Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1922: won't admit defeat

Really ugly is Bronze Book's evaluation of the dharma body he came up with. Zhou Fan said a little depressedly: "It doesn't matter if it's ugly or not.

The silver pen drew an eye-rolling expression on the bronze book, "How do I know if it works or not? Tell me how you came up with this ugly thing?"

In fact, I got the inspiration from the fairy tales of the previous life... Zhou Fan coughed lightly: "I think so, I have four kinds of laws, namely the Dragon God's language, the old law, the law of the heart, Wang Zhiwei thought, in order to better exert these four laws in battle, I designed this celestial dharma body with four heads and eight arms. Each head and two arms apply one type of law, and the four heads and eight arms are exactly four types. law."

"If you have five laws, wouldn't you want to get one with five heads and ten arms?" Silver pen drew a mocking expression on the bronze book.

"Five heads and ten arms are too crowded, and four heads and eight arms can correspond to four different directions." Zhou Fan said with a smile: "Do you think this Dharma body plan is feasible?"

"Theoretically, it shouldn't be a problem." Yinbi wrote on the bronze book: "But with four heads and eight arms, if you really want to show your full strength in battle, I'm afraid you need to practice well."

After all, people have a head and a pair of arms. It is not easy to adapt to the four-headed and eight-armed form of the body to fight.

"There should be no problem with this practice." Zhou Fan chuckled: "But I still have a problem. I hope that my four laws are not fixed on the four heads and eight arms, but can be freely converted."

If the law can only be fixed on the four heads and eight arms, it will be too mechanical and easily targeted by the enemy.

The silver pen paused for a while, and then drew an unhappy expression, "Forget it, just treat me as a loss, I have to think about what to do, don't condense the dharma body first, wait until I confirm that there is no problem, then you will condense Dharma body, and you had better modify the details of this celestial phenomenon Dharma body, it's so ugly!"

The silver pen and bronze book turned into gray mist and dissipated, and Zhou Fan looked at the celestial body that he had transformed into, and fell into contemplation, "Is it really too ugly?"

The three Xiaobai brothers have moved out of Hanbei Daocheng, and are living near the farm where Zhou Fan raised the puppets in the wilderness, so that the three brothers can harvest leeks for Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was not in Dawei on weekdays. When the three brothers came together in the morning, they would first pass various messages to everyone on behalf of Zhou Fan. Now that Zhou Fan is in Dawei, there are not too many messages for them to pass. It seems that there is only one message today. They pass.

This message is to wrinkle deep.

Xiaobai took out the sound transmission jade talisman, activated the sound transmission jade talisman, and waited patiently.

"What did Zhou Fan say?" A cold voice came from there.

"Uncle Wu, Dad said that he has entered the Taoist realm. If you haven't entered the Taoist realm, there is no need to go to him to discuss." Xiaobai said lightly about Zhou Fan's message.

"Okay, I see." Zou Shenshen took the initiative to cut off the sound transmission.

Small snowflakes are falling outside.

In the spring of Hanbei Road, there will be some light snow occasionally.

In the small pavilion, Ao Gonggong wearing an animal fur coat was grilling all kinds of barbecued meat for him under the shrill command, and he was also warming several pots of wine.

In such a slightly cold day, eating barbecue and drinking warm wine, don't live too comfortable this little day.

Wrinkle walked back in silence and looked at Xiaoxue outside the pavilion.

The elated Grandpa Ao soon realized that something was wrong, he waved his hand, and the servants all retreated.

Grandpa Ao took a skewer of barbecued meat, walked over to Wu Shen Shen and handed it over, he said flatteringly: "Xiao Wu, you can try it quickly, it's delicious when it's hot."

"Thank you, sir." Zou sighed deeply, "I'm not hungry, you can eat."

Grandpa Ao sighed, but he was not polite, and took a big bite, "Have you heard any bad news from Zhou Fan's three adopted sons?"

"He has entered the Taoist realm." Zou Shen Shen said calmly.

Eunuch Ao knew that Wrinkle Shenshen's face was calm, but his heart was definitely not calm. He froze for a moment and said, "What is the realm of Taoism?"

"After the Primordial Spirit Realm, there are travel, distraction, pure Yang, Daofu, and then the Dao Spiritual Realm." Zou explained deeply.

"Lying. Slot." Eunuch Ao's face shook and said: "But Xiao Wu, you only traveled to the realm, isn't it three big realms away from him?"

Wrinkle nodded slightly.

Grandpa Ao suddenly felt that the barbecue in his hand was not fragrant, and he snorted: "Xiao Wu, how could Zhou Fan enter the country so quickly, is he cheating you?"

"No." Zou Shenshen shook his head firmly: "I know him, he may report his realm lower, but he will never report his realm higher."

"That's right, that person likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger the most." Eunuch Ao frowned, not knowing what to say.

Not to mention that the realm is so different, even if the realm is the same, Xiao Wu may not win the freak of Zhou Fan.

If the small wrinkle can't win, then the grand wish that he issued will not be realized, what can we do?

If I had known this earlier, I would have changed to a less difficult ambition, and now I don't have to fall into such a state.

The two looked at the snow outside the pavilion in silence, Eunuch Ao held back for a while and said, "Xiao Wou, now your realm is not as good as Zhou Fan, so don't worry too much, work hard, he can't improve forever, he will always have The sky has come to an end and there is no way to go any With enough time, even a tortoise can outrun a hare."

"God daddy once said that the tortoise can definitely outrun the rabbit. You don't need to expect the rabbit to be lazy at all. You just need to keep moving forward. The secret is that the tortoise's lifespan is much longer than that of the hare, and the tortoise can climb a lot when the hare dies. Years, how can you not win..."

"When he can't improve, and you continue to be brave and diligent, you will always catch up with him."

"Sir, you didn't say that before." Zou Shen Shen said: "You used to say that if you can't beat Zhou Fan in the same realm, then keep the realm higher than him, and you can always beat him, even if he stops one day. If I follow my footsteps, can I really win in the same realm?"

Grandpa Ao: "..."

Ao Gong Gong is out of words.

Wrinkle Shenshen's face was still cold, but his eyes became a little warm, "Sir, don't worry about me, I won't lose heart, no matter how powerful he is, I can't even draw a sword. No."

Eunuch Ao said happily: "This is Xiao Wu, so what are you going to do next?"

Zou thought deeply for a while and said, "My biggest problem now is that "The Heaven is Not Cruel and Earth Is Not Short of Great Vision" has come to an end."

"The Heaven Is Not Cruelty, The Earth Is Not Lack of Great Vision" is not infinite, only in the travel world, he has nowhere to go now.

Ao Gong said: "This is a problem, then we are trying to find a distraction realm cultivation method for you to cultivate..."

"No, my lord." Zou shook his head deeply and said, "Even if you can find ordinary exercises, you won't be able to beat Zhou Fan. I don't plan to look for exercises. I'm going to try to supplement "The Heaven is Not Cruel, There Is No Lack of Great Vision". Gong", so as to maintain the previous advanced speed."

His eyes were as bright as a burning fire, as if it could burn away the cold air in the sky and the ground.

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