou Fan silently, her eyes were red, and said: "Brother Zhou, I have known you for many years, you actually doubt me, you go away..."

The two looked at each other in silence again, and soon they couldn't hold back their faces and both laughed.

After the joke was over, Zhou Fan's face was full of uncontrollable joy. He hurriedly touched the belly of Bug Niang, and said tenderly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I just wanted to give you a surprise face to Li Chungniang snorted, "Brother Zhou, I want to discuss something with you, I plan to give birth to this child in October. "

Mengmeng was in a special situation, so he used the elixir to give birth ahead of time. Zhou Fan was surprised: "Why do you have to wait so long?"

There will be no sequelae if the elixir is given birth in advance.

"I just feel that there is always something missing from birth. I want to conceive a full-term child for you." Li Chungniang said happily.

"But how hard it is." Zhou Fan hugged her a little distressedly.

"It's not hard." Li Chungniang said gently.

The two stopped talking, enjoying the rare silence.

Zhou Fan suddenly had a distressed look on his face.

"Well, what's wrong?" Li Chungniang asked in surprise.

"You're pregnant, what should I do?" Zhou Fan sighed deliberately, pretending to be troubled.

"What do you say?" Li Chungniang said with a wink.

Zhou Fan laughed.



"Your Majesty." Duke Ding respectfully saluted the Emperor of Wei.

After the war, Eunuch Long's adopted sons were all promoted to chief executives because of their merits. Of course, these adopted sons did not include Eunuch Ao.

Grandpa Ao politely declined the position of chief executive. In his words, the godfather was gone, and he didn't want to go back to the mirror palace again, but went away happily.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and the emperor of Wei did not mean to force, but he paid more attention to the remaining adopted son of Eunuch Long.

In the palace now, Eunuch Goe doesn't care about anything, Eunuch Ding and Eunuch Long's adopted sons can be said to be all powerful, but they are very low-key, and there is no arrogance and domineering behavior.

"Zhou Qing's family is back." said the emperor of Wei.

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