Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1925: Celadon Country

The figures slowly walking out of the inner room were a little blurry.

Jia Yuqing blinked a little scared in his heart, and the figure became clear, it was the old shopkeeper.

"Do you want to buy rice?"

In a trance, the store owner stood in front of Jia Yuqing. Today's store owner is a little indifferent. In the past, he was very warm to customers.

"Yes, buy rice." Jia Yuqing was startled and said, "Bring me ten pounds of rough rice."

The shopkeeper turned around and brought a small sack. His movements were clumsy and mechanical, like a puppet. When he bent over to load rice with his back to Jia Yuqing, Jia Yuqing saw a black line as thick as a wrist attached to the shopkeeper's back.

Jia Yuqing saw the black line that hooked up the store's back, and his back was faintly chilled, as if a hammer slammed his heart, causing him to tremble, turning around and escaping from the rice store.

The store owner turned his head slowly, his eyes dull and blank as he looked at Jia Yuqing's back.

Jia Yuqing's face was pale, he threw his butter paper umbrella in the rice shop, the cold rain fell on him, wet his clothes, his head seemed to become mechanically sluggish, he didn't know what to do, he bowed his head and went home run.

Suddenly, in a panic, he hit a person, and the yellow umbrella in the person's hand fell off the ground, and the person also fell to the ground. He took a few steps back and stabilized his body. on the ground.

"You..." Jia Yuqing subconsciously wanted to help the man up, but his eyeballs trembled slightly, and there was a black line on the back of the man as thick as a wrist. The black line vibrated like a snake and could not be seen clearly. Where did it extend.

He didn't say anything after that, and he ran away from the man.

The person he hit just tilted his head slightly, and didn't get up from the ground immediately.

The rushing Jia Yuqing's sight suddenly became clear. The street vendors and pedestrians on the road all had a black line showing through their backs, and they stared at him indifferently.

Crazy, must be crazy, this can't be true, go home... go home and sleep and everything will be alright.

He didn't dare to look at the weird people on Yujie again, he quickly ran back home and shouted for the lady.

His wife came out of the room and just stared at him dully. He looked at the ground subconsciously and saw a black line with a thick wrist extending towards his wife's back.

He felt breathless, his mind was too rigid to think.

The wife split her mouth, and her face had fine lines that looked like broken mirrors.

He wanted to run, but he was so sluggish that he was stiff even when he turned around. He suddenly thought of a terrible thing. He stretched out a slow mechanical hand to catch him behind his back. He felt the thick black line on his wrist. root line.

The rain was still pattering, the whole city was silent, and the streets and alleys had dark lines crawling and crawling, spreading towards the giant standing in the distance.

Not only this city, but the cities, towns, and villages of the entire Celadon Kingdom have the same scene going on.

Countless giants appeared in the Celadon Kingdom, and the black lines protruding from the giants connected with people.

People become puppets.



When Zhou Fan heard about the Celadon Kingdom, it was almost dusk. He held the jade talisman of the Jie Laohui. Through this method, he participated in the deliberation of the Jie Laohui.

The Celadon Kingdom is a medium-sized country in the Barbarian Star Realm. Such a country has become so strange in just one day, and the people of the Celadon Kingdom should not be able to save it.

This matter has attracted the attention of the Jie Laohui. If such a special kind of strange erosion will spread, it will cause a huge disaster.

Just like the Fengshen time, this may be the catastrophe of the barbarian star world, and the old master will have to deal with it carefully.

"Have you figured out what's wrong?"

"I'm investigating, those giants look blurry and can't see at all. I sent a team of warriors to venture in, and that team of warriors were made into puppets by giants."

"The giant doesn't seem to move."

"Isolate the celadon country, and don't let them have a chance to spread."


The elders of the Jie Laohui have a lot of discussion.

Zhou Fan also occasionally spoke out about his suggestions. During this period, he also took out a map of jade slips to check the location of Celadon Kingdom.

The Celadon Kingdom is far away from the Great Wei Dynasty.

At the end of the discussion among the elders, Mr. Qin said, "This time we need to send three elders from the world. I'm going to go there, so there are two places left."

Old Qin used to be not only because he was a Taoist monk, but also because the Celadon Kingdom was a country governed by his sect.

"Who wants to take the initiative to go?"

"Count me in." Lin Wuya laughed.

There is one spot left.

The other elders fell silent for a while.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He was not greedy for life and fear of death, but was too far away. Without a clear need for his help, it would take a long time for him to run back and forth.

As for the other elders, they don't seem to want to go.

"Since you don't want to take the initiative to go, let's draw lots." Zi Xiaozi said with a chuckle.

The draw... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth. He was chosen to sign the last time, and that was when his bad luck began.

As long as he doesn't still have tasks on his body, even Jie Lao who is not in the Jie Lao Association must participate in the lottery.

Of course, Zhou Fan will also participate in the However, his lottery has been drawn by other industry veterans.

During the lottery process, Zhou Fan also carefully looked at his feet and found no ghostly burial coffin as fine as a grain of rice, which made him feel relieved.

In the end, it was not Zhou Fan who was chosen to sign, but Meng Tianlu.

Zhou Fan was even more at ease. It seemed that it was not the fate of the lifeless person. If the fate of the lifeless person happened, from the past experience, even if he was high, it would be extremely dangerous.

After discussing the approximate countermeasures, three more elders rushed to the scene to deal with it.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat. After chatting with the children for a while, he pondered and called, "Senior."

The bronze book appeared soon, the pages were automatically opened, and the silver pen drew a questioning expression, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Fan described what happened in the Celadon Kingdom in detail and asked, "Have you ever heard of such a bizarre story? If you have, please tell me, and I can pay for one consultation as a reward."

After all, this may involve a catastrophe, but he is not stingy with the number of consultations this time.

"I know what this is weird, since you are willing, then you will owe me one possession for the remaining three consultations." Yinbi drew a smile, "This is obviously an unknowable monster giant puppet soldier. ."

Zhou Fan was stunned, "You said it was a giant puppet soldier? How is this possible? I have seen giant puppet soldiers, but giant puppet soldiers are not like this!"

He hadn't seen those giants in Celadon Kingdom in person, but at the gathering, he heard the descriptions of other elders, and these giants didn't look like giant puppet soldiers.

If the only similarity is that these giants also turn living beings into puppets, but there is only such a little similarity, how can this be a giant puppet?

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